Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

RE8 VR is one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had, it’s absolutely incredible.
Yes it is! One of my best, as well.

An update on my tracking problems. I got a new PSVR 2 sent out and the same 'can't track my surroundings' message persists. So, the problem was not with the last headset. I tried a picture on the wall were it loses tracking but that didn't work, either.

As a last resort, I've bought a infrared light off amazon as I've seen it said that they can help with tracking on VR. Anyone think that there is a chance it helps me? I'm clutching at straws here, I know.
You tried what with the picture, moving it? Are you sure there's nothing wifi-based that could be interfering in that area? Or any other sources of light reflection in the room? (For example tv/monitor turned off, a mirror somewhere...etc)
Yes it is! One of my best, as well.

An update on my tracking problems. I got a new PSVR 2 sent out and the same 'can't track my surroundings' message persists. So, the problem was not with the last headset. I tried a picture on the wall were it loses tracking but that didn't work, either.

As a last resort, I've bought a infrared light off amazon as I've seen it said that they can help with tracking on VR. Anyone think that there is a chance it helps me? I'm clutching at straws here, I know.

Did you try enabling advance tracking in the menu? This solved all my tracking issues, since I’m in a mostly white room. I’ve seen people sticking black tape on their walls to get the tracking recognised.
Might be resident evil spoiler:
9 de jo

I ran into an issue, right after i beat the woman with her doll. (Belvadiore or something like that) i get a key. But when i get it the game wont let me do anything exept turning my hands. I try to restart but got stuck in the same place.
I don't know what it's been like for you guys but my PSVR2 is clear as feck right now. I don't know what's happened but I'm stunned at how different it looks. GT7 looked so good I was confused!
Imagine spending £520 to get motion sickness :wenger:
Motion sickness is just in the beginning, it is also much less an issue on VR 2 than the other i tested.

Its not a problem. Your brain figure it out kinda fast.
Might be resident evil spoiler:
9 de jo

I ran into an issue, right after i beat the woman with her doll. (Belvadiore or something like that) i get a key. But when i get it the game wont let me do anything exept turning my hands. I try to restart but got stuck in the same place.
Same thing happened to me :lol:

I worked it out, the game (i think) wants you to grab with your other hand. It's not a bug, just weird.

My latest update is that I've bought a USB cable extender and I'm going to try and play it in another room. Hopefully, the same thing does not happen!
I don't know what it's been like for you guys but my PSVR2 is clear as feck right now. I don't know what's happened but I'm stunned at how different it looks. GT7 looked so good I was confused!
There was an update a couple of days ago.

I found the perfect plaement for my headset. Top of my forehead really high up give me the best angle.
I found the perfect plaement for my headset. Top of my forehead really high up give me the best angle.
Same. Found the perfect sweet spot now and have been so impressed with this kit.

With GT7 and Resi, my gaming world has moved on slightly, I’m really getting the hang of free movement and not getting queasy too. Loving it so far and I’m sure the visual clarity has improved since the update.

I’ll easily put up being tethered if it means I’m getting this quality and some exciting looking titles on the way. Behemoth and Aces of thunder especially are exciting me.
Same thing happened to me :lol:

I worked it out, the game (i think) wants you to grab with your other hand. It's not a bug, just weird.

My latest update is that I've bought a USB cable extender and I'm going to try and play it in another room. Hopefully, the same thing does not happen!
Yeah. Thanks, that was wierd. The part before that was kinda disturbing.
I know it's old news but I've been playing thumper in VR and loving it! It's so simple but addicting. I was thinking of going for the platinum in call of the mountain but I don't have it in me to shoot all those targets.

Tracking woes update: I put my laptop camera at the side of the room I was losing tracking in and had it pointed at my tv. That seems to have helped, somewhat. I only lost tracking once in a hour.
I was getting tracking errors earlier. I restarted the PS5 and they went away. Ymmv.
GT7 is an absolutely majestic experience on this thing. Was never particularly even into racing games but holy shit it's changed how I view them.
GT7 is an absolutely majestic experience on this thing. Was never particularly even into racing games but holy shit it's changed how I view them.
That moment when you finish a race... and then automatically go to open the car door to get out. Fully immersed...

I bet @Redlambs still doesn't have one, bloody fanboy
Looks like you can pick them up in stores now. Argos and Smyths toys have them in stock.

Still not sure about getting it. Worried motion sickness might be an issue.
Close to pulling the trigger now.

Obviously there's a lot of "shake" when watching reviews, I take it this isn't the case when using the actual headset.
Looks like you can pick them up in stores now. Argos and Smyths toys have them in stock.

Still not sure about getting it. Worried motion sickness might be an issue.

Same. I suffer from it pretty bad so this has put me off for the time being. That and resi4 & tears of the kingdom releases as well.
I bought Beat Saber. First reason for buying is that I heard it's really good and second reason is that it's time this fat bastard lost some weight and apparently it can be good for fitness?
I bought Beat Saber. First reason for buying is that I heard it's really good and second reason is that it's time this fat bastard lost some weight and apparently it can be good for fitness?
Get Les Mills Body Combat too in that case
I've only played it for an hour, but Beat Saber seems fantastic.

I bought this charging stand which seems really good.

I've got a bee in my bonnet about this bad boy. What's an extra 500 quid on my overdraft?! Right?!
I've got a bee in my bonnet about this bad boy. What's an extra 500 quid on my overdraft?! Right?!
It's worth it, but i've accepted that it's something I'm only going to play a few times a year. Make peace with that and then decide if you still want to spend the cash. Picking up a controller is just so much more convenient.

One bummer about PSVR 2 is that it really looks like Half Life Alyx is not coming out for it. I thought for sure that it would.
Same one I have got

:lol: brilliant

It's worth it, but i've accepted that it's something I'm only going to play a few times a year. Make peace with that and then decide if you still want to spend the cash. Picking up a controller is just so much more convenient.

One bummer about PSVR 2 is that it really looks like Half Life Alyx is not coming out for it. I thought for sure that it would.
One of the reasons im scared is that im not convinced sony are going to properly support it. Also my partner will 100% try and scare me.
Strong recommendation to play Before Your Eyes.

It's not much of a 'game'. You make a few choices. The story revolves around you blinking. Which is a fun mechanic.

Thr story goes places so don't look anything up before you play.

It's honestly, not more than 90 minutes but its currently only £10.

Wild.. they're very close to having the headset work in PC now by the sounds of it.
Finally pulled the trigger on one of these for £350 used.

Really enjoying it, Horizon is stunning, although I got the wheel out to play some GT7 VR yesterday and it's really disorientating when going down hills and corners :lol:

Summer sale starts tomorrow so hoping to get a few games on offer.

I've been eyeing up the Star Wars game and it's on sale until tonight, so might give the demo a go and see if its worth buying.

Also find it really easy to pick up and play compared to when I had a Quest 2 a couple of years ago.
Games like Synapse and Hubris (even moreso) leave me here wondering what the feck are Sony playing at? Disclaimer about VR legs aside, most of the mechanics have been worked out, perfected even. Analogue locomotion, climbing, equipment and inventory, gunplay, melee, archery, swimming, jumping, in game animations still need polish but it's pretty far along see TWD:S&S1 and 2....

Clearly a lot of their IP would work on PSVR2. I know it takes years to dev so it's still early, but no real news?

What's your take @Redlambs?
I've been playing Puzzling Places. I've only been doing it on easy with just 25 pieces in each puzzle. It's a super relaxing time for £15. I really love how you to start hear sounds as you build the puzzle.
Started a game called Red Matter 2. It's pretty good, so far. Some decent puzzles and platforming. The big thing about it is how great it looks, though.