Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

Everything @Redlambs and @padr81 said is the truth. This game just got elevated to a whole other level.

A Move controller in each hand, standing up, zipping all other the place using direct movement, throwing spells... One of the best gaming moments right there.

Sold out everywhere.
No inclination to fall over shit in my living room (if I'm not drinking). I'll pass.

:lol: I've done that plenty. I fell over the back of the sofa jumping in fright at RE7, and I pulled a Ronnie O'Sullivan the first time I went down stairs in it :lol:

But nah, PSVR isn't room vr so you stand still or sit. It's absolutely brilliant at taking games to a different place altogether.
But surely if they can do Skyrim VR they can do RDR II VR?

RDR 2 is a current gen game, Skyrim is last gen. And even then, they've had to cut back on stuff like draw distances and lighting.

Remember we are talking about games having to run at much higher than 60fps, even with time warping and other techniques they use to trick the brain (rather than the wrong idea some have that everything is rendered twice). Fallout 4, for example, isn't on PSVR because though the engine is basically skyrim's, the textures and effects aren't. The PSVR just can't compete with that and would look so inferior on launch, it would be a bit silly. They might do it at a later date, but definitely not simultaneously.
RDR 2 is a current gen game, Skyrim is last gen. And even then, they've had to cut back on stuff like draw distances and lighting.

Remember we are talking about games having to run at much higher than 60fps, even with time warping and other techniques they use to trick the brain (rather than the wrong idea some have that everything is rendered twice). Fallout 4, for example, isn't on PSVR because though the engine is basically skyrim's, the textures and effects aren't. The PSVR just can't compete with that and would look so inferior on launch, it would be a bit silly. They might do it at a later date, but definitely not simultaneously.
I heard they were doing Skyrim this year and FO4 next?

But yeah, that makes sense. So I guess it would be better to develop smaller games specifically for VR, rather than try and squeeze the big titles being developed for the standard console into a VR format.
I heard they were doing Skyrim this year and FO4 next?

But yeah, that makes sense. So I guess it would be better to develop smaller games specifically for VR, rather than try and squeeze the big titles being developed for the standard console into a VR format.

Kind of, yeah. Though RE7 is excellent in VR, it takes a hit graphically but as you know, more than makes up for it, so it shows you can do it designing from the ground up. Problem with something like RDR 2 is that open world is far more complex than something like RE7 in terms of setting up scenes that would run well, you have to account for way more that the player can actually see in a limited space, so it's a nightmare in VR. PSVR could run Skyrim better than this version, but it would take a far more in depth rebuild for sure.

Though as I've said before, I've got Skyrim on PC with all the texture and over 100 other mods, and the game look and plays far better than the enhanced edition, and yet I'm enjoying the PS3 vanilla version with those graphics and all just that much more in VR. There's just something magical about being in the game that the other versions just can't compete with, and right now I take that over shiny graphics.
I must admit i was surprised they did Skyrim for VR for exactly that reason, I assumed an open world game wouldnt be well suited.

Anyway, what you and others have said in the last few days has settled it, Ill be getting PSVR in December. So Ill report back in the next few weeks whether I have the same experience with it you have been having.
Do I have to play this while standing up? In the room where I have the console there's not much space for that.
Do I have to play this while standing up? In the room where I have the console there's not much space for that.

No, the whole point of the psvr is to play it in front of the telly. However, if you can sit then you can stand and that makes the experience much better in most games. You don't walk around though, that seems to be a common misconception about the whole thing. Both Skyrim and RE7, for example, allow you to use the ds for controlling so you can sit on the couch and play them how you want.
No, the whole point of the psvr is to play it in front of the telly. However, if you can sit then you can stand and that makes the experience much better in most games. You don't walk around though, that seems to be a common misconception about the whole thing. Both Skyrim and RE7, for example, allow you to use the ds for controlling so you can sit on the couch and play them how you want.
I have an L-shaped couch in my gaming room and the extended part is just in front of TV, which means I would have to stand slightly to the left. The room isn't that small but it's narrow.

I'll be moving to a house I just bought where I will have a larger room dedicated purely to gaming (:drool:), but it won't be for a minimum of two more years. :mad:
I have an L-shaped couch in my gaming room and the extended part is just in front of TV, which means I would have to stand slightly to the left. The room isn't that small but it's narrow.

I'll be moving to a house I just bought where I will have a larger room dedicated purely to gaming (:drool:), but it won't be for a minimum of two more years. :mad:

That sounds similar to my setup. I fell over the L part :lol:

But the most important thing is setting the camera right and making sure there's no strong lights to affect the move controllers. Honestly, those who have problems in games like superhot are using the thing wrong. @Adebesi this goes for you too, do the calibration in the settings when you get it, the one that adjusts to your eyes, and just make sure the camera is aiming at your top half and the lights are low. You'll find it a much better experience :)
:lol: I've done that plenty. I fell over the back of the sofa jumping in fright at RE7, and I pulled a Ronnie O'Sullivan the first time I went down stairs in it :lol:

But nah, PSVR isn't room vr so you stand still or sit. It's absolutely brilliant at taking games to a different place altogether.
I had the same in RE7, I fell over my coffee table when instinctively taking a step back when I was stressed out. I had no idea where I was for an instant. :lol: It doesn't happen as much anymore, I've developed a good feel for where I am relative to my sofa or coffee table. It sort of grounds me while playing in VR.
Some info...

Space: Ideally you want enough space to take a few steps in each direction (and contrary to popular belief you can move around in that area on PSVR - Roomscale lite if you will). Need around 6 feet to the camera.

Camera: I've found that camera mounted just above head high, 6-8ft away, pointing slightly down so it can pick up the Move lights on the ground and held up above your head.

Moves: At this point I'd say they are close to essential even tho there are quite a few games you can play without them.

AIM: Farpoint :drool:

Very have dispatched something. Surprised really as they had well over 100 orders at the weekend.
You bought one?

:lol: I've done that plenty. I fell over the back of the sofa jumping in fright at RE7, and I pulled a Ronnie O'Sullivan the first time I went down stairs in it :lol:

But nah, PSVR isn't room vr so you stand still or sit. It's absolutely brilliant at taking games to a different place altogether.
I smashed my hand playing in a Sparc tournament final on the weekend. Black finger nail and mild pain now but I had to get a new Move controller too :(

Some games are really mobile. Sparc being the most, Superhot and Dick Wilde another two....
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Some info...

Space: Ideally you want enough space to take a few steps in each direction (and contrary to popular belief you can move around in that area on PSVR - Roomscale lite if you will). Need around 6 feet to the camera.

Camera: I've found that camera mounted just above head high, 6-8ft away, pointing slightly down so it can pick up the Move lights on the ground and held up above your head.

Moves: At this point I'd say they are close to essential even tho there are quite a few games you can play without them.

AIM: Farpoint :drool:

You bought one?

I smashed my hand playing in a Sparc tournament final on the weekend. Black finger nail and mild pain now but I had to get a new Move controller too :(

Some games are really mobile. Sparc being the most, Superhot and Dick Wilde another two....

To he fair, only a couple of games let you move around to any real degree, none are actually meant to be roomscale, or at least require it, so you can play in a smaller room than that. The way my setup is my camera is about 5ft away and I have a L-shaped sofa which actually works quite well to position my legs against so I know where the starting point is if I do wander. Which I do ;)

Oh and is it bad that I'm addicted to waving a torch around in Skyrim? :lol:
So I now know for a fact my wife got this for me for christmas. Had been downloading the monthly free PS+ games just in case.

So what are the must buy games then?
Had to sell my PSVR. It's an impressive piece of kit for the price but the games made me feel sick after a while.

Also, I found that some of the games we're pretty poor from a visual perspective.

There's something about VR that feels gimmicky. Like the 3D tv. Hope I am wrong because it's a very interesting concept.
Had to sell my PSVR. It's an impressive piece of kit for the price but the games made me feel sick after a while.

Also, I found that some of the games we're pretty poor from a visual perspective.

There's something about VR that feels gimmicky. Like the 3D tv. Hope I am wrong because it's a very interesting concept.

It's still in its infancy. Even new consoles require a few years before developers know how to get the best out of them, and VR being an entirely new medium it stands to reason that we probably won't see the best of it any time soon. It's definitely here to stay, though.
Had to sell my PSVR. It's an impressive piece of kit for the price but the games made me feel sick after a while.

Also, I found that some of the games we're pretty poor from a visual perspective.

There's something about VR that feels gimmicky. Like the 3D tv. Hope I am wrong because it's a very interesting concept.
What were your VR sickness problems like? Because at one point near the beginning I thought I'd never be able to get past my sickness. After some regular sessions tho (instead of intermittent) I got my VR legs and I've never looked back.

For anyone else worried about sickness, you can overcome it. There are loads of tips online, moreso more than when I had to deal with it.
Had to sell my PSVR. It's an impressive piece of kit for the price but the games made me feel sick after a while.

Also, I found that some of the games we're pretty poor from a visual perspective.

There's something about VR that feels gimmicky. Like the 3D tv. Hope I am wrong because it's a very interesting concept.
I disagree on the comparison. Already there are a few games out there that prove how VR can dramatically change how you experience games, Resident Evil 7 and Dirt Rally being the most convincing examples for me. It's true not all VR games are implemented as successfully as those, but those games show it's possible, even at this early stage. That's already miles beyond what 3D tv ever achieved. VR isn't for everyone and there are still technical limitations, but its effect on games is too significant to call it a gimmick. It's just that there are too many gimmicky games for it at the moment.
What were your VR sickness problems like? Because at one point near the beginning I thought I'd never be able to get past my sickness. After some regular sessions tho (instead of intermittent) I got my VR legs and I've never looked back.

For anyone else worried about sickness, you can overcome it. There are loads of tips online, moreso more than when I had to deal with it.

I've felt a little sick on rigs or that underwater time travel thing ccasionally, but never really had a problem. I wonder if this fov trick on skyrim actually helps people? Seems like a decent solution, but I've turned it off on mine.

As for the 3D effect, I still love it on the 3DS. Zelda Oot for example, looks stunning with it.

3D tvs are gimmicks of course, but that's because it's still not really immersing you, it's still a flat screen. VR isn't anywhere near the same thing, it's a fully immersive option. RE7 and Skyrim are drastically better in it for me, especially the latter. I've never even come close to being as far in it and excited to explore as I am in VR. Of course I wish the draw distance was better and texturing, but it more than makes up for that in atmosphere.

Imagine if they started really using it for films, not just tacked on 3d stuff, that would be epic :lol:
Are there any links between travel sickness and vr sickness in that people are more likely to get it?

I doubt if it's even the same thing, VR sickness is more your brain thinking your body should be moving I imagine. No idea if there's a link, it's worth a google.

Fwiw my gf gets motion sickness on journeys quite often but has no problem in VR.
I doubt if it's even the same thing, VR sickness is more your brain thinking your body should be moving I imagine. No idea if there's a link, it's worth a google.

Fwiw my gf gets motion sickness on journeys quite often but has no problem in VR.

Doesn't seem to be any link as far as I can see from Google. I wondered of people who get sick on boats/planes/rides were more likely to get VR sick.
Doesn't seem to be any link as far as I can see from Google. I wondered of people who get sick on boats/planes/rides were more likely to get VR sick.
I'd be surprised if there wasn't a link. It's the same cause, no? Your eyes and body giving you different signals about what's happening. In a car (especially when reading) your eyes say you're still but your body feels movement. With VR it is the reverse. Hence sickness.

That's my best guess, obviously could be wrong. But I'd say if you're prone to one it stands to reason you'll be susceptible to the other.
I'd be surprised if there wasn't a link. It's the same cause, no? Your eyes and body giving you different signals about what's happening. In a car (especially when reading) your eyes say you're still but your body feels movement. With VR it is the reverse. Hence sickness.

That's my best guess, obviously could be wrong. But I'd say if you're prone to one it stands to reason you'll be susceptible to the other.

Yeah that was my train of thought also. Couldn't find any evidence of this on Google but maybe a study will surface soon.
I got extremely hot wearing the headset after a while too. Plus that damn wire stretched across the floor.

I look forward to a pair of sunglasses which gives us VR in the future. Something comfortable and non intrusive.
3D tvs are gimmicks of course, but that's because it's still not really immersing you, it's still a flat screen. VR isn't anywhere near the same thing, it's a fully immersive option. RE7 and Skyrim are drastically better in it for me, especially the latter. I've never even come close to being as far in it and excited to explore as I am in VR. Of course I wish the draw distance was better and texturing, but it more than makes up for that in atmosphere.
Agree with you 100%. How is seeing things in the same way that the human eye normally naturally sees the world a gimmick? :confused:
It's pretty much like someone saying those 3D graphics in GTA3 are a gimmick. Let's stick to GTA 1+2 style graphics.

GTA3 blew my mind back in the day :drool:
I look forward to a pair of sunglasses which gives us VR in the future. Something comfortable and non intrusive.
You'll be waiting a long time then....
You bought one?

Definitely. Snap it up - surprised it has only been purchased 7 times in last 8 hours. Site I used for England had over 100 purchases in last 48 hours.

My bundle - VR + VR Worlds + Camera + GT Sport + Skyrim cost £270 which is about €300 so similar to your bundle but extra game.


Good man. Set it up properly (i.e, as you well know, those complaints about what it can do come from either googletards or PC guys), and you are going to have a blast!

Even I like Skyrim vanilla now, and I fecking hated that game for 6-odd years since it launched. That's until they bring Morrowind VR out of course, then I'm going right back to calling everyone who liked this one idiots...