Actually Nostradamus
Just when I thought I was in, they pull me back out.
Ah right. Good job Microsoft went back on their always-online plan otherwise everything would be in the shit.
Oh yeah forgot about that. That would be bloody annoying.for new xbones, it has to be validated once online. so, people with new consoles during christmas were screwed.
If there was anyone else still having problems change your MTU to 1473 in the network settings.
Saw a great explanation of DDoS attacks on Reddit the other day.If these motherless fecks are intent on bringing it down with DOS attacks is there anything Sony can realistically do about it?
Genuine question, I'm clueless about this shit, should they have improved their security since the first round of trouble or is it all just pissing in the wind?
If you put enough traffic on a freeway, no mater how wide the freeway is, no one can get anywhere.
the same thing applies to networks, where if you flood them with enough traffic, with fake cars that don't actually want to get anywhere, nothing can get where it wants to go.
I think this might help? have a question about my PS Plus account.
Since I got my PS4, I've given the PS3 to my sister. She probably won't play games on it very much, but she'll use it for Netflix and as a DVD/Blu-Ray player. Anyway, is there any way in which she can have her own PSN account, but still access the free PS Plus games for PS3 which I'll get through my own PSN account?
I see Tomb Raider is on 16pounds on PSN store. Worth it?
No problemExcellent Olly, cheers.
If these motherless fecks are intent on bringing it down with DOS attacks is there anything Sony can realistically do about it?
Genuine question, I'm clueless about this shit, should they have improved their security since the first round of trouble or is it all just pissing in the wind?
I see Tomb Raider is on 16pounds on PSN store. Worth it?