Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

RE8 and After The Fall, luckily I have several games from PSVR1 that will be getting upgrades (such as NMS, Wanderer, Song in the smoke, etc)
I bought RE 8 on sale, this week! I now have that and horizon to play. I hope they're good cause I can't afford anything else, for now.
So I got my new wheel and pedals hooked up in readiness for GT7 next week, and they work fine but the FFB is really weak compared to what I am used to on PC. Is this a PS5 thing, a GT7 thing or a wheel thing? It's fine, just less than I was expecting I guess. Only had 15 minutes at half time but couldn't see any obvious settings that I've not already set to max.
So I got my new wheel and pedals hooked up in readiness for GT7 next week, and they work fine but the FFB is really weak compared to what I am used to on PC. Is this a PS5 thing, a GT7 thing or a wheel thing? It's fine, just less than I was expecting I guess. Only had 15 minutes at half time but couldn't see any obvious settings that I've not already set to max.
You must be able to turn that up in the settings somewhere? I say that because I had to turn mine down, it all was way too much. I’d bought my wheel off a PC bod and his settings were way too high.
You must be able to turn that up in the settings somewhere? I say that because I had to turn mine down, it all was way too much. I’d bought my wheel off a PC bod and his settings were way too high.

I'll have a look in the PS5 settings and if no joy, hook it onto my pc and see if I can tweak in its app in a 'generic applies to all' way. On my old wheel, which I don't think the PS5 liked, it used to be ripped out of my hands in crashes on PC in PC Project Cars, Dirt Rallys for example with normal driving being nice and subtle.
I'll have a look in the PS5 settings and if no joy, hook it onto my pc and see if I can tweak in its app in a 'generic applies to all' way. On my old wheel, which I don't think the PS5 liked, it used to be ripped out of my hands in crashes on PC in PC Project Cars, Dirt Rallys for example with normal driving being nice and subtle.
Good luck. Hope you get it sorted.
I just picked up the collective minds stand. My PSVR1 stand from them was excellent and is still going strong...
Well, shit I wish I had not bought the offical charger, now! The offical one has no where to put the headset.

I think I'm going to buy that kayak game. It got some good previews an is pretty cheap.

Also, TIL that this can't be used by kids under age 12...
I wouldn't let them spend too much time in it, but I read something recently saying it's just to be safe. There's no real research on it. Better safe than sorry...
Why can't kids under 12 play?

I'm tempted by this VR2.

Horizon game, GT7, maybe no man's sky and maybe star wars game.

What else is musts? Not a fan of the cartoony graphics in general.
Why can't kids under 12 play?
Maybe they can? Who knows? I've let mine here and there over the years. Little man has spent some time in there but not too much, he's 11 now. I'll probably let him play an hour here and there in PSVR2. It's up to you as there is no consensus, but companies are going to say avoid it to be safe in case it causes issues in developing eyes.

Reviews will start coming in for other games soon
Why can't kids under 12 play?

I'm tempted by this VR2.

Horizon game, GT7, maybe no man's sky and maybe star wars game.

What else is musts? Not a fan of the cartoony graphics in general.
Resi 8 should be great in VR. It comes out launch day.

I've never used VR before, I'm I bound to feel sick?
Not a fan of the cartoony graphics in general.

Lower fidelity is necessary to hit the frame rates needed to avoid motion sickness. But the reason so many titles now have pastel/cartoony graphics is because they were designed to run on the most popular headset (Quest), which while great is very low on power.

If you've not used VR before, you'll be surprised how little the graphics matter. While the graphics can be basic, the immersion is very high and you will (might) forget what's real. I've seen plenty of people lean on desks and walls that aren't there in VR, regardless of graphics fidelity.
Resi 8 should be great in VR. It comes out launch day.

I've never used VR before, I'm I bound to feel sick?

Not necessarily, but some people do. I personally know no-one that has suffered from anything severe. My dad uses VR and sometimes feels a bit light headed and that's never gone away for him - he's been using VR for 4 or 5 years - but that's the worst I've seen.

If you do, keep play sessions short and stick to less motion intensive games. Also, most games (not all these apply to GT7) will have accessibility options to help reduce the chances of you feeling ill. So you can make it where the camera 'snaps' on turning for example (instead of being smooth), or some games will allow you to have a vignette or black border that narrows your field of view on heavy movement.

Personally, I wouldn't go in expecting to be sick and hopefully that'll be enough.
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Still don't think the games are there for me to grab this early. Not saying I won't further down the line though.

Dead Space in VR would be awesome. Controller even looks like Plasma Cutter.
My delivery date is now showing the 24th (I don't know when it changed). Spoke to the store's CS and they say I'll get it at launch, force majeure aside but I'm not sure I phrased my question properly in foreign :(
I've never used VR before, I'm I bound to feel sick?

Yes you will at some point. But you will adapt.

I'll let those who tell you that you won't exactly why.

But the reason so many titles now have pastel/cartoony graphics is because they were designed to run on the most popular headset (Quest), which while great is very low on power.

FFS at least back up a single thing you say before you keep saying it. Seriously, I've given actual knowledge of why this is false and yet you continue to ignore that and go all fanthem over something you don't understand.
Yes you will at some point. But you will adapt.

I'll let those who tell you that you won't exactly why.

FFS at least back up a single thing you say before you keep saying it. Seriously, I've given actual knowledge of why this is false and yet you continue to ignore that and go all fanthem over something you don't understand.

I haven't seen that, sorry. I was watching the devs who made Song in the Smoke's interview with DF and they said pretty verbatim what you've quoted me saying. What does fanthem mean?
Yeah, you keep copying the words of people you don't know on something you don't understand. What could possibly go wrong.

They were bemoaning the power available to the Quest, but accepted they had to develop for it. I've been on board with VR since day 1, and the graphical quality of releases has dropped off a cliff since the Quest's rise in popularity. If it's not because of being shunted onto developing for weaker hardware to make the product viable, why is it? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'd like to understand.

As I said a moment ago, if you've said this to me before I didn't see it.
Also, if those "devs" are scaling a game down to the Quest and letting it define how they develop the game, then they aren't exactly great at their work. I get it from an indie team, but at the same time scaling isn't an issue.
They were bemoaning the power available to the Quest, but accepted they had to develop for it. I've been on board with VR since day 1, and the graphical quality of releases has dropped off a cliff since the Quest's rise in popularity. If it's not because of being shunted onto developing for weaker hardware to make the product viable, why is it? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'd like to understand.

As I said a moment ago, if you've said this to me before I didn't see it.

Explain please. Because the Quest runs games better than the PSVR and also opened up the market.

But do please tell me how it did/does neither of those things.
Also, if those "devs" are scaling a game down to the Quest and letting it define how they develop the game, then they aren't exactly great at their work. I get it from an indie team, but at the same time scaling isn't an issue.

It was an interesting interview and I admit I don't understand game dev, but one thing they mentioned was having to scale down their draw calls(?) by a factor of 100 from the PSVR version. 15000 per frame to 150. Again, help me out, but they weren't 'starting from scratch', so what should they have done differently? And while neither version is winning any graphical awards, the Quest version looks markedly worse, no?

Explain please. Because the Quest runs games better than the PSVR and also opened up the market.

But do please tell me how it did/does neither of those things.

I didn't say it didn't? I said it uses lower quality graphics because of its power limits. I love the Quest, so I'm not sure why you're screaming at me about it.

Re the PSVR2/PS5 combo it won't sell enough to be the lowest common denominator. Some estimates put Quest sales at 15 million units. I'd be amazed if PSVR2 hits half that, which means devs are going to want to be on the Quest, as well as other headsets surely. What am I missing?
It was an interesting interview and I admit I don't understand game dev, but one thing they mentioned was having to scale down their draw calls(?) by a factor of 100 from the PSVR version. 15000 per frame to 150. Again, help me out, but they weren't 'starting from scratch', so what should they have done differently? And while neither version is winning any graphical awards, the Quest version looks markedly worse, no?

I'm going to ignore the typo, but that's absolute nonsense. "Draw calls" scaled down by 100 :lol:

You have bought into the bullshot stuff.

I didn't say it didn't? I said it uses lower quality graphics because of its power limits.

You keep saying things you don't understand. That's the point. I've already covered this in here, you've just chosen to ignore it for some YT video. It's the standard we get these days.

I love the Quest, so I'm not sure why you're screaming at me about it.

So dramatic! :lol:

I'm not screaming at you, I've attempted to talk to you about something you clearly love and maybe could understand a little more. I also don't like people trying to get others to buy expensive equipment based on nothing more than they want it to be great, as is in keeping with what I've always done on here.

Re the PSVR2/PS5 combo it won't sell enough to be the lowest common denominator. Some estimates put Quest sales at 15 million units. I'd be amazed if PSVR2 hits half that, which means devs are going to want to be on the Quest, as well as other headsets surely. What am I missing?

What are you talking about? First it's about the power, now it's about the sales???

The PS5/PSVR2 is already behind the curve. I'm not sure what point you are making now, but neither of them make sense.
I'm going to ignore the typo, but that's absolute nonsense. "Draw calls" scaled down by 100 :lol:

You have bought into the bullshot stuff.

The PS5/PSVR2 is already behind the curve. I'm not sure what point you are making now, but neither of them make sense.

They talk about the problems scaling down to Quest here - in my defence I got the numbers slightly wrong but from 'thousands, to maybe 150'. Is it not important? Is it an issue specific to the Quest?

Re the second question, don't devs want to shift as many copies as possible? I think we're slightly at cross purposes here. If they want to release on PCVR, PSVR and Quest, surely it being the weakest (you can't be arguing that Quest is more powerful than any of the other headsets that matter?), is going to impact the development somewhat? Hence it's the lowest common denominator.

Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative but I don't understand and I'm trying to. And as for my screaming comment, you did seem to be fury-typing a bit :lol:
They talk about the problems scaling down to Quest here - in my defence I got the numbers slightly wrong but from 'thousands, to maybe 150'. Is it not important? Is it an issue specific to the Quest?

Re the second question, don't devs want to shift as many copies as possible? I think we're slightly at cross purposes here. If they want to release on PCVR, PSVR and Quest, surely it being the weakest (you can't be arguing that Quest is more powerful than any of the other headsets that matter?), is going to impact the development somewhat? Hence it's the lowest common denominator.

Again, you keep ignoring the point I'm making about "lowest common denominator" and then changing your point as to what that means. I've already explained this, you keep ignoring that. It's incredibly weird.

We aren't at cross purposes, you just refuse to accept you have been taken down a path and also refuse to answer all my other points. Like why you are so invested on pushing this on people when you don't even understand it.

Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative but I don't understand and I'm trying to. And as for my screaming comment, you did seem to be fury-typing a bit :lol:

Fury typing? What does that even mean? Is that like when you can't answer any point and keep getting called out on it, so you just resort to "oh you must be angry"? :lol:
Again, you keep ignoring the point I'm making about "lowest common denominator" and then changing your point as to what that means. I've already explained this, you keep ignoring that. It's incredibly weird.

We aren't at cross purposes, you just refuse to accept you have been taken down a path and also refuse to answer all my other points. Like why you are so invested on pushing this on people when you don't even understand it.

Fury typing? What does that even mean? Is that like when you can't answer any point and keep getting called out on it, so you just resort to "oh you must be angry"? :lol:

I'm not invested on pushing this on anyone, what the actual feck? You're a moron, I'll take the warning.

The Quest is by any measure the LCD. It's the biggest selling headset by a mile. Devs are gonna dev with it in mind. It holds some aspects of VR back. I'm out.
I'm not invested on pushing this on anyone, what the actual feck? You're a moron, I'll take the warning.

The Quest is by any measure the LCD. It's the biggest selling headset by a mile. Devs are gonna dev with it in mind. It holds some aspects of VR back. I'm out.

You won't get a warning. And you can call me a moron all you like, but you are doing the equivalent of "do your research" meaning watch a youtube video and then act like you know what it means.

"Devs are gonna dev" that is actually funny though :lol:
Hope we get a Saka Dive Simulator for the PSVR2.

Take a tumble with the best. The all new haptic feedback simulates a handbrush on your lower back and that is trigger for you to crumple to the floor.
I haven't seen that, sorry. I was watching the devs who made Song in the Smoke's interview with DF and they said pretty verbatim what you've quoted me saying. What does fanthem mean?
Redlambs = WUM

Not an endorsement, obviously, and I don't know when (or even if) they'll actually get released.

Walkabout Golf is coming out, wait for that it's supposed to be really good.
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I find it mildly fascinating that Sony have decided to release this on my birthday. It'll be like all of our collective birthdays together #sonybrosunite
I'm going to ignore the typo, but that's absolute nonsense. "Draw calls" scaled down by 100 :lol:

You have bought into the bullshot stuff.

You keep saying things you don't understand. That's the point. I've already covered this in here, you've just chosen to ignore it for some YT video. It's the standard we get these days.

So dramatic! :lol:

I'm not screaming at you, I've attempted to talk to you about something you clearly love and maybe could understand a little more. I also don't like people trying to get others to buy expensive equipment based on nothing more than they want it to be great, as is in keeping with what I've always done on here.

What are you talking about? First it's about the power, now it's about the sales???

The PS5/PSVR2 is already behind the curve. I'm not sure what point you are making now, but neither of them make sense.
How is it behind the curve? Im a VR simpleton so im curious? For the price of the console and headset is there a way to secure a superior VR experience?
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Ffs, I leave for a minute and Lambs starts picking on people!