Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

Got to play with this this week. Liked the Kitchen Demo, had fun with the art music thing and the pace one. It doesn't quite have the sharpness of Occulus Rift for me. Graphics felt like they were from a PS3 not a PS4.

Yeah but surely it'll be better when combined with the PS 4.5? Or something.
Yeah but surely it'll be better when combined with the PS 4.5? Or something.
We'll see, refresh rate is better than the rift but the resolution is less on the PS4 VR. Also I use it with some very high end PC's, so much so that I doubt the PS4.5 will come near.
A dude I know that works for Game was invited to a Sony event to demo the VR with the pro and he said that there is a big difference in VR quality in comparison to the standard ps4.
So I ordered a VR and camera from shopto in stock. I've preordered a Playstation Pro and back ordered the move controllers which seem to be out of stock everywhere. So I'll be sat there with a headset without anything to play it on untill at least the 10th and even then I doubt I'll have anything to control it with. Welcome to the future.

I basically need it up and running by the end of November for it to have been worthwhile, what are my chances of having everything together by then? I never buy on launch so am not sure what to expect in terms of scarcity.
A dude I know that works for Game was invited to a Sony event to demo the VR with the pro and he said that there is a big difference in VR quality in comparison to the standard ps4.

Big is a strong word.

Btw if anyone tries this in game, ask the store clerks what the difference between the ps4 and pro will be with this. They still tow the old "up to developers/depends on your tv" line they are told to.
Big is a strong word.

Btw if anyone tries this in game, ask the store clerks what the difference between the ps4 and pro will be with this. They still tow the old "up to developers/depends on your tv" line they are told to.

To be fair this guy is a massive Sony fan boy so he was never going to say anything but good things about it.
So I hooked up the entire mess of wires and gave it a go, and I'm really rather impressed with it. I've only played the headmaster, diving tour and Drive Club demos so far but they gave me a startling experience. Headmaster is very simple but such an immersive experience. The first dummy that sidles up to you scared the hell out of me and the exploding footballs and falling boxes really had me flinching. It's the closest thing to heading a football without heading a football. I'm not a big racing simulator guy and Drive Club is as boring as all the others but when I first started up the car and began to move I was blown away by how real it all felt.

I played for about 40 minutes or so and am feeling a little queasy now but nowhere near as bad as the nausea I feel with certain first person shooters. I've got playroom, bound, Thumper, Allumette and Untill Dawn to try later on.

It's clearly first gen and the limitations are fairly clear; a lot of shimmer and aliasing going on and the resolution isn't great but I'm looking forward to seeing what more this thing can offer. It's good.
What sorcery is this? Just played through Allumette and it was fecking extraordinary. I can't begin to imagine how this was put together. Everything has 4 sides and you can move around the world as the animation plays. The animation is beautiful, the models, sets and lighting are wonderul, you want to reach out and touch it. You feel like you are in the world. The credit list was suprisingly short given the spectacle of it all. I was stood there for a minute after the credit scroll in the hope of something more to happen.

More of this, I'm totally sold. It felt like nothing I've quite experienced before, a new medium for narrative.
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So Bound is a stunning game in the same vein as Journey. The models and animation are great and the world is brilliantly designed, the controls and animation are so fluid. The games VR is the best implementation of the technology I've played so far. You constantly adjust the angle of a static camera which takes some getting used to but after a while it feels like the perfect design, as it allows you to observe the whole environment with only a few quick movements. So you can view the character up close or from afar. I got really carried away with this game, playing far longer than I intended to.

I also played Until Dawn Rush of Blood which was a lot of fun. A simple carnival ghost train/gun range with some great monsters and scary jumps. I'm not sure how well the gun tracking worked but the panic and chaos meant that it didn't really matter.

So psvr... yep...

Good to see you're enjoying it. There's a Redcafe club in DriveClub, hopefully a few caftards join up. Not sure who started it...
I started on the kitchen demo and lasted about 30 seconds, then I made my brother in law play the rest of it. I intend to download the demo strictly to inflict on other people, it's too intense for me.
This is not as jumpy but loads more intense than Kitchen. I've only done less than an hour but it feels so good :drool:
I love my VR.

Allumette is beautiful, experiences are great too - the luge is a fecker though, cant get to the end!

The driving and shooting one on London Heist is amazing, must have played that level about 10 times now.

Any other amazing games out now? Some real treasures hidden on the PSN Store.
I love my VR.

Allumette is beautiful, experiences are great too - the luge is a fecker though, cant get to the end!

The driving and shooting one on London Heist is amazing, must have played that level about 10 times now.

Any other amazing games out now? Some real treasures hidden on the PSN Store.

Until Dawn Rush of Blood is great! It can be jumpy, I've got a video of the missus who hates clowns screaming her head off, it's hilarious, will post it later if I get chance.
Until Dawn Rush of Blood is great! It can be jumpy, I've got a video of the missus who hates clowns screaming her head off, it's hilarious, will post it later if I get chance.

My wife went in the shark game and was visibly sweating throughout!
My wife went in the shark game and was visibly sweating throughout!

:lol: Here's the video, I wish I'd caught the bit just before this which prompted me to start recording it, the neighbours must have thought I was murdering her.

Me being the doting loving boyfriend I was rushed to her aid as you can see.
:lol: Here's the video, I wish I'd caught the bit just before this which prompted me to start recording it, the neighbours must have thought I was murdering her.

Me being the doting loving boyfriend I was rushed to her aid as you can see.

serves her right, all she had to do was take the bloody thing off herself :)
Is it worth the immense price, or am I better off waiting for the next gen?
Is it worth the immense price, or am I better off waiting for the next gen?

Honestly, it's brilliant. I cant wait for next gen because this one is pretty perfect as it is - not the usual issues with 1st gen stuff.
You could get away with a controller for now surely? Until you get a chance to pick some up...
Oh you got one? :lol:
I look forward to your take on it :D.

I've just left some thoughts in the resi7 thread.

But in terms of VR, yeah I like it. I like the build quality and I think it's decent for the price if it's supported well. The screens are a bit shite compared to the PC versions and it notices, plus the PS4 pro still isn't powerful enough, however as an all round package I do recommend it. I'm suitably impressed, I just hope the games come.

Actually, I'd really love a VR minecraft of all things :lol:
Any inside info on Media Molecules Dreams mate? Glad you're enjoying it so far. If you have kids download the VR Playroom...
Got VR worlds today and tried a little bit of London Heist. Absolutely brilliant fun, even down to right at the start you can light a cigar and sit there actually puffing it. The mic is sensitive enough to actually pick up your breaths and it really is a great little touch, like playing with the air vents and radio in the van.

I hope it's not like the Wii sports stuff where Nintendo show off the things you can do, but other developers largely don't bother with the little things.
Got VR worlds today and tried a little bit of London Heist. Absolutely brilliant fun, even down to right at the start you can light a cigar and sit there actually puffing it. The mic is sensitive enough to actually pick up your breaths and it really is a great little touch, like playing with the air vents and radio in the van.

I hope it's not like the Wii sports stuff where Nintendo show off the things you can do, but other developers largely don't bother with the little things.
I don't think we should expect too many dedicated VR games at this point, especially not from third party developers. And I'm not even sure that's bad thing. What we need is more and more big games to be fully playable both on a normal screen and in VR, like Resident Evil 7. Those are the kind of games that will get people buying VR headsets and those are also the kind of games I want to play in VR. There are a couple on the horizon but I think we'll need to have some patience before it fully takes off. It was always going to be a slow process. I'm excited to see what we'll get in the next few years and where the tech goes from there.
I don't think we should expect too many dedicated VR games at this point, especially not from third party developers. And I'm not even sure that's bad thing. What we need is more and more big games to be fully playable both on a normal screen and in VR, like Resident Evil 7. Those are the kind of games that will get people buying VR headsets and those are also the kind of games I want to play in VR. There are a couple on the horizon but I think we'll need to have some patience before it fully takes off. It was always going to be a slow process. I'm excited to see what we'll get in the next few years and where the tech goes from there.

Problem is, unlike Nintendo, the likes of Sony and MS pretty much ditch this sort of thing pretty quickly. Vita, Move, Kinect being most recent examples.

At the moment, more than ever, money rules. And the fact is VR hasn't completely taken off due to cost and lack of definite future, so it isn't getting full support on any platform. It's always a balancing act, which is what depresses me most about modern gaming. The industry was built on risks, chances and most of all entertainment. Now it's run by the kind of people who think the sales of Tombraider weren't enough, and the likes of people who dismantle an entire development team that made a game which raked in ridiculous money (Bioshock:Infinite).

Plus, Sony shutting down their dedicated vita/peripheral team in the uk doesn't help matters :(

I got one, because I had spare cash, and I always get new gaming technology. But would I recommend it to others right now as a genuine future platform? No, sadly. Not yet at least. Resi 7 is worth the cost to me alone, with VR worlds, Batman, Rush of Blood and all that being decent cheap purchases offering plenty of wow moments, and then some. Seriously, people who haven't tried it really need to. But it's not for people who can't afford to blow that kind of money and watch it become quickly obsolete.

I hope it isn't so, but Sony will drop this as quick as they dropped everything else they've come up with. That's the reality.
Problem is, unlike Nintendo, the likes of Sony and MS pretty much ditch this sort of thing pretty quickly. Vita, Move, Kinect being most recent examples.

At the moment, more than ever, money rules. And the fact is VR hasn't completely taken off due to cost and lack of definite future, so it isn't getting full support on any platform. It's always a balancing act, which is what depresses me most about modern gaming. The industry was built on risks, chances and most of all entertainment. Now it's run by the kind of people who think the sales of Tombraider weren't enough, and the likes of people who dismantle an entire development team that made a game which raked in ridiculous money (Bioshock:Infinite).

Plus, Sony shutting down their dedicated vita/peripheral team in the uk doesn't help matters :(

I got one, because I had spare cash, and I always get new gaming technology. But would I recommend it to others right now as a genuine future platform? No, sadly. Not yet at least. Resi 7 is worth the cost to me alone, with VR worlds, Batman, Rush of Blood and all that being decent cheap purchases offering plenty of wow moments, and then some. Seriously, people who haven't tried it really need to. But it's not for people who can't afford to blow that kind of money and watch it become quickly obsolete.

I hope it isn't so, but Sony will drop this as quick as they dropped everything else they've come up with. That's the reality.
I don't think we should be comparing it with something like Kinect or motion controls. I'd say it's already a more accomplished platform than those things. How many times did you play a genuine big title on one of those platforms and thought it really enhanced your experience? With Resident Evil 7 on PSVR, that's already a reality. It's not a compromised experience, it actually feels like the right way to play it. Switching back to a flat scraan feels primitive in comparison, even if the graphics are better there. I never once thought this about tech like Wiimotes, Move or Kinect. That gives me cause for optimism.

I also wouldn't necessarily say it hasn't taken off. Sony is probably happy enough about where they are with PSVR right now. Since its launch, it's outsold the Oculus and Vive combined and it was constantly sold out everywhere according to all reports. I understand your concern about them pulling out if it doesn't become a quick hit, but I'm not convinced that will happen. The thing with Sony is they aren't afraid to invest heavily in new tech as long as they see a future for it, even if it takes a while to get going. In about a year or so we should have a clearer idea of where we're going.
I'm on the brink of convincing the missus to release the funds for this, RE7 looks brilliant

However currently my VR experience is limited to strapping a smartphone into one of those £40 Samsung headsets and I genuinely felt nautious within 5 minutes, does the PSVR suffer with this? Don't wanna spend so much on something I then can't play