Gaming Pokémon Strumfest

Bought myself a bunch of base booster packs, couldn't resist. Even the risk of being conned with weighed packs is worth the excitement. Also been buying some original base cards on ebay. :drool:

I am on the lookout for base and fossil booster boxes too if I see a bargain*.

*most definitely not a bargain, but cheaper than average.
Bought myself a bunch of base booster packs, couldn't resist. Even the risk of being conned with weighed packs is worth the excitement. Also been buying some original base cards on ebay. :drool:

I am on the lookout for base and fossil booster boxes too if I see a bargain*.

*most definitely not a bargain, but cheaper than average.

Excellent work!

Just something exciting about opening up the packs, I love getting a shiny card too :drool:

Don't think you have to worry about the weight with the newer packs so much, it seems you get a rare and shiny card in each pack at least.
Dug out my cards yesterday, they're in no shape for a collection as even the ones in the best condition have that vertical curve of the card, but still some of my favourite cards, annoyed I sold Zapdos, Moltres & Articuno a few years ago though. Still will get them again in perfect condition soon. :drool:

Such a cliche but the Charizard card was so cool :drool:

It really was. I wish I could remember how I acquired my one. I remember at primary school though when the craze had just got into full swing and there was the first time someone in the school got him and it was a huge deal. I really want at least one mint condition Charizard if I can get them at a good price.
Yep, reckon I'll have a bit of fun tonight opening them all :drool:

Nah, unfortunately they're not. I just put them back in the packs after I opened them so they wouldn't get all over the place.
Yeah fair, I need to figure out a way to store them, especially the holo cards.

Especially as I got this bad boy yesterday.

Jesus, that thing must murder all round when you play it.

Yeah that bust in ability is savage, huge damage too.

Although losing 2 prize cards and those attached energy cards is pretty savage if it gets taken out.
Yeah fair, I need to figure out a way to store them, especially the holo cards.

Especially as I got this bad boy yesterday.


Nice :drool:

What sets are they from Olly?

A bunch of HeartGold & SoulSilver ones, a few Call of Legends, some Black and White ones and some Diamond and Pearl ones.
I can't quite remember what happened to mine. I had them all in a folder too. feck you guys, you're not going to make me buy Pokemon cards.

Wait till I post a photo of all my new shineys later. You'll be running to toys r us.
I'm fairly certain that you guys are the biggest nerds on here.
I can't quite remember what happened to mine. I had them all in a folder too. feck you guys, you're not going to make me buy Pokemon cards.

I've got quite a few collections somewhere. Probably not worth much but one of the ones I've found is a first edition set of Team Rocket cards. I've got some Yu-gi-oh cards too.
Definitely overindulged myself with the old Pokemon cards over the past few days, had to satisfy the urge one last time before it's not even possible any more and have a nice collection to keep... now playing the waiting game for it all to show up. :drool:
The art on some of those :drool:

You're a bad man because I want that Dragonite and Pinsir now!