OK, your attempt at being condescending aside, are you really sure about what you're arguing here?
Here's your entire discussion on this thread:
At first its uncomfortable to hear a player say this sort of thing clearly aimed at the manager, but Jose's fostered this blame culture we have.
Everybody is fair game it seems, so why shouldn't Pogba dish it out regardless of his own responsibilities or faults?
Someone posted this alluding that Pogba is pretty much following the example set by his manager.
Ok. So when the next manager doesn't work and Pogba throws away his tools and start giving interviews about how "I'm not the manage but...", it's all good right?
You reply to it with an assumption that things will pretty much go the same way with another manager, alluding that Pogba will no shy away from doing the same.
Because that's exactly what he's done under Allegri, Conte and Deschamps. Wake up!
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. This is year 3 under a horrendously outdated man management style. Pogba's spitting facts. With the club in a structural disarray, there needs to be a catalyst for change wherever it may come from. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Another guy tells you that Pogba doesn't really have a history of doing that despite working with 3 different managers and being successful with them so far. Don't forget Deschamps criticised Pogba as well.
Yes, because Pogba had the same power and reputation under Conte and Allegri....
Pogba shouldn't have made those comments, it's not his place. He is undermining the management of the team. When Mourinho was "spitting facts" on Pogba, he was told to stop criticizing his players in public. This constant chatter from Pogba is stale. He needs to shut up (along with Mourinho and do it on the pitch).
I'm not asking him to be the defender, midfielder and striker and I'm aware that the team is below par but he is not performing optimally in his role as a midfielder. Do your job and not Mourinho's or Woodward's.
If we allow this from Pogba we might get rid of Mourinho but I assure you this particular problem will pop up further down the line.
To which you respond with another assumption that Pogba hasn't done it because he didn't have the same reputation and power to pull it off, again making Pogba the bad guy here. Don't forget Pogba never said anything prior to Mourinho's post WC comments.
Also remember when Mourinho was constantly calling out the board regarding buying players, we're you annoyed with him then or have you been critical of him because after all he was doing the same thing Pogba is doing now - undermining higher-ups.
Jose can have no complaints.
Guy tells you it was pretty much Mourinho's own doing.
I think that it's childish reasoning ( the "you did it first" rationale) and I'd expect more from grown men (and women) especially professionals.
Bare in mind again, Mourinho has been doing so for over 2 years, throwing players under the bus, criticizing, humiliating, attacking club legends, jabbing at the board, disrespecting his workplace with his post Sevilla game comments and Pogba has been watching Mourinho doing so for 2+ years without consequences so I guess he thought 'if he can do it so can I, nothing wrong to it'.
Mourinho is 55 and when he does stuff like this people are defending him with "he is right tho", "hasn't said anything bad or false", "that's what you get with Mourinho and it's not what he really meant" but irony is when Pogba who's 25, follows his manager's example he gets condemned for it and is expected to be a bigger man by Mourinho's followers.
So the logic is to expect from a 25 year old Pogba to be a more grown and mature person than a 55 year old?

You got that from what I said?
For information sake, I've asked the entire United body from the boardroom to the players to shut up and do their jobs and that's including Mourinho.
Mourinho, Pogba and Woodward are in a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. If one fails they all fail similar if one succeeds it increases the chances of success for the collective. I want United to succeed.
Cynical green smiley or not, the point still stands.
Regarding that "asking the whole UTD body" have you been like that since the day one of ever since Pogba started hitting back through the media?
No cynicism here. I just found you funny and how you managed to overlook my point. I'm not putting this burden of expectation only on Pogba, it's the same for Mourinho. Yes, from day one, I have wanted Mourinho to say less and let his work do the talking. Especially because we know that the English sports media are the way they are .... they spin and misinterpret to sell papers. Don't give them anything!
You wanted him to say less but not to cut the BS altogether?
I haven't overlooked your point at all but people defending Mourinho and condemning Pogba on this have double standards. When he's been the one doing it they defend him, but when someone else is doing it against Mourinho, then all should just stfu and be professionals…
Pogba is not the first player to ever come out with controversial (albeit true) points raised in the media during Mourinho's tenure.
Mourinho's constant negativity from the day one only breeds more negative which in turn only culminates in total meltdown in the 3rd season, hence the name.
3rd season syndrome is a thing, more often than not under Mourinho.
Ok, so the biggest issue here is that you see me criticizing Pogba's comments as defense of Mourinho. It's not! My standards are clear. I know what my user name is but I'm not willfully blind to nonsense from anyone.
Well tbh those 2 posts from earlier gave me that impression, alongside 'childish behaviour' as well. Mix that with you username and people get confused
But hey I could be wrong it's still pretty early in the morning!
1. Did you read the comments that I replied to and my replies thoroughly? In isolation they stand as being fair but put my replies with the original comments and you get a more complete understanding.
2. I did not ascribe any childish behavior to Pogba, I said that the "you did it first" excuse/reasoning given by some persons was childish.
I've found that people see what they want to see.
P.S. I both like and regret my user name.
So considering you've been pretty condemning when it comes to Pogba's comments, but you failed to be critical when it comes to Mourinho's comments, when you add your username into the mix it does give an impression that you're defending Mourinho tho.
1. So yeah I did read them thoroughly, but did you?
2. Double standards imo. Not making an excuse for Pogba, wont condone nor will I condemn what he's been saying (other than what he said after the Leicester game) but you're trying to downplay Mourinho's role in the way Pogba's been behaving as of late .