Do a Twitch Plays Pokemon style thing. People can watch what happens while telling you exactly what to do. I'd bloody pay to do that.
You say that like it wasn't plan a to begin with.Imagine the trolls "get naked" "stick your dick in the door" "slam the door"
Lunar IPS is the usual one, but there should be a readme with the hack that will tell yo everything you need.Thanks Damo.
I haven't played any hacked roms so far, do we need to have a patcher or something?
I have it downloaded(alongside many more), but yet to be tackled.Has anyone played the Light Platinum hack?
I have it downloaded(alongside many more), but yet to be tackled.
Is it worth playing through then?Might want to clear your diary when you do start. It takes ages.
Is it worth playing through then?
I played through some, Snakewood was one I really liked, but it got a bit fecking loopy towards the end dungeons designed just to get lost for ages and pointlessly overleved crap so you had to grind to hell to get anywhere.
Christ, where is the fun in that?! You could walk the game without actually having to catch a single wild pokemon...
Half the fun if the game is early on when you most of your team is a weedle, spearow, ratatta and an ekans, or whatever mediocre "only pokemon available".
Ah feck I actually wanted the rom of the hacked version. I've already finished up Pokemon Black 2.
I've heard Brown is good. Might have it downloaded somewhere too.I didn't finish it. There's two regions and a World Championship, but I got fed up of it holding my hand through the whole thing. To make it interesting I tried to Nuzlocke it, but the first route is ridiculous for a Nuzlocke because you can't go back and heal anywhere, and it's got trainer battles and Venipedes.
I wouldn't bother really. I'm still only partway through, but Pokemon Brown has been alright so far.
Ah feck, I thought it was the rom of the hacked version too (not had chance to play it yet). So guess it's just the original Black 2?
You're looking for Black with the Blaze patch already installed is it?
Well, I could upload it somewhere, but the story isn't any different, just the mons you can find.yep, sort of like that.
Well, I could upload it somewhere, but the story isn't any different, just the mons you can find.
Tbh, I haven't played a great deal of them, all the most interesting ones tend to drop off, as their makers end up too ambitious.Ah sod it then.
Any other hacked roms you like then man?
Preferably completed and not half baked.
Damn that sucks, Pikachu are ridiculously rare that early on.
That sounds quality in all fairness. Like a hardcore mode then.Basically you have to catch the first pokemon you encounter in each zone, and if a pokemon faints you consider it dead and release it.
That sounds quality in all fairness. Like a hardcore mode then.
I only use a starter on my first playthrough, after that, they get boxed once I have another pokemon up to level.Think I'm gonna do a Platinum play through but only use pokemon I wouldn't use usually. Starter is getting boxed straight away.
Nuzlockes are brilliant, but you can end up making a maistake in battle, and loosing your shitty bidoof that's been with you for ages and be heartbroken.That sounds quality in all fairness. Like a hardcore mode then.
Balls to that, I've honestly only ever seen 3 legit shiny pokemon(excluding Gyarados), since the GS gen. A Grimer, a Nidoran(female) and an Electrode(on a romYeah I've never done one before but I'm keen.
Some people also so a shiny quest where they attempt to catch a shiny before each gym. But that's long as feck.
feck it, I feel like playing a Pokemon Game today. Been sick since morning. Any suggestions, since I've completed all of them and don't know what to play.
Balls to that, I've honestly only ever seen 3 legit shiny pokemon(excluding Gyarados), since the GS gen. A Grimer, a Nidoran(female) and an Electrode(on a rom. I still have the Muk and an *excellent* Nidoqueen. Just a shame the Nidoqueen was pre B/W, so no Sheer Force. It has Poison Point though, which can be handy.
A mate had a shiny Ratatta, in Gold, though.
I just acquired a copy of sapphire totally legit like for my iPad. Think I'm gonna do that as it's the generation I've played the least.