Thats one person. Hardly half the people who play Fifa is it.
On the other hand, how much of a chance have you given Fifa? If anyone hasnt spent a lot of time playing next generation Fifa by now, then they must be behind the times and the very definition of a pro evolution soccer fanboy.
On that note, is there anyone in this thread who would honestly say they've never been a pro evolution soccer fanboy at any point, ever? I think at least half the people who have been comparing Fifa favourably to Pro Evo in this thread have stated that they used to be. That they used to get each game without fail, making a tried to game and paying a quid to make sure you get your hands on the demo as soon as it came out and so on. And I was no different, from Pro Evo 2 to Pro Evo 6, its what I had in my playstation for about 90% of that time. I dont think there's a lack of a chance being given to Pro Evo here, we're all very familliar with the game and all either publically or privately would prefer Pro Evo to be the better game, or even almost neck and neck and we'd pick it anyway.
But right now, its not. Its still a decent game in its own right but I got bored of the demo pretty quickly. And yes part of that was definately down to how sluggish it was compared to the old pro evo games, but another part of that was that I'm now used to all the extra depth Fifa gives to nearly all the phases of play, so much so that Pro Evo's straight forward approach feels too easy and too simplistic. Too much freedom to do what are actually difficult things in real football matches. For some people thats what makes a football computer game fun.
But for me, I'd like my game to be as realistic as possible. It'll never be football, but it can be a lot closer than Pro Evolution Soccer is and still be fun to me.
Some have made the point that if you play Pro Evo 6 now, you see the ridiculous speed of it and the now sub-par animations and it doesnt look even close to realistic. But at the time Fifa was even more arcadey and even more unrealistic, despite the speed. And thats why I used to prefer Pro Evo back then. Because it was at the time the more realistic game.
Some people have then gone on to say this unrealistic representation was why the game was fun and that by trying to be more realistic, they are making the games less fun.
I cant speak for anyone else, but despite having shit loads of fun on pro evolution soccer 2 - 6, I'd never pick playing it over watching a real match of football as long as it was a pretty good match. I have fun playing football, I have fun watching football/United - more fun than I ever had playing Pro Evo.
And so the more like watching a real match a football game becomes, the more fun I'm going to have by and large. This wont be the same for everyone - but obviously, I care little about what suits other people in a football game. As long as its good for me, thats all that counts. And I'm sure thats how most people feel about their football game ideals too.