Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

If anyone finds this for sale in the UK then let me know...

I can't imagine it being able to make me physically sick, basically because I'm not a massive shitbrick. These are probably from reviewers who hyperventilate when they see the real world.
I can't imagine it being able to make me physically sick, basically because I'm not a massive shitbrick. These are probably from reviewers who hyperventilate when they see the real world.
True, but you're also a Geordie who's used to stumbling through a world that spins drunkenly around them.
I read the digitalspy review and they said driveclub made them sick twice. Put me off it and they said it isn't great graphically.
It isn't great graphically, it's 'good enough'... other than that it's fun as fcuk, feels so good.

The game that has blown my mind so far is playroom, I was sat there grinning and laughing out loud like a dickhead...

Currently downloading US demo disk and haven't tried UK one yet. Will update later...
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It isn't great graphically, it's 'good enough'... other than that it's fun as fcuk, feels so good.

The game that has blown my mind so far is playroom, I was sat there grinning and laughing out loud like a dickhead...

Currently downloading US demo disk and haven't tried UK one yet. Will update later...

I got mine. Just waiting for camera to come from Amazon before setting it up.

But any sickness? Is the headset comfortable?

I don't get motion sickness in games, so I guess I should be ok.
I got mine. Just waiting for camera to come from Amazon before setting it up.

But any sickness? Is the headset comfortable?

I don't get motion sickness in games, so I guess I should be ok.
None so far, and it's comfortable... what did you get with it?
None so far, and it's comfortable... what did you get with it?

I'm just gonna play the demo games and see what I want. I honestly have not paid any attention to the games besides RE 7. I just saw the title of that drive club review.
I would buy it today as the store I'm buying games from has plenty of them but I'm afraid this is another of Move-like gimmicks I would just throw away and not use after 5 hours. Price is steep too.
I got mine. Just waiting for camera to come from Amazon before setting it up.

But any sickness? Is the headset comfortable?

I don't get motion sickness in games, so I guess I should be ok.

Did you just buy the headset/camera/move controllers separately? Was hoping to find a package somewhere but having no luck.
Did you just buy the headset/camera/move controllers separately? Was hoping to find a package somewhere but having no luck.

I just got the headset and camera separate. £400 as the new camera was released today along with VR.
Eve made me a bit woozy fwiw... taking a break. Will try again later...
Thumper is supposed to be a great game it's also VR compatible, £15.99 on PS Store and got plenty of good reviews. Rez infinite is also getting reviewing very well too.

Eve made me a bit woozy fwiw... taking a break. Will try again later...

Aye that one seems to be getting a lot of people, the rest seem to be different cases for different people strangely.
Thumper is supposed to be a great game it's also VR compatible, £15.99 on PS Store and got plenty of good reviews. Rez infinite is also getting reviewing very well too.

Aye that one seems to be getting a lot of people, the rest seem to be different cases for different people strangely.
Yea it's strange because I played battlezone straight after that and it made me nautious too... this is a game I've played before without issue.

I'm guessing once you start to feel funny then anything after that point is likely to be a crap shoot so my advice would be take a break.

You're supposed to take frequent breaks anyway generally speaking...
I've got to say, I'm perplexed by stories of drift and jitter... So far from the moment I set it up until now I've had zero issues. What is it that's different for them? How has it been for you lot?
I watched the Mr Robot 360 video earlier, and a few others.... that stuff is engaging as the video games/experiences imo.
download the Kitchen demo :nervous::nervous::nervous:
Even tho I knew what to expect having seen YouTube videos it was still fcuking intense. So was Until Dawn demo tbf... That game is being undersold as from what I played it's a solid game.
Ok so I've just had a really stupid idea. I have my cousins (14 and 10) coming to stay for a couple of weeks before christmas and trying to plan some activities to keep them entertained I thought surely this would be something quite novel. I was planning on buying a pro anyway so if I could get the lot plus a couple of games for under a thousand it might be a decent investment. I personally get motion sickness and was never intending to early adopt but we would probably get my money's worth of use out of it over christmas. Are there suitable games available for younguns and will they smash it to bits?
Ok so I've just had a really stupid idea. I have my cousins (14 and 10) coming to stay for a couple of weeks before christmas and trying to plan some activities to keep them entertained I thought surely this would be something quite novel. I was planning on buying a pro anyway so if I could get the lot plus a couple of games for under a thousand it might be a decent investment. I personally get motion sickness and was never intending to early adopt but we would probably get my money's worth of use out of it over christmas. Are there suitable games available for younguns and will they smash it to bits?
Apparently Sony says it's not suitable for under 12s -
Ok so I've just had a really stupid idea. I have my cousins (14 and 10) coming to stay for a couple of weeks before christmas and trying to plan some activities to keep them entertained I thought surely this would be something quite novel. I was planning on buying a pro anyway so if I could get the lot plus a couple of games for under a thousand it might be a decent investment. I personally get motion sickness and was never intending to early adopt but we would probably get my money's worth of use out of it over christmas. Are there suitable games available for younguns and will they smash it to bits?
Risky paying so much if you do get motion sickness but its your money.

Playroom VR (free) sounds good. Has various mini games and stuff which are suitable for kids with co-op mode, so one can be wearing headset while other plays with controller while watching TV.

This is the best received mini-game on Playroom VR:

And article showing more of the Playroom games:

Games coming out this year:

Not entirely sure which will be suitable for them but I'm sure others will chip in.

Though there is a 'minimum age limit', they should be okay wearing it for short periods at a time.
Got to play with this this week. Liked the Kitchen Demo, had fun with the art music thing and the pace one. It doesn't quite have the sharpness of Occulus Rift for me. Graphics felt like they were from a PS3 not a PS4.
Seems to be available everywhere now

I'm guessing it was a marketing ploy from Sony to say pre orders had taken up all allocation
Virtual reality headsets and shaving are a big no-no.
Woops, looking at 2 threads and watching BT sport at the same time isn't a good idea.

Robot rescue is the best game I've played on VR
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