Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

I'm on the brink of convincing the missus to release the funds for this, RE7 looks brilliant

However currently my VR experience is limited to strapping a smartphone into one of those £40 Samsung headsets and I genuinely felt nautious within 5 minutes, does the PSVR suffer with this? Don't wanna spend so much on something I then can't play
Some people suffer from nausea in one game, others don't. The only way to be sure is to test it yourself. I've played Resident Evil 7 for about 5-6 hours in total now and I haven't once felt nauseous. But I've read reports of others who didn't have it so easy. It also depends on your style of play. If you play it sitting down and do a lot of the turning around using the right joystick, you probably have a higher chance to start feeling it. Whereas I play it standing up and physically turn in the direction I want to go, so it's a lot more predictable and easier for your mind to process.
I don't think we should be comparing it with something like Kinect or motion controls. I'd say it's already a more accomplished platform than those things.

More accomplished than the Wii???

How many times did you play a genuine big title on one of those platforms and thought it really enhanced your experience? With Resident Evil 7 on PSVR, that's already a reality. It's not a compromised experience, it actually feels like the right way to play it. Switching back to a flat scraan feels primitive in comparison, even if the graphics are better there. I never once thought this about tech like Wiimotes, Move or Kinect. That gives me cause for optimism.

That's exactly why I hope they push it.

I also wouldn't necessarily say it hasn't taken off. Sony is probably happy enough about where they are with PSVR right now. Since its launch, it's outsold the Oculus and Vive combined and it was constantly sold out everywhere according to all reports. I understand your concern about them pulling out if it doesn't become a quick hit, but I'm not convinced that will happen. The thing with Sony is they aren't afraid to invest heavily in new tech as long as they see a future for it, even if it takes a while to get going. In about a year or so we should have a clearer idea of where we're going.

You are mixing what you know with what you hope. And I hope the same thing.

But the fact is, Sony's record in this area is frankly appalling. They always spend huge amounts, yet can you name one thing they've stuck with? Emotion Engine, Cell, Move, Eyetoy, Vita, all dumped and all that money written off due to lack of knowledge of how to support them. That's Sony's No1 problem, outside of their main platforms, they have no idea how to make additions work. For example, VR worlds should have been included free with every headset, not a £30 purchase that puts people off.

What also doesn't help is the likes of OR and Vive haven't really taken off, and people seem to thing the cheaper phone options are a waste of time. What it needs are consumers to actually try this in any form to get the sense of what it's actually capable of. We need all the various types to start making an impact to convince those idiots in suits who run publishers that it's worth supporting.

I hope VR is fully supported, because even the PSVR version is awesome and really works.
Some people suffer from nausea in one game, others don't. The only way to be sure is to test it yourself. I've played Resident Evil 7 for about 5-6 hours in total now and I haven't once felt nauseous. But I've read reports of others who didn't have it so easy. It also depends on your style of play. If you play it sitting down and do a lot of the turning around using the right joystick, you probably have a higher chance to start feeling it. Whereas I play it standing up and physically turn in the direction I want to go, so it's a lot more predictable and easier for your mind to process.


I run on the spot, lean myself and do all sorts of things when I play and I've never felt a moment of sickness. As I said before, my GF who gets sick when playing a 3ds AND wears glasses has no problems playing hours on end. She's playing Resi 7 sitting down right now and has no problems at all.
More accomplished than the Wii???
Yes, I think so. I'm speaking from my own experience. I've owned a Wii and played a decent amount of games on it, though not nearly as many as a lot of other people. In my opinion the games that heavily used the motion controls rarely ventured beyond the gimmicky stuff. In its greatest games the motion controls complemented the gameplay but weren't essential to it. The games where it was a natural experience usually belonged to a niche, such as Tiger Woods PGA. A console with great games, don't get me wrong, but it failed in really establishing its motion controls beyond casual experiences.

Fast forward to VR, and we're also seeing plenty of the gimmicky, casual stuff, such as Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. But Resident Evil 7 is a milestone in VR gaming in my opinion. A big name game with first person shooting mechanics, arguably the most popularized gameplay mechanic in video gaming history, actually feels a lot more natural than ever. It's taken a traditional, tried and tested mechanic and improved it, even lifted it to a whole new level. That's what I mean when I say VR is already more accomplished than motion controls ever were. The reaction a lot of people had to motion controls was "oh that was fun for a while, but I prefer normal games". I think with VR, and especially Resident Evil 7, people who've tried it become believers and don't want to go back to a normal screen. That's a big difference.
I've played 7 or 8 titles now and have only felt queasy after playing the Gran Turismo demo. I've been really suprised given that everything from Half Life to cetain COD games give me pretty bad motion sickness. It seems that either motion sickness in VR has been hugely overplayed or developers have focussed heavily on trying to limit the effect when designing the games.

I'm a late adopter when it comes to technology because I'm cheap and wait for prices to rock bottom - I've only just recently picked up Dark Souls 2. I have no regrets about purchasing PSVR and feel I've got my money's worth already. It helps that I've paid less than £10 on average per game. I think the game pricing is suprisingly good value.

Just picturing it...

I agree though I do the same (minus the running) and it's more immersive for it.

It's brilliant, I nearly fell over the edge of the settee the other day when I stood on it to look through the ceiling.

BTW, have either of you done the eye distance settings? It really makes a huge difference, I can't believe it isn't part of the standard setup.

Yes, I think so. I'm speaking from my own experience. I've owned a Wii and played a decent amount of games on it, though not nearly as many as a lot of other people. In my opinion the games that heavily used the motion controls rarely ventured beyond the gimmicky stuff. In its greatest games the motion controls complemented the gameplay but weren't essential to it. The games where it was a natural experience usually belonged to a niche, such as Tiger Woods PGA. A console with great games, don't get me wrong, but it failed in really establishing its motion controls beyond casual experiences.

Fast forward to VR, and we're also seeing plenty of the gimmicky, casual stuff, such as Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. But Resident Evil 7 is a milestone in VR gaming in my opinion. A big name game with first person shooting mechanics, arguably the most popularized gameplay mechanic in video gaming history, actually feels a lot more natural than ever. It's taken a traditional, tried and tested mechanic and improved it, even lifted it to a whole new level. That's what I mean when I say VR is already more accomplished than motion controls ever were. The reaction a lot of people had to motion controls was "oh that was fun for a while, but I prefer normal games". I think with VR, and especially Resident Evil 7, people who've tried it become believers and don't want to go back to a normal screen. That's a big difference.

Well considering the amount the Wii sold and what it sparked, I'd say you were wrong. That's not to say VR won't maybe be bigger, but it's nothing without the Wii and motion controls in general. But it does bring us neatly around to my point, which is you say the Wii had little to use the controls properly, and the PSVR may well go that route yet.

After all, right now, it's RE7 and some glorified tech demos. And the thing with RE7 is, it would sell that amount regardless of VR. We need more games to use it properly.
Did it once but I think I need to redo it, wish it had a slider tbh as the process is a bit of a chore.

Really? I found it quick and easy. Maybe it has changed or something.

Mine only moved 3mm, but it allows me to wear the headset higher up my head, it felt a little uncomfortable pulling the back down lower like you are supposed to.

Did you try puffing the cigar in the London Heist btw? It's so simple, but it really made a huge statement as to what this device can really do.
Really? I found it quick and easy. Maybe it has changed or something.

Mine only moved 3mm, but it allows me to wear the headset higher up my head, it felt a little uncomfortable pulling the back down lower like you are supposed to.

Did you try puffing the cigar in the London Heist btw? It's so simple, but it really made a huge statement as to what this device can really do.
Still haven't got it, price scared me off... do you recommend it then?
Still haven't got it, price scared me off... do you recommend it then?

I haven't played the rest of it, so I'll let you know.

To be fair, London Heist is awesome but so very short, it's a tech demo. But an especially good one, it has to be said. I'll let you know when I play the other parts, but i suspect £30 is way too much tbh.

Have you played Batman?
Yeah Batman was my first OMG moment. I hope they are still working on something, a full fledged game, they certainly have the talent to make something AAA.
If you have the space Holoball is a great squash-like game. I've probably put more hours into it than any other VR game.
I've bought Rez Infinite off the PSN store, it's pretty amazing. Very intuitive and fun to play in VR. I've never played the original but I imagine it's loads easier in VR, just swinging my head around to aim. That's the second game (after Resident Evil 7) I'm using my head to aim and in both cases it works wonderfully. I was a bit confused at the start because I was trying to use my Move controller to play the game and I kept feeling like the calibration was all over the place. I tried recalibrating everything but it didn't help. After a while I realized both my head and the Move controller were doing the aiming, and they were actually working against eachother. I ditched the Move, switched to the regular controller, reset my view and never touched the joystick so my reticle is fixed in the middle of where my head is pointing. Works perfectly now.

I should also say, I almost catch myself dancing in the living room while shooting stuff in this game. It's pretty ridiculous. :lol:
Yeah Batman was my first OMG moment. I hope they are still working on something, a full fledged game, they certainly have the talent to make something AAA.

It's not worth the money at the moment, and that's the sad part :(

PSVR was always capable of that, look at the PC hacks. As much as I'd like to be excited by this, their version of VR and this new patent falls in line with what they've been working on since the early 00's.

PSVR's problem isn't the tracking anyway, that's more than good enough. It's the screen quality and the power of the pro. On that front, it's going to be really interesting what MS choose as their final specs for the upcoming 'scorpio'. Do they push VR and power it properly? Or do they simply beat the pro, in a similar way that Sony chose just enough to beat the XBone...decisions, decisions... ;)

I've bought Rez Infinite off the PSN store, it's pretty amazing. Very intuitive and fun to play in VR. I've never played the original but I imagine it's loads easier in VR, just swinging my head around to aim. That's the second game (after Resident Evil 7) I'm using my head to aim and in both cases it works wonderfully. I was a bit confused at the start because I was trying to use my Move controller to play the game and I kept feeling like the calibration was all over the place. I tried recalibrating everything but it didn't help. After a while I realized both my head and the Move controller were doing the aiming, and they were actually working against eachother. I ditched the Move, switched to the regular controller, reset my view and never touched the joystick so my reticle is fixed in the middle of where my head is pointing. Works perfectly now.

I should also say, I almost catch myself dancing in the living room while shooting stuff in this game. It's pretty ridiculous. :lol:

One of my favourite games since the Dreamcast days, and what sparked my interest in high definition on the PS1. Back when HD meant 640x480 of course :lol:

I will most definitely get this, though it being easy isn't good! :lol:
I grabbed the Dirt Rally PSVR upgrade this morning and just driven my first stage. Forget about Driveclub VR, this game is the definitive PSVR game alongside Resident Evil 7. Dirt Rally VR is simply fantastic. It's made an already brilliant game even better, by a huge margin. Graphically it's an expected downgrade from the base game, but not as significant as Driveclub was. It is a lot clearer, especially in the distance, where Driveclub VR becomes a muddy mess. The gameplay is breathtaking and the extra visual cues and sense of speed do a lot to improve your enjoyment AND your ability behind the wheel. Not only is it a lot more fun, it's a lot easier simply because you feel a lot more in control. I'm able to judge corners a lot better in VR. And I really do mean a lot. Highly recommended.
I grabbed the Dirt Rally PSVR upgrade this morning and just driven my first stage. Forget about Driveclub VR, this game is the definitive PSVR game alongside Resident Evil 7. Dirt Rally VR is simply fantastic. It's made an already brilliant game even better, by a huge margin. Graphically it's an expected downgrade from the base game, but not as significant as Driveclub was. It is a lot clearer, especially in the distance, where Driveclub VR becomes a muddy mess. The gameplay is breathtaking and the extra visual cues and sense of speed do a lot to improve your enjoyment AND your ability behind the wheel. Not only is it a lot more fun, it's a lot easier simply because you feel a lot more in control. I'm able to judge corners a lot better in VR. And I really do mean a lot. Highly recommended.

Yeah I was looking at that earlier, might have to jump in. I wonder if it works with a wheel too, now that would be absolutely brilliant!
Yeah I was looking at that earlier, might have to jump in. I wonder if it works with a wheel too, now that would be absolutely brilliant!
A wheel is recommended of course, although it has decent controller support. I use the Thrustmaster T300RS, FFB is rather weak in this game but it works perfectly otherwise. Have to say I encountered some poor framerates during certain parts of the Monte Carlo rally, which is disappointing.
A wheel is recommended of course, although it has decent controller support. I use the Thrustmaster T300RS, FFB is rather weak in this game but it works perfectly otherwise. Have to say I encountered some poor framerates during certain parts of the Monte Carlo rally, which is disappointing.

After the switch, I might have to get a T300 since it also works on PC. I've just got a pair of ps3 cameras to eventually try the psvr out on PC too. If it works well, it'll justify the cost more until I decide if OR or Vive are worth it :)
After the switch, I might have to get a T300 since it also works on PC. I've just got a pair of ps3 cameras to eventually try the psvr out on PC too. If it works well, it'll justify the cost more until I decide if OR or Vive are worth it :)
That was also my reasoning. It's a very good wheel, although it has a noisy cooler. Doesn't bother me as I usually play racers with headphones but it might be an issue for some.
@Redlambs and anyone else who has it, what did you think of Farpoint? Also what did you think of the AIM?
@Redlambs and anyone else who has it, what did you think of Farpoint? Also what did you think of the AIM?

The aim works really well, though obviously implementation is key. Arizona Sunshine is particularily great as the game feels like two different and great games between the move and aim. Very nicely done.

Skyrim though, that's fecking ace. The combat changes alone make it seem like it's going to be well worth it. I've only played about an hour so far, but it's definitely finally made vanilla Skyrim playable for me.
The aim works really well, though obviously implementation is key. Arizona Sunshine is particularily great as the game feels like two different and great games between the move and aim. Very nicely done.

Skyrim though, that's fecking ace. The combat changes alone make it seem like it's going to be well worth it. I've only played about an hour so far, but it's definitely finally made vanilla Skyrim playable for me.
I might go pick it up tomorrow. So it's good then? Skyrim?
I might go pick it up tomorrow. So it's good then? Skyrim?

Like I say I've only played for an hour or so but so far so good. It's pretty much exactly as you'd expect, since it's just the original game exactly as it was. Apart from the combat of course which I can tell you, firing magic is brilliant fun! You can aim at two different enemies or spray for fun, it's so good using sparks. Blocking with a shield is great now too, sword play is a bit wii-like but I've not really got into that much yet. Oh and archery is pretty hard, but seems to be something to master properly.

But at the start, when the dragon appears then breaks the, even though I've played that bit a ridiculous amount of times over the years, it still got me good :lol:
I might go pick it up tomorrow. So it's good then? Skyrim?

I've played it a bit more and would recommend it. There are some ropey bits, like they haven't quite got the hands to line up properly (resulting in miss-fired resurection spells much to my annoyance), but it's an easy fix. Magic is so awesome on this though, it's ridiculously good fun using flames or sparks to kill multiple enemies at once :lol: I also like how they've ripped off Zelda and you can pull arrows from your shield!

Bleak falls barrow man, now the moment you enter that is just wow. The giant spider shits you up too.

There are tweaks to be done and it's a pain missing some of the more useful mods, but all in all it's really fantastic. Make sure, like superhot, you set the camera up properly and darken the room for the bow and arrows mainly though ;)
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Debating whether to take the plunge with VR. I love the idea of it, and Ive had a (very little) play around on a friend's, and it seemed cool. But I do have reservations. For one thing, I was just looking at what games I might get, and I wasnt particularly inspired. Not for that amount of money. I thought about it last Christmas and decided to wait a year, figuring by now there would be much better content to get stuck in with. But it doesnt seem like there is that much at all. The best thing I saw was Skyrim, and I see its been talked about above, but is that really what I would have to show for £300+ investment? A game I only played on the PS4 6 months ago. It was interesting seeing the words "wii-like" above, because as I thought about what VR Skyrim would be like, that was the thought that popped into my head. Its a bit off-putting.

Are there any other really good games out I should look into? Also, if anyone is objective enough to answer this one, is PSVR definitely the best choice of VR platform? I always assumed it was the way to go but now Im wondering whether Vive or Rift might not be better options? Especially as I just read an article suggesting Sony might not be that committed to PSVR.

Any advice on this would be appreciated.
PSVR is great, it's pretty much on par with the others. But they have better tracking and PC is usually stronger than PS4.

I'm, hyped. Got it now... Preparing for a massive sesh.
It's very tempting after the price reduction, think I will get it for Christmas.

Besides RE7, Farpoint, GT Sport and Skyrim, are there any full titles that are worthwhile?
Debating whether to take the plunge with VR. I love the idea of it, and Ive had a (very little) play around on a friend's, and it seemed cool. But I do have reservations. For one thing, I was just looking at what games I might get, and I wasnt particularly inspired. Not for that amount of money. I thought about it last Christmas and decided to wait a year, figuring by now there would be much better content to get stuck in with. But it doesnt seem like there is that much at all. The best thing I saw was Skyrim, and I see its been talked about above, but is that really what I would have to show for £300+ investment? A game I only played on the PS4 6 months ago. It was interesting seeing the words "wii-like" above, because as I thought about what VR Skyrim would be like, that was the thought that popped into my head. Its a bit off-putting.

Are there any other really good games out I should look into? Also, if anyone is objective enough to answer this one, is PSVR definitely the best choice of VR platform? I always assumed it was the way to go but now Im wondering whether Vive or Rift might not be better options? Especially as I just read an article suggesting Sony might not be that committed to PSVR.

Any advice on this would be appreciated.

To be fair, having played it most of the day I can say I was wrong to say wii-like. As with anything of this nature, you can wave the wand around, but it actually does open up some great combat moves. For instance the way you now block is all around, so you can bash to the side and stab to the right vs multiple enemies. I've just discovered the coolest thing too, whilst exploring bleak falls, that you can turn the bow horizontal and aim that way. Speaking of which, bow and arrows seriously feel like you have to learn and practice. I spent at least 10 mins earlier aiming at trees, it really is that realistic. Magic though...that's something else entirely. I hated the vanilla game for that aspect, but this is just spectacular, especially the effects when you are healing. I swear I actually felt better earlier when I used it :lol:

Having traditionally not exactly being skyrim's biggest fan to say the least (I've slagged it on here loads over the years), yet spending over 150 hours on the PC version with 100+ mods installed (like a good little hypocrite!), I really do have to say anyone who is even the slightest of fans really needs to at least try this out if they can. It's outstanding, it pisses over the enhanced edition at least, and I really can see this ending up the definitive version for me. Even over the PC and the book reading mod ;)

Oh and the scale of everything is absolutely bang on, they've nailed the fov and the grandness of it all. It also shows up just how good the audio is, playing with the headphones you really do get lost in it all. Even the level up screens and map are just outstandingly well done.

As for your last question, there's loads of good stuff. Resi evil 7 goes from a 7 to a 10 for me on VR, it really is that good. Arizona Sunshine, the Batman game, Star Trek, Eagle Flight, Rush of Blood, the amazing Super Hot (a definite must play) and there's more I'm forgetting, but the games are there and continue to come. The thing I will say though, since you mentioned other systems, is that I'll definitely be getting a PC setup in the future. The PS4 pro is capable enough for what they've done, but the headset screens do take from the experience a little for me. My girlfriend disagrees, she says the slight grainy look adds a movie like filter to games, but for me I'd prefer it sharper. Though, and I will say this depends on more support, the aim controller really is something Sony should push harder and it suits VR perfectly and there's currently nothing like it on the others. As for committed, Sony are showing better commitment with a new headset and I know they are working on a better version for the PS5, so I think we'll see much more coming. It's not about that as much as it is people getting to grips with it all anyway, I mean VR is still so new and there still isn't a defined control scheme that works for every situation for it yet. RE7 showed what is capable graphically, Arizona Sunshine showed us how we can move in a VR world, so the milestones are coming at pace which means the games and support will imo. But even if they don't, I can honestly say I'd be happy to have bought this and experienced all these games in VR, there's just something so absorbing about actually feeling like you are in these worlds.
Got Skyrim on release and its a solid 8/10 for me with the moves, 9/10 with the DS. The lack of smooth turning with the move controls stops it from being a 9 (the other mark lost for a few glitches here and there, stuff failing to load in (door textures etc.., characters walking above the ground too.) Occasional but still quite noticeable at times.

Movement feels fantastic as long as you aren't rotating (its also noticably faster then most other VR games, Rigs aside), controls are excellent, the bow feels smooth, the melee weapons too but as Redlambs said the spell casting is a thing of beauty. You must set up your camera and headset right before playing, its hugely important but once its done it's brilliant. Honestly it's a lot of fun, the world despite limited graphics is breathtaking. Everything works well and nothing feels clunky (except the turning). My missus thinks I'm mental, a 36 year old man jumping round the house chopping and slashing while singing "Our hero, our hero, claims a warriors heart..". Even my kids think I'm going slightly mad but the game is so immersive I don't care. Living in virtual Skyrim is better then living in real Ireland and I guarantee my adopted Skyrim kids will be cooler then my two real ones.

Honestly given its lineup despite its limitations the PSVR really is the best path to take if you want AAA standard VR games, the Vive and Oculus just don't have the triple A's yet. The Psvr now has Resi 7 (still better than Skyrim), Farpoint, Skyrim, Batman, Doom on the way along with better PC titles like Superhot and Arizona Sunshine. I can live with the lower graphical quality and limitations when the games are this good. Also got Rigs and Rush of Blood free off Sony both solid games.

Is it worth pumping out a combined £700 for, probably not if you don't intend to use it alot, but if you already own a PS4 anyway, the new bundles, with game, moves, camera and VR unit is a great deal.
It's very tempting after the price reduction, think I will get it for Christmas.

Besides RE7, Farpoint, GT Sport and Skyrim, are there any full titles that are worthwhile?

Arizona Sunshine, Rush of Blood, Super Hot and Megaton Rainfall are all excellent and mostly cheap, even though graphically the quality varies on them all. Doom will be out for X-Mas too.
Arizona Sunshine, Rush of Blood, Super Hot and Megaton Rainfall are all excellent and mostly cheap, even though graphically the quality varies on them all. Doom will be out for X-Mas too.

I have Rush of Blood, it was free in PS Plus this month.
Got Skyrim on release and its a solid 8/10 for me with the moves, 9/10 with the DS. The lack of smooth turning with the move controls stops it from being a 9 (the other mark lost for a few glitches here and there, stuff failing to load in (door textures etc.., characters walking above the ground too.) Occasional but still quite noticeable at times.

Movement feels fantastic as long as you aren't rotating (its also noticably faster then most other VR games, Rigs aside), controls are excellent, the bow feels smooth, the melee weapons too but as Redlambs said the spell casting is a thing of beauty. You must set up your camera and headset right before playing, its hugely important but once its done it's brilliant. Honestly it's a lot of fun, the world despite limited graphics is breathtaking. Everything works well and nothing feels clunky (except the turning). My missus thinks I'm mental, a 36 year old man jumping round the house chopping and slashing while singing "Our hero, our hero, claims a warriors heart..". Even my kids think I'm going slightly mad but the game is so immersive I don't care. Living in virtual Skyrim is better then living in real Ireland and I guarantee my adopted Skyrim kids will be cooler then my two real ones.

Honestly given its lineup despite its limitations the PSVR really is the best path to take if you want AAA standard VR games, the Vive and Oculus just don't have the triple A's yet. The Psvr now has Resi 7 (still better than Skyrim), Farpoint, Skyrim, Batman, Doom on the way along with better PC titles like Superhot and Arizona Sunshine. I can live with the lower graphical quality and limitations when the games are this good. Also got Rigs and Rush of Blood free off Sony both solid games.

Is it worth pumping out a combined £700 for, probably not if you don't intend to use it alot, but if you already own a PS4 anyway, the new bundles, with game, moves, camera and VR unit is a great deal.

The glitches are amusingly the same in every version, just it's more noticeable in vr. You are bang on with the turning, I really hope they sort it. However making it faster, but with smaller increments does actually help. Also, if you shake your hands whilst holding the move controllers every now and then, it resets them and makes aiming a lot better
Hopefully they do what other games do and just tie them in with the camera reset, how it should be. Also, there should be an option to change the move controllers to hands, it would be so much better.

Do you find youself exploring way more than ever now on skyrim? It's ridiculous just how much more immersive it is. Mind you, I'm the guy checking every bit of loose wallpaper in RE7 to check behind to see if it's textured.

Oh and shouting out whilst playing, don't get me started. I think I accidentally called my missus a 'pointy eared bitch' earlier as she walked through the door :lol: Speaking of which, how high do you jump when you are playing a game with the earphones in and someone in the real world touches you?
Hope you got RIGS earlier too. Another gem.

Yeah I have it. It's nice that they will probably add one VR game a month now, I could build up library without really spending money.

I need to resist for another 2-3 weeks but I will probably get it then. £250 for a bundle with GT Sport and VR Worlds is a no brainer.
Damn I'll have to get skyrim. Still the most amazing thing about vr for me is what that extra vr dimension can do for the graphics. It seems counter intuitive but average graphics that may seem ropey on a 2d display can become utterly convincing and beguiling in vr. Really challenging our ideas of perception.