Gaming PlayStation 5

Driving on gravel on Far Cry 6 is a dream, I must admit.

Regarding Cyberpunk, I would be interested to see if they can inplement haptic feedback relative to proximity to blasts or mines, ranging from very strong, to weak.
I just played Returnal for 15 minutes since my last post as despite not being a completionist it could be my first platinum if I have the patience. Even in that time what struck me - and I do absolutely adore it - is how wonderful the controller experience is in playing it. The boost, the raindrops, environmental effects, aiming and shooting - just fantastic how snarky it uses everything.
Haven't played it yet but my daughter is absolutely loving it. She's just about to turn 7 and hasn't ever really got into games. Mario she likes for 5 minutes but struggles quite quick and gives up.

I was concerned it might be too easy but if it acts as a good gateway game for her then it's a winner.
Just got through the God of War level. It's a beautiful game but I already know it's gonna be a one and done kind of job. Hopefully they have some of those time challenges like playroom for afters. Got quite competitive on the climbing one in this house.
Having a lazy Sunday playing Astro Bot, what a beautiful platformer it is. Perfect for just turning off your brain and having fun. This is going to sell like hot cakes around Christmas I'd say.
Having a lazy Sunday playing Astro Bot, what a beautiful platformer it is. Perfect for just turning off your brain and having fun. This is going to sell like hot cakes around Christmas I'd say.
Looking forward to getting this myself. Also managed to get one of the Astro Bot controllers, although I'm tempted to sell it seeing some of the prices it's going for.
I'm still not too far into the game, only a couple of levels into the second galaxy, but it's clear this is something special. The last level I played yesterday night, damn.

Astro's Playroom and Returnal did great things with the Dualsense but at its best, Astro Bot is just on another level. When everything comes together, the interactivity in the level, the amount of stuff happening on screen, the sounds coming from the controller and the haptics, it truly feels like you have a miniature version of the level in your hands. It's impossible to understand until you've experienced it for yourself, it's the most tactile video game I've ever played, and it's not even close.

Even without all that, its level design and the sheer creativity makes it a 10/10 platformer, but add all of it together and this could become an all time classic in the genre. I can't wait to find out what they've got in store in all the other levels, but I know I'm going to take my sweet time with it. I already don't want this to end.
Having a lazy Sunday playing Astro Bot, what a beautiful platformer it is. Perfect for just turning off your brain and having fun. This is going to sell like hot cakes around Christmas I'd say.
Did the same thing, brilliant game to be fair.
Those circle/triangle/square... single challenge levels are pitched just perfectly difficulty wise between challenging and frustrating. Had sweaty palms on a fair few of them.
Super excited for Astro, the first game although brief is in my top 5 gaming experiences of all time. Just captured everything so perfectly - fun, nostalgic, fresh and replayable.
Super excited for Astro, the first game although brief is in my top 5 gaming experiences of all time. Just captured everything so perfectly - fun, nostalgic, fresh and replayable.
Oh, you're going to love it!

I've finished it and loved it. Got the platinum, already!

The game is the perfect length and almost...the perfect game! Minor quibble (still don't like gyro), and larger one in how much the structure borrows from similar, but it's a delight. No bloat, innovation in abundance. Make no mistake that the dualsense is the star.

There is nothing else in the near future that I want to play on PS5, so I'm going to try and sell my unit to go towards the cost of the Pro. We might well hear about the Pro, this week.
I’m only an hour into Astro but it’s the most fun I’ve had with a game since, well… the first Astro. Pure fecking joy.
Did the same thing, brilliant game to be fair.

I actually forgot how nice it is to just relax and play a console game, in front of a 4K TV. I've been mainly gaming on PC for a year now. Certainly different spaces that compliment each other for different experiences.
Oh, you're going to love it!

I've finished it and loved it. Got the platinum, already!

The game is the perfect length and almost...the perfect game! Minor quibble (still don't like gyro), and larger one in how much the structure borrows from similar, but it's a delight. No bloat, innovation in abundance. Make no mistake that the dualsense is the star.

There is nothing else in the near future that I want to play on PS5, so I'm going to try and sell my unit to go towards the cost of the Pro. We might well hear about the Pro, this week.
I was debating the latter you know! Just save money towards it.
I hope we still get the state of play we've been hearing about this month.

Re: the PS5 pro - will probably look to get it by the end of next year or beginning of 2026. I'm still playing 2020/21/22 games so it doesn't really impact me now.
Managed to fix the drift on my right joystick, which is cool. Took it apart and cleaned the potentiometer, took about 10 mins and no soldering or anything. Even if its not a perm solution, its fine for now, given how quick it was.
Managed to fix the drift on my right joystick, which is cool. Took it apart and cleaned the potentiometer, took about 10 mins and no soldering or anything. Even if its not a perm solution, its fine for now, given how quick it was.
I’m about to buy another one due to stick drift. Love the controller but the stick drift issue is annoying as feck and expensive to boot.
I’m about to buy another one due to stick drift. Love the controller but the stick drift issue is annoying as feck and expensive to boot.
Getting one repaired is so expensive you might as well get a brand new one too. I think I've had three repairs so far and they've eventually gone back to drifting after a few months. It's one of the biggest criticisms I have of this gen. Its stupid but I basically have the stick drift controller reserved for most of my random game time and then the non-stick drift controller untouched and only to be used for special games.
I’m about to buy another one due to stick drift. Love the controller but the stick drift issue is annoying as feck and expensive to boot.
May as well try cleaning it if its going into the bin anyway.

If it returns I might have a go at soldering a replacement, since that can fix it for good.
Only ever had stick drift on my first controller. Just bought a new one from Argos then returned it with the broken one. Immoral some might say, I’d call it an act of genius.
Getting one repaired is so expensive you might as well get a brand new one too. I think I've had three repairs so far and they've eventually gone back to drifting after a few months. It's one of the biggest criticisms I have of this gen. Its stupid but I basically have the stick drift controller reserved for most of my random game time and then the non-stick drift controller untouched and only to be used for special games.

May as well try cleaning it if its going into the bin anyway.

If it returns I might have a go at soldering a replacement, since that can fix it for good.

The stick drift in this one is minor but any small twitchy movements breaks the immersion. I’ll probably keep this one for when a friend comes over or as @Solius does, use it for the games I take less seriously.
Having said that, I do still absolutely love it as a piece of tech and maintain that’s it’s the “‘next gen” thing we’ve seen in console gaming for ages.
Only ever had stick drift on my first controller. Just bought a new one from Argos then returned it with the broken one. Immoral some might say, I’d call it an act of genius.
I'd say you got even on behalf of some others they've no doubt fecked over over their history.

You're a gaming dark knight
I’m about to buy another one due to stick drift. Love the controller but the stick drift issue is annoying as feck and expensive to boot.
I'm thinking of getting mine repaired, quoted 1200 rupees locally. Surprisingly the other controller i have, that i bought at the same time, still works flawlessly
I'm thinking of getting mine repaired, quoted 1200 rupees locally. Surprisingly the other controller i have, that i bought at the same time, still works flawlessly
I’d buy the edge if it wasn’t so obscenely priced. Nearly 3 times the normal controller is silly.
Only ever had stick drift on my first controller. Just bought a new one from Argos then returned it with the broken one. Immoral some might say, I’d call it an act of genius.
I'm going to say it's perfectly moral, due to the fact that controllers are designed to break down after a period of time, so feck em.
Not even a disc drive on that is there? And a vertical stand sold separately.

Horrendously out of touch pricing.
€800 for that? This thing is not going to sell, complete joke. Also could they still least have delivered it in black, it looks almost identical to the base model.
And it doesnt even have a disk drive :lol:

Nope, no thanks. Even in 2026 when GTA6 is out, still no thanks.