Pokemon expert
Gaaar! Somebody stop me. I'm about to order some booster packs online. Haven't opened a set of cards in a long long time, have such a craving for that feeling of sifting through them rapidly to get to the rare card. Heck I even bought Sabrina's Alakazam on eBay earlier. I don't know what happening to me. I'm almost 24 years old, but Pokemon still has me in its steely vice and just won't let go.![]()
What ones did you get?To be honest, that's the exact response I was looking for. Thanks.![]()
Started OR last night. Started soft resetting to try and get a shiny starter after seeing someone say they got one within 50 goes. Looked and the majority of videos are 1,000+ soft resets so feck that. Think I'll just go through the game 'normal' then once E4 is beaten I can work on getting shinies or whatever.
Mate feck SR I haven't got the patience. I'd rather try chain for something or even breed for it with the Medusa Method which is how I got my Shiny Druddigon. SRing is so dull.
OhPre-order. Mine came in a regular case.
Masuda Method, breeding your mon with a foreign one, cuts the shiny rate over 75%, supposedly more this gen.Medusa method? Yep SR is very dull. Is the DexNav chaining thing true? Seen videos of someone getting four shinies through that
Masuda Method, breeding your mon with a foreign one, cuts the shiny rate over 75%, supposedly more this gen.
It's why everyone is mad for Japanese Ditto.
What ones did you get?
Ah cool. Yeah it seems that some of them are a bit tricky to find, and expensive.I got a few from Plasma Storm, Furious Fists and Phantom Forces. The last booster packs I bought were from the EX Deoxys and Fire Red/Leaf Green sets so the ones I ordered will certainly look a bit out of place in my collection. Shocked at the sheer volume of sets there has been since then. I see it's very hard to track down boosters from some of the classic sets of the past.
What are your favourites? Also, do you know of any reliable sites other than eBay that sell them?
Yeah, shinys are relatively easy these days. My Muk and Nidoqueen(near perfect IV's, complete random pop up too) gently weep.Heard people talking about going for shiny Pokémon! The odds are a far shorter than they used to be in the first place. I believe it was something like half the original amount from X/Y onwards, but there's the Masuda method and the Shiny Charm (if you complete the National PokéDex) that cut it even further. I believe it ends up somewhere around 1/1000 chance. 'DexNav Chaining is also true. However, the easiest way I found was chain fishing
Currently soft-resetting for competitively viable legendaries on my Alpha Sapphire, got a pretty good Terrakion and Cresselia so far! (Individual Values determine how high each stat can be, ranging from 0-31).
Cresselia - 31 HP / 31 Atk / 31 Def / 30 SpA / 31 SpD / 7 Spe - Relaxed Nature (Trick Room)
Terrakion - 29 HP / 31 Atk / 31 Def / 29 SpA / 31 SpD / 31 Spe - Jolly Nature
Also done the Master Rank Contests in hope of being able to put the Contest Star on the Pokémon I use for battles haha
You can get most of the legendaries in OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire.If I wanted to get back into pokemon games and have a 3ds. WHat games should I get if I want to "catch em all"
Heard people talking about going for shiny Pokémon! The odds are a far shorter than they used to be in the first place. I believe it was something like half the original amount from X/Y onwards, but there's the Masuda method and the Shiny Charm (if you complete the National PokéDex) that cut it even further. I believe it ends up somewhere around 1/1000 chance. 'DexNav Chaining is also true. However, the easiest way I found was chain fishing
Currently soft-resetting for competitively viable legendaries on my Alpha Sapphire, got a pretty good Terrakion and Cresselia so far! (Individual Values determine how high each stat can be, ranging from 0-31).
Cresselia - 31 HP / 31 Atk / 31 Def / 30 SpA / 31 SpD / 7 Spe - Relaxed Nature (Trick Room)
Terrakion - 29 HP / 31 Atk / 31 Def / 29 SpA / 31 SpD / 31 Spe - Jolly Nature
Also done the Master Rank Contests in hope of being able to put the Contest Star on the Pokémon I use for battles haha
Hurry up and get back @Saskjoe I'm going for the whole pokedex and need someone to complete the journey with. It becomes boring as f.
I started a new Alpha Sapphire game just for this - and made my trainer's name "Santa".
The worst part about preparing for Christmas was the fact that you can't get evolutionary stones from natural objects in ORAS - so you have to grind Super Training.At least this will hopefully make some child happy because they have one less stone to grind for. I originally wanted to aim for 90 stones, which would be feasible in X/Y, but had to be less ambitious as a result.
All Pokémon are nicknamed. The Delibirds are given Christmas-themed nicknames.
- 10 Eevees holding Fire Stones
- 10 Eevees holding Water Stones
- 10 Eevees holding Thunder Stones
- 30 Eevees holding Lucky Eggs
- 30 Eevees holding something (not decided yet - probably more Lucky Eggs)
- 6 Onix holding Metal Coat (will farm more if I have time)
- 24 Delibirds holding Lucky Eggs
I haven't bred for perfect IVs, egg moves or anything like that - but my female Eevee did have 3 perfect IVs and Adaptability, so some of them will be OK. I haven't got a perfect Ditto in this game yet, anyway...
After all that is gone, during Christmas Day and Boxing Day, I'll probably be just breeding and Wonder Trading anything cool I get in exchange. If I only get stuff like Zigzagoons and Poochyenas... Well, I suppose there's always my starter.
Anyone doing this?
Here's my to-do list:
My boy is getting Alpha Sapphire on Xmas day and is very excited. If there are a couple of eggs / wonder trades that people feel like doing over the following couple of days that would be brilliant.