Gaming PlayStation 5

Finished Astrobot yesterday. Incredibly satisfying nailing that final challenge run and then I went on to polish off the 5/6 missing trophies I needed for the plat. As good as it was I reckon I'll trade it in at the weekend whilst it still has some resell value. Might look at this Gears of Warhammer thing.
Finished Astrobot yesterday. Incredibly satisfying nailing that final challenge run and then I went on to polish off the 5/6 missing trophies I needed for the plat. As good as it was I reckon I'll trade it in at the weekend whilst it still has some resell value. Might look at this Gears of Warhammer thing.
There's still free DLC coming this year with additional themed bots and, more importantly, new speedrunning levels, so you might want to hold on to it a little longer if that's your thing.

DF did an interesting look at the PS5 Pro footage and the pros and cons of the system and some of their choices are bizarre.

For example in Ratchet and Clank the footage shown is the PS5 performance mode up-ressed, rather than the quality mode running at 60 FPS. This means there are other graphical cutbacks such as reduced crowd density and post processing effects than the PS5 version running in quality mode.

It also looks like most games are running at 1440p and then upscaled using PSSR. On the subject of PSSR it looks like it might be having some trouble smoothing out edges, giving a more jagged appearance than some other upscalers.

Lastly there were still a few games that were running at 30 FPS. So the CPU is still likely to hold back the console in certain games or RT modes.
There's still free DLC coming this year with additional themed bots and, more importantly, new speedrunning levels, so you might want to hold on to it a little longer if that's your thing.

Oh I did want the speed running stuff so thanks for the heads up. I'll hold on to it.
Sorry @swooshboy I ended up wasted :lol: however I'm off the beer this weekend so should be free any of Fri / sat / sun.

I downloaded 2 missions, kraken something and cant remember the other. Still got another 2 to download at some point too.

Also just seen "sniper elite resistance" pop up on YouTube so looks like we will have a new installment next year :drool:
Sorry @swooshboy I ended up wasted :lol: however I'm off the beer this weekend so should be free any of Fri / sat / sun.

I downloaded 2 missions, kraken something and cant remember the other. Still got another 2 to download at some point too.

Also just seen "sniper elite resistance" pop up on YouTube so looks like we will have a new installment next year :drool:

Let’s go for Saturday?

Hadn’t heard of resistance - will have a look at that and look forward to it!
Deep into Days Gone.

Got it free with Playstation +

What a brilliant game. I'm not sure if it was buggy but I seem to remember it not getting favourable reviews when it was first released.

Let’s go for Saturday?

Hadn’t heard of resistance - will have a look at that and look forward to it!
Saturday is good with me.

It looks ... More of the same, which is exactly what was expected. Don't feck with a winning formula. Only difference I see is we are not playing as Karl this time around.
Deep into Days Gone.

Got it free with Playstation +

What a brilliant game. I'm not sure if it was buggy but I seem to remember it not getting favourable reviews when it was first released.

I keep meaning to go back to this, had a little dabble a couple years ago but something else took over and I never got back round to it.
Deep into Days Gone.

Got it free with Playstation +

What a brilliant game. I'm not sure if it was buggy but I seem to remember it not getting favourable reviews when it was first released.

I did the same picked it up years after release and it was great. I'm going to guess it was just buggy at launch as it's a brilliant game.

There's no game that induces panic quite like it when you're being chased by a huge horde.
Deep into Days Gone.

Got it free with Playstation +

What a brilliant game. I'm not sure if it was buggy but I seem to remember it not getting favourable reviews when it was first released.
I downloaded this while bored one day a few years ago expecting nothing much, it ended up being one of my favourite games.
I did the same picked it up years after release and it was great. I'm going to guess it was just buggy at launch as it's a brilliant game.

There's no game that induces panic quite like it when you're being chased by a huge horde.
It had some bugs but nothing game breaking. I enjoyed it at the time.
I keep meaning to go back to this, had a little dabble a couple years ago but something else took over and I never got back round to it.
Same, I did try it (even after being put off by the first trailer which seemed to depict a man and his deep love of a motorcycle), and it was fun but didn’t pick it up again when I got the PS5.
The PS6 is just going to be a remastered PS5 at this rate.
'60FPS and 4K .....and this time we actually mean it' could make for a good sales pitch for the PS6 :lol: . Obviously games can reach these things on the PS5 but developers have struggled to meet the expectations I think.

The whole industry seems to be in a bit of a strange place at the moment. Just seen that SE have deemed FF XVI and FF Rebirth as not meeting sales expectations. FF14 must be keeping them in business by the look of things.
'60FPS and 4K .....and this time we actually mean it' could make for a good sales pitch for the PS6 :lol: . Obviously games can reach these things on the PS5 but developers have struggled to meet the expectations I think.

The whole industry seems to be in a bit of a strange place at the moment. Just seen that SE have deemed FF XVI and FF Rebirth as not meeting sales expectations. FF14 must be keeping them in business by the look of things.
Not GTA6 if the internet rumours are anything to go by. Apparently it will be 30fps on consoles.
Not GTA6 if the internet rumours are anything to go by. Apparently it will be 30fps on consoles.
Yeah I heard about that, even on the PS5 pro allegedly. Some games have managed a smooth 60 FPS for the PS5 but I guess it depends on the game type. Either way, I can't help but think they over-promised a bit with this gen.
Yeah I heard about that, even on the PS5 pro allegedly. Some games have managed a smooth 60 FPS for the PS5 but I guess it depends on the game type. Either way, I can't help but think they over-promised a bit with this gen.
I'm a cynic so I think Rockstar are more than capable of making it 60fps but they want to release an "updated" version a year or two later that will be 60fps.

Their business model will be no different than it was with V; milk it to the nth degree with multiple re-releases and shark cards.
'60FPS and 4K .....and this time we actually mean it' could make for a good sales pitch for the PS6 :lol: . Obviously games can reach these things on the PS5 but developers have struggled to meet the expectations I think.

The whole industry seems to be in a bit of a strange place at the moment. Just seen that SE have deemed FF XVI and FF Rebirth as not meeting sales expectations. FF14 must be keeping them in business by the look of things.

Yeah square enix are weird and seem to expect their titles to sell as well as first party games which is never going to happen

They've also been like this for a while...

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Yeah square enix are weird and seem to expect their titles to sell as well as first party games which is never going to happen

They've been like this for a while

Them selling Tomb Raider, Deus Ex etc IP's and the western studios for what seemed like a bargain still seems like a bizarre deal to me
Please don't remind me that the Deus Ex franchise exists and continues to be treated like leper in the 17th century

I played Mankind Divided again recently for the first time since my original playthrough in 2018. It's so damn good despite only being half a story. Gameplay and level design are just incredible. I have no idea whatsoever why we're not getting a conclusion to the Adam Jensen story - I can't think of anything in gaming I'd be more excited for.