Gaming Pokémon Strumfest

Yeah I don't think I'd buy any of the original packs, if they've lasted this long then I'd feel like a dick opening them :lol:

The internal battle going on in my head right now based only on the hypothetical scenario of buying them is already too much for me to take.
Yep, and you know how it goes, you buy a few, and you don't get one, then you get one and its not one you want, and suddenly you can't afford to pay your rent but it's cool because you can build a house out of your pile of pokemon cards.
Make sure to get these for your cards house.

I don't think I could not open them. The thought of the pack being sealed forever just seems, I dunno kinda weird.
I've just made an account on No idea what it's like, it's the remake of Pokemon Crater that used to be around back in the day. Might be a bit of fun.
Yep, and you know how it goes, you buy a few, and you don't get one, then you get one and its not one you want, and suddenly you can't afford to pay your rent but it's cool because you can build a house out of your pile of pokemon cards.
Don't worry bro, you can stay at mine and we can stay up all night doing swapsies.

The internal battle going on in my head right now based only on the hypothetical scenario of buying them is already too much for me to take.

Ah, the crinkling of the foil, the smell of sealed up papery, Pokemon goodness. You definitely don't want to get caught up in all that again :angel:
I can't get my head around a box of Pokemon cards costing £500.
I'm just helping him realise what he truly wants, he'll thank me in the long run.

That's all well and good but I'm not going to spend tomorrow afternoon opening packs and packs of fecking Zubats or something.

Also I can't believe I just spent 15 minutes of my life watching someone open Pokemon cards :lol:
What ones cost £500?

The one in that video, according to ebay. Maybe I searched the wrong thing, never got into the card game. Was all about Yu-Gi-Oh when I was younger.
That's all well and good but I'm not going to spend tomorrow afternoon opening packs and packs of fecking Zubats or something.

Also I can't believe I just spent 15 minutes of my life watching someone open Pokemon cards :lol:


Ah, you love it really.

The one in that video, according to ebay. Maybe I searched the wrong thing, never got into the card game. Was all about Yu-Gi-Oh when I was younger.
Yeah I just looked. Wow I didn't know they were that expensive. People are selling the empty box for £20 :lol:
I'm spending the whole evening watching card opening. This is even better than Storage Hunters.
The sneaky little irk in that video re-sold the ones he weighed and found to not contain holographic cards as individual packs... better buy a sealed box then if I don't want to be conned!
fecking hell 1001 :lol:

Yeah some of that Japanese art looks awesome, the holos and EX's especially.
I've never seen the point in doing that "trick".

Some of these Youtubers (like the one above with the Meloetta) have 100k+ subscribers. They must be making pretty decent money and and from what I can see all they do is those opening kind of videos.
I've never seen the point in doing that "trick".

Some of these Youtubers (like the one above with the Meloetta) have 100k+ subscribers. They must be making pretty decent money and and from what I can see all they do is those opening kind of videos.

It's absolutely mental when you think about it.
I guess it's just to save the best cards till last as they reveal them, I'm for sure getting some tomorrow though, these full art cards are ridiculous.

Also getting my Premier League sticker collection going tomorrow. Gonna geek out so hard tomorrow night.
What kind?

The new X&Y ones. Surprisingly hard to find cards where I live, used to be a great geeky shop which did all sorts like Pokemon and StarvEars cards but it's long gone.

Just holding a pack brings back a sense of wonder though!
The new X&Y ones. Surprisingly hard to find cards where I live, used to be a great geeky shop which did all sorts like Pokemon and StarvEars cards but it's long gone.

Just holding a pack brings back a sense of wonder though!

God dammit. I might have to source a complete base set, got to be cheaper and more fun than buying one of those expensive booster boxes. I have a fair few as it is but they aren't in great condition. Entering this thread has been a dangerous game for me.

Also, played Pokemon X some more yesterday and realised you can trade right from the get-go. Using wonder trade I got a level 58 Graveller that evolved into Golem, and I've just beat the first gym. Seems ridiculous, not a fan of the nerd squad that you have to play with either.
Yeah you get some gems on Wonder Trade sometimes, it's great. I'm just trying to catch as many as possible before the Ruby Sapphire remakes and catch all the little feckers.

I'm gonna get a base set but everything local were the decks which have set cards rather than random, which kinda defeats the purpose for me. Being an adult with money is gonna make this a problem though.