Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

Put another 2 hours into horizon and yeah, I was feeling it at the end. I had not felt sick using it until that moment. Maybe 2 hours is my max? I dunno. Probably get used to it. Horizon is basically a climbing sim with some combat thrown in. It's special when you have to make your pick axe or arrow types!

They say to stop playing when you feel like that don't they and the hope is that gradually over days/weeks your body adjusts. I know it would mess me up as I used to get car sick when reading.

Horizon is supposed to be the pretty launch title but it looks a bit...boring? Any good shooters on launch?
Should I explain why some people feel more sick than others, why VR games aren't always made to be the direct enhancements of regular games, and how we don't even see in 3D?


Ok, I'll just go back to puppy dog eyes on the missus until she let's me get one of these at publisher rates*.

*still overpriced btw.
I'm fecking loving GT7, me and little man taking turns atm racing the Sophy AI :drool:
Wheel mate. Coming from the PSVR1, this headset is pretty damn good. Smooth setup, good quality, plug and play. Good foundation and hopefully it's a success. Swordsman VR now :cool:

Now let's see those PSVR1 ports that they are obviously working on!
They say to stop playing when you feel like that don't they and the hope is that gradually over days/weeks your body adjusts. I know it would mess me up as I used to get car sick when reading.

Horizon is supposed to be the pretty launch title but it looks a bit...boring? Any good shooters on launch?
Resi 8 maybe? I have not tried it yet!
Wheel mate. Coming from the PSVR1, this headset is pretty damn good. Smooth setup, good quality, plug and play. Good foundation and hopefully it's a success. Swordsman VR now :cool:

Now let's see those PSVR1 ports that they are obviously working on!

See I know if I get it I'm going to want a wheel as well so that's another £200 on top. Then I'm gonna want some kind of rig to house it in. It's a slippery slope....
See I know if I get it I'm going to want a wheel as well so that's another £200 on top. Then I'm gonna want some kind of rig to house it in. It's a slippery slope....
If you have an interest and you can afford it, do it. What's the worst that could happen?

Post a picture goddamit!
No you perv I'm having too much fun right now!
I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time staring at the Horizon coupon looking for the code, before I saw it was a scratch off deal. Downloading that now and charging controllers. Picked up a few more games as well so I've Horizon, Village, GT7, Kayak, Jurassic, Moss 1 & 2, Thumper, Rez and Tetris, the last 3 being 'cheap' upgrades.

It's super light, to the point of feeling a bit rickety would be a minor negative, but the rest of the set up was cool, eye tracking works despite my eyes, the controllers are mahoosive (the USB C is in a weird position), the camera pass through especially and the roomspace setup is better than my other headsets but strangely I do miss the weightiness of the Quests and wireless OG Vive. I'm sure that won't be a prob going forward as I get used to it. Cat thinks the cable is for her.
Would be interested in knowing your thoughts on Jurassic Park. It piqued my interest with the Quest 2, but people say its very generic.

Read about someone in England ordering it yesterday evening and receiving it this morning, so don't think we'll have any stock issues!

I'm also a bit wary and worried about a lot of people mentioning getting motion sickness. I did have a Quest 2 for a few months and was fine with most of it (only felt ropey once after trying Castle Wolfenstein VR), and I don't get car or boat sick, but I'm worried about spanking that much money and not being able to use it properly!
Played Horizon sitting down this time, and it was ok way of playing. The area they give you to play in while sitting down is very small, though. Stretch your arms out and it gives you a warning.

Also, I think my right controller is broke. I'm not getting any rumble feedback on it, at all. I thought it was just horizon but it's the same in other games. I've checked settings and all features are turned on.

Edit: That problem I had with my right controller was fixed by following the sony guide online. That must be a first
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Played Horizon sitting down this time, and it was ok way of playing. The area they give you to play in while sitting down is very small, though. Stretch your arms out and it gives you a warning.

Also, I think my right controller is broke. I'm not getting any rumble feedback on it, at all. I thought it was just horizon but it's the same in other games. I've checked settings and all features are turned on.

Edit: That problem I had with my right controller was fixed by following the sony guide online. That must be a first

Question re: movies and films.

Is there a cinema app native to PSVR2? With the resolution and such being much better, was just curious whether the cinematic experience had improved.
Question re: movies and films.

Is there a cinema app native to PSVR2? With the resolution and such being much better, was just curious whether the cinematic experience had improved.
I have not tried non vr stuff yet. I know it shows on a flat screen. Pretty sure that there is not a cinema app, though.
Question re: movies and films.

Is there a cinema app native to PSVR2? With the resolution and such being much better, was just curious whether the cinematic experience had improved.

It's supposed to look fantastic going by some of the reviews I've seen. You can play your non-vr games there too.
Anyone suffering from clarity issues? I didn't personally have any but I've seen quite a few reports about it on resetera... It turns out they were wearing it wrong :lol:
Can't come soon enough, charging the controllers is a faff atm.
I'm not impressed with the official charging stand. You have to line them up.

Anyone suffering from clarity issues? I didn't personally have any but I've seen quite a few reports about it on resetera... It turns out they were wearing it wrong :lol:
Link? What were they doing wrong? How do you wear it wrong?!
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I'm not impressed with the official charging stand. You have to line them up.

Link? What were they doing wrong? How do you wear it wrong?!
They were out of the sweet spot, I'm surprised none of you lot have had the issue. I'll link something later when I come across it again...
They were out of the sweet spot, I'm surprised none of you lot have had the issue. I'll link something later when I come across it again...
Thanks , I had a look and I see what they mean. One thing I've noticed about my lenses is that they sometimes look like the left and the right have a scratch on them. But only from certain angles if that makes sense? Like there is something on the lens. But then you look and there is not. You notice that?
Edit: I looked it up and they are apparently called 'God Ray's and are normal!
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Thanks , I had a look and I see what they mean. One thing I've noticed about my lenses is that they sometimes look like the left and the right have a scratch on them. But only from certain angles if that makes sense? Like there is something on the lens. But then you look and there is not. You notice that?
Edit: I looked it up and they are apparently called 'God Ray's and are normal!
Dunno tbf, I found myself just playing games yesterday, didn't even notice anything like they mention. I'll have a look with a critical eye later but tbh, it's a good sign for me that I didn't notice.
Dunno tbf, I found myself just playing games yesterday, didn't even notice anything like they mention. I'll have a look with a critical eye later but tbh, it's a good sign for me that I didn't notice.

Have you had any fogging problems? Loads (well the couple I read) of reviews say it's not an issue 'cos of some ventilation/fan arrangement but mine's fogged up every time from cold. Admittedly not as bad as other headsets, but definitely a thing for me so far.
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Have you had any fogging problems? Loads (well the couple I read) of reviews say it's not an issue 'cos of some ventilation/fan arrangement but mine's fogged up every time from cold. Admittedly not as bad as other headsets, but definitely a thing for me so far.

probably the mcdonald’s working its way out.


:wenger: < one of these fixes it

Nah, I like you mate. I'm sorry for winding you up, I promise to be good in future!

(Well I promise I'll try to try, sometimes I can't help it. But I swear it's not being mean, I just have an odd sense of humour about this stuff at times. Let's call it burnout from dealing with idiots like Weaste, Cider and their much weaker respawns Elvis, Alock and Afro).
Nah, I like you mate. I'm sorry for winding you up, I promise to be good in future!

(Well I promise I'll try to try, sometimes I can't help it. But I swear it's not being mean, I just have an odd sense of humour about this stuff at times. Let's call it burnout from dealing with idiots like Weaste, Cider and their much weaker respawns Elvis, Alock and Afro).

I meant a sweatband!
Lo and behold, a few mins later and Elvis pops up in the terrible VS thread to try a dig back. Alock and Afro will stew and try a different tack. They are better adversaries than that little twerp.

Anyway, my little fun aside, I'm not really hearing glowing reviews worth £500 from you lot. So come on then, tell me about the controller, something other than the better screens...what is this thing doing? Convince me to buy one and come whoop you all in GT7VR!
It could literally manifest and stab @rimaldo 's girthy penis into your left eye and you'd still be like "I don't know what people are complaining about!" you big fangirl.

Though Drawfulloftears seems to have the same issue with other headsets, so maybe he's just especially nasally?
Have you got one yet? Exactly what I thought....
Dunno tbf, I found myself just playing games yesterday, didn't even notice anything like they mention. I'll have a look with a critical eye later but tbh, it's a good sign for me that I didn't notice.
Yeah, I looked them up and you can even see them from certain angles when not wearing the headset! Tbf, when I'm in a game I don't notice them. Just tends to be when the screen is darker. Honestly, thought it was a scratch at first!

I played some Resi 8 and it looks amazing. The reloading of the gun is awesome. No way I could see myself playing the full game, though. It's just too much to think about when playing. By the time I've get my gun out and aimed I'm already half dead. Will stick it on easy and see how that is.

Going to finish Horizon. Loving it, so far. Only issue is that the PSVR keeps losing my play space which can get annoying.
Read down, then respond. In the words of a wise bunch of sages "Tell me whyyeeee!"
I'm not here to convince you (I'm dying to put some time in this evening) I posted the metacritic earlier, fill ya boots fella!

But seriously if you liked the PSVR this is the second one, get one now or get it later? It's.... erm, good?
Yeah, I looked them up and you can even see them from certain angles when not wearing the headset! Tbf, when I'm in a game I don't notice them. Just tends to be when the screen is darker. Honestly, thought it was a scratch at first!

I played some Resi 8 and it looks amazing. The reloading of the gun is awesome. No way I could see myself playing the full game, though. It's just too much to think about when playing. By the time I've get my gun out and aimed I'm already half dead. Will stick it on easy and see how that is.

Going to finish Horizon. Loving it, so far. Only issue is that the PSVR keeps losing my play space which can get annoying.

VR in a nutshell.

Trust me, you will get used to the reloading and all that. Most VR games have a period of adjusting. As for the eye stuff, this Headset still isn't the full way, people will always find something. That's more to do with how our eyes/brains work than anything, plus better FPS/HZ helps. "God rays" as they call them are about all sorts, including the fit of the headset. Try different positions, adjust the eye centers, try different in game settings. You'll find a way to suit you.

But seriously if you liked the PSVR this is the second one, get one now or get it later? It's.... erm, good?

"If you liked the PSVR"

This guy :rolleyes: