Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

Horizon is so much fun! Beautiful game.

GT though - wow. Genuinely felt like I was in a go kart. I actually feel a bit motion sick from GT, but that was so good!
We need a proper Kart racer, also please please please update Wipeout VR
How do you guys keep that 'sweet spot' were everything looks clear? It seems like a tiny spot.

For me, I position the headset to get it perfect but then I move and one second later it goes back to being a blur.

I have faint a ghosting effect on the text and objects in the world 99% of the time.
How do you guys keep that 'sweet spot' were everything looks clear? It seems like a tiny spot.

For me, I position the headset to get it perfect but then I move and one second later it goes back to being a blur.

I have faint a ghosting effect on the text and objects in the world 99% of the time.
Over time you'll find your own way. I don't like to do it too tight, I wear it like a hat. I position it in my head (find the sweet spot) and tighten it a touch. If it gets blurry later I stop and readjust as I'd rather do that then have it too tight like a lot of people are recommending, causing headaches etc. Ymmv

Once I get around to Creed, a fitness game or something like Sparc, I'm sure I'll tighten it just a little more.

I fecking love this thing, way better than PSVR1
I fecking love this thing, way better than PSVR1
Same. GT7 is fecking brilliant, especially with the wheel. Races are mental.

Horizon, the game itself is ok at best but as an experience to wow mates with, brilliant. Looks gorgeous.

Drums rock is awesome, best fun I’ve had with a rhythm game in years. Me and me son are in fierce competition.

No man’s sky, only had a quick blast, will live that, made myself feel a bit sick learning how to fly my ship mind you. I sussed it, but not in time to fend of a queasy tummy, back to drums rock.
Same. GT7 is fecking brilliant, especially with the wheel. Races are mental.

Horizon, the game itself is ok at best but as an experience to wow mates with, brilliant. Looks gorgeous.

Drums rock is awesome, best fun I’ve had with a rhythm game in years. Me and me son are in fierce competition.

No man’s sky, only had a quick blast, will live that, made myself feel a bit sick learning how to fly my ship mind you. I sussed it, but not in time to fend of a queasy tummy, back to drums rock.

I need to pick this up, a few saying now that it's good and the haptics make it feel 'real'. I used to have a Drum Mania (I tihnk V3) cab back in the day, but always preferred DDR (I had a two-player Euromix 2 cab :/ ... I wonder if the headest(s) could track feet reliably enough 'naked' to make DDR in VR. It'd kill Beat Saber out the water IMO.
I've put a lot of time into psvr 2 today. I spent some time trying to fix the 'can't track surroundings' problem. I even put up giant tape X's on my walls thinking that this would help! Sadly, that did not fix my tracking problem.

I guess, this unit might be broken? It seems like it should be software, right?

I'll get in touch with support on Monday. I am worried that a replacement would have the same issue, though.

In better VR news, wearing glasses did help me. I also finally figured out the best angle for this on my head. I have the top of the lenses almost as high as they can go. So, the top part of the rubber is sitting on the top of my forehead

I played a fair bit of Resi 8 and having switched to smooth turning, it's so much better than snap turning. I can only imagine people pick the later to help with sickness.
Played a lot more of Resi 8 and I've really got into it now! Really enjoying the atmosphere. The graphics are insane. I do think the shooting is a little off, though. Either that or I'm just a crap shot :D

As for my 'can't track surroundings' problem, I've worked out that it only happens when I'm facing one side of the wall. I'm going to contact support and get a replacement. Although, the fact that it's always the same side of the wall suggests that it's not a hardware issue?
We need to remember the screen resolution is but one part, the games still need to run at a higher fps so there will be plenty of resolution tricks which will be shown up even more on screens that close.

Yeah. I've since heard there's also a "sweet spot" you need to get with adjustment on the headset itself. I've also been reading of some kind of Mura/film effect on the lenses causing some distortion in the image. At the end of the day though this is a 600 quid headset and many of these people on social media are likely comparing it to PC VR running off high end GPU's. For this price point it seems to be just about the right quality.
No warrantee though right? £50 something discount.... If you're gonna go for it try to haggle
Yeah, don't buy one without a warranty @Dave_MUFC

I'm really loving RE 8. I made the right decision to play on easy. Hiding from that big baby in VR was something else!

I've started return process for a replacement. Just a question of if I finish Resi, first.
Yeah, don't buy one without a warranty @Dave_MUFC

I'm really loving RE 8. I made the right decision to play on easy. Hiding from that big baby in VR was something else!

I've started return process for a replacement. Just a question of if I finish Resi, first.
Yeah I've left it in the end. Figured it's not really worth saving 10% and losing out on any return period or warranty!
Im amazed on how good it actually is.

The improvments is massive. And by far the best VR i tested.

Horizon is fun for the whole family.

Resident Evil 8 is shockingly cool.

The VR experience this time is insane.
Ended up caving in and picking one up at GameStop today as I was WFH. What an incredible piece of tech. Right off that bat the lightness of the headset and pads is fantastic. Tried RE8 first and what an experience it is, the OLED colors, crispness and texture quality is simply levels above PSVR as expected. Remains to be seen if it's only going to be a niche product and how much support Sony will invest but it's off to a great start.
I'm getting a bit better day by day with the nausea from playing but GT7 still gets me. I've tried slower cars but unless it's a long straightaway I start feeling nauseated as soon as brake and make a turn. It's been about 4 days, was hoping I could last longer than 10 mins by now (using a fan helps, ginger chews don't do much tho)
I'm getting a bit better day by day with the nausea from playing but GT7 still gets me. I've tried slower cars but unless it's a long straightaway I start feeling nauseated as soon as brake and make a turn. It's been about 4 days, was hoping I could last longer than 10 mins by now (using a fan helps, ginger chews don't do much tho)
Take your time and don't force it. There are a lot of games with less movement that you should play to work your way up to the games with lots of movement like GT7, RE8, etc...

Stationary games > Teleport games > On rails games > Slow locomotion games > Fast locomotion games...

It might take less than a week, it might take months... Who knows? It's an individual thing.
Take your time and don't force it. There are a lot of games with less movement that you should play to work your way up to the games with lots of movement like GT7, RE8, etc...

Stationary games > Teleport games > On rails games > Slow locomotion games > Fast locomotion games...

It might take less than a week, it might take months... Who knows? It's an individual thing.

Yeah, I'm doing ok in Horizon, and I can handle the KayakVR tours if I slow it down. I'm thinking I may have to look into a game like Moss which won't be so hard on me brain. Just wish it were on sale.

Just the preview reports for the past month saying they didn't feel nausea (I don't think I heard one of them complain) had me hoping the tech was there to where these issues were a thing of the past.
Take your time and don't force it. There are a lot of games with less movement that you should play to work your way up to the games with lots of movement like GT7, RE8, etc...

Stationary games > Teleport games > On rails games > Slow locomotion games > Fast locomotion games...

It might take less than a week, it might take months... Who knows? It's an individual thing.
Hearing quite a few comments about nausea with GT7 has been what's put me off buying one so far.

I mean, you can say to have small intervals of it, but when that's the only racing VR game on the system, and you've spent more than the console itself, it'd be quite frustrating not actually being able to get full use out of it.
Yeah, I'm doing ok in Horizon, and I can handle the KayakVR tours if I slow it down. I'm thinking I may have to look into a game like Moss which won't be so hard on me brain. Just wish it were on sale.

Just the preview reports for the past month saying they didn't feel nausea (I don't think I heard one of them complain) had me hoping the tech was there to where these issues were a thing of the past.

I think that's a limitation of the individual rather than the tech isn't it? I still get car sick looking at my mobile. Some don't.
Hearing quite a few comments about nausea with GT7 has been what's put me off buying one so far.

I mean, you can say to have small intervals of it, but when that's the only racing VR game on the system, and you've spent more than the console itself, it'd be quite frustrating not actually being able to get full use out of it.
Try before you buy right?
Hearing quite a few comments about nausea with GT7 has been what's put me off buying one so far.

I mean, you can say to have small intervals of it, but when that's the only racing VR game on the system, and you've spent more than the console itself, it'd be quite frustrating not actually being able to get full use out of it.

A lot of the time games that give you a helmet or a cockpit - i.e., a fixed frame around the action - are a lot easier to take if you might suffer from motion sickness. You can also tilt your head or body to match the game's movement in these games specifically and it might help.
Try before you buy right?
Suppose so, didn't really think of that. If I was to have my time limited on the thing through no choice of my own, I'd probably end up returning it and trying to get it cheaper down the line.
A lot of the time games that give you a helmet or a cockpit - i.e., a fixed frame around the action - are a lot easier to take if you might suffer from motion sickness. You can also tilt your head or body to match the game's movement in these games specifically and it might help.
Yeah, makes sense, although I've read a lot online about people really struggling with GT7 in particular, even when they've become accustomed to other games.

On another note, Pavlov looks amazing.
Hearing quite a few comments about nausea with GT7 has been what's put me off buying one so far.

I mean, you can say to have small intervals of it, but when that's the only racing VR game on the system, and you've spent more than the console itself, it'd be quite frustrating not actually being able to get full use out of it.
It's just a matter of getting used to it because the sensation is so different for your brain. I tried it again last night and it was much better. So I think I'm getting my vr legs. You may have no problems from the go. Best tip is having a fan on you and stopping as soon as you feel nausea. I'm way better now at it than last week for sure
Suppose so, didn't really think of that. If I was to have my time limited on the thing through no choice of my own, I'd probably end up returning it and trying to get it cheaper down the line.

Yeah, makes sense, although I've read a lot online about people really struggling with GT7 in particular, even when they've become accustomed to other games.

On another note, Pavlov looks amazing.
I've been frequenting threads online and that's not really the picture I get. Of course there will always be those that are really susceptible to motion sickness, but (it seems like) this is less of an issue compared to PSVR1 and most seem to be okay. It's the full locomotion games that have taken the most victims.

Luckily in the places I've been visiting a lot of people are aware of motion sickness and have gone in lightly. Of course some have jumped in head first (starting with RE8 or GT7 supercars) and hit the pool floor hard....
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I've been frequenting threads online and that's not really the picture I get. Of course there will always be those that are really susceptible to motion sickness, but (it seems like) this is less of an issue compared to PSVR1 and most seem to be okay. It's the full locomotion games that have taken the most victims.

Luckily in the places I've been visiting a lot of people are aware of motion sickness and have gone in lightly. Of course some have jumped in head first (starting with RE8 or GT7 supercars) and hit the pool floor hard....
Yeah it's mainly been on Reddit that I've seen people say they're struggling, but it's a large pool of opinions there.

All I'm missing is random apps like this:

Which to me looks like half the appeal!
Apart from my first day, I didn't have any nausea while playing.

I hope Sony send me my replacement soon. Already missing it.

I forgot to post this the other day. This was proper something in VR!
Motion sickness will always be a thing with tethered VR, and even untethered you will get it (it's just easier to avoid). Due to how VR works and your brain being tricked, it's always a risk.

The best thing to do if you are new to VR/haven't played in a bit, is play in short bursts from the start, even if you don't feel that bad. Also check the comfort settings on games, sometimes the effects they add when you turn can actually work against you. Also, it helps if you physically turn your head/body more when playing stuff like RE8 (which is why I play action games standing up as much as possible).

With racing games, it's even worse because driving an actual car can make you feel like that and the realism hits hard. But as atkar says above, make sure you are cooled and also drink plenty of water and walk around between races/every 10-15mins. You will get used to it.
Resident Evil is so fecking good! Little bit of jank here and there but the gameplay, set pieces and visuals in general are next level.
For those who ordered after it was released. Have you recieved it yet, and what is the estimated delivery time? Are there shortages like the PS5 had at first?

Considering buying one, but no idea how long I'd have to wait after buying.
For those who ordered after it was released. Have you recieved it yet, and what is the estimated delivery time? Are there shortages like the PS5 had at first?

Considering buying one, but no idea how long I'd have to wait after buying.
I don't think there are any stock issues for this. Heard of people ordering a day before it was released and getting it on release day.
Nice to hear that they’ve done a great job with VR2. Hopefully it revitalises the entire medium. Something id invest in a few years down the line (if it grows)
For all hard rock/metal fans, I read a great idea on reddit. If you download the free demo for the game 'Drum Rock', get past the quick tutorial, start a game, pause, go to settings, turn down the master volume so you can't hear the game song, go to Spotify and play any song you want, then so long as you don't hit your sticks together three times, you can just wail away at the drums for as long as you want. As stupid as that sounds, it's the most fun I've had in VR, and probably the most fun I've had since playing Breathe of the Wild.

I don't know how to drum at all, but fake drumming to songs, especially heavier songs was such a blast. I almost started sweating playing to some Danza and Meshuggah. I've had issues with nausea (better than last week, can last longer but still feel uneasy after about 40 mins of play on Horizon, GT7 and Kayak), but I just drummed for 2+ hours with no issues. The cartoony hell stage is good enough. Highly recommended especially since it doesn't cost anything and is a quick download.
For all hard rock/metal fans, I read a great idea on reddit. If you download the free demo for the game 'Drum Rock', get past the quick tutorial, start a game, pause, go to settings, turn down the master volume so you can't hear the game song, go to Spotify and play any song you want, then so long as you don't hit your sticks together three times, you can just wail away at the drums for as long as you want. As stupid as that sounds, it's the most fun I've had in VR, and probably the most fun I've had since playing Breathe of the Wild.

I don't know how to drum at all, but fake drumming to songs, especially heavier songs was such a blast. I almost started sweating playing to some Danza and Meshuggah. I've had issues with nausea (better than last week, can last longer but still feel uneasy after about 40 mins of play on Horizon, GT7 and Kayak), but I just drummed for 2+ hours with no issues. The cartoony hell stage is good enough. Highly recommended especially since it doesn't cost anything and is a quick download.
Same, my son is learning drums and he’s been rocking to all sorts. He loves it.

It’s a great game. Reminds me of the very first guitar hero in the sense that all of the music is perfect for the game. I don’t like rock music in general but the game makes it cool.
Im playing Village for the first time. And im doing it in VR, the gaming experience is just so cool. Beeing an old dude who used to love Resident evil it feels so good. I feel Village is a step towards the classic games.

I feel a lil bit wierd, i kinda think there is something hot about that big woman.
Can you use the normal Duel sense PS5 controller with it, or do you have to use the left and right hand controllers that come with it?
The amount of times I've finished a race in GT7 and gone to open the car door to get out..... :wenger:
RE8 VR is one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had, it’s absolutely incredible.