Thinking in X turning the exp share off should probably done or it'll be too easy.
It's begun, White 2. Just boxed my Tepig after catching a level 4 Patrat called Clive. Let's see how this goes. and my mates are absolutely desperate to play one of these newer games on the PC with an emulator, but only if there is a way we can battle or trade.
Anyone have any ideas? Can send you a copy of Civ 4 if someone can sort me.
How'd you get it working Snowjoe? It was really slow on my iPad. What emulator did you use?
Yup, 18, 8 in Johto, 8 in Kanto.
It's 8+8+2am typing.Can you show your workings for that math please?
It's 8+8+2am typing.
Quantum idiocy.
My emulator runs real sluggish on my iPad as well, I've gone back to just using the legit game on my DS.
I found setting the frame skip higher helped but it's still not great to play.
They used the masterball on a Goldeen.![]()
Where abouts are they now, and what is this new system?
The excitement and hype seems to have faded.
Even if they gave a few weeks cool down.
Trying to recreate the first is stupid too, should be it's own deal.
Yeah, it's a bit crazy. It's why I don't much like the all pokemon mods for Nuzlockes, as you get too wide a variety of stuff too early and easily.
I mean, with some care and decent tactics, all you're short there is a HM slave, and you could probably clear the game.
Mankeys!You're right. I'm not even sure what my plan is at the moment - I'm just catching everything I come across! Would quite like to catch a Ralts, Mankey or Bagon but they're all about 4% likelihood to appear apparently.
Mankeys!Used to love them in gen 1, haven't trained one since though!
It's really interesting, so many decisions to make! Use this link that tells you on what routes you can find which Pokemon
Who cares that it's made of paper mache when it murders everything before being touched!Mankeys are beasts. In my FireRed game on my phone I just one punched everything in the face.