Pes 2010

It's beyond me how some people can talk about games rivalry in the same way they talk about football rivalry.
So FIFA fans are now starting to behave like Scientologists now? Talking down to you, and pitying you for personally liking one thing better than another. The only difference between you lot and the religious crowd is that some of them will admit there may not be a definitive answer.

Well done. You've found another reason for people to think you're spastics.
It's not an "us and them" thing going on in this thread, is there?

So what was the reason for calling people who enjoy the latest FIFA game "a spastic" Brophs?
It's not an "us and them" thing going on in this thread, is there?

So what was the reason for calling people who enjoy the latest FIFA game "a spastic" Brophs?

No, quite clearly I'm calling those who think that talking down to folks who enjoy one game, while insisting that they have the answer to an entirely subjective question, 'spastics'. Not all FIFA fans.

If that offends you, then there's a pretty reason answer why.
Who's talking down to who?

All I've noticed is a few members giving their opinions of the demo whilst some other members don't like reading anything negative.

Surely that's what forums are for though?
Who's talking down to who?

All I've noticed is a few members giving their opinions of the demo whilst some other members don't like reading anything negative.

Surely that's what forums are for though?

Just to be clear, that was a comment on this thread/the FIFA thread/ this discussion as a whole. Not you.

But read the posts again and tell me that some of the FIFA lot aren't arriving in, and repeatedly saying nothing more than 'PES is shit' etc, and then seeking to 'argue' the point with people over and over. Let's be honest, whichever game you play is a personal preference, nothing more. That's why it annoys me that we have to spend half our time in this thread talking about FIFA, despite the fact that most of us admit that, for many, it's the football game at the moment.
Yes I do agree with your points Brophs and have to hold my hands up and admit to making one too many negative points about the demo.

It just winds me up that Konami treat their long-term fans i.e. myself the way they do. I wait with baited breath every year for the new PES game to come along and it just keeps dissapointing me. After loving the franchise for nearly 10 years now it pisses me off that the game hasn't "evolved" in any way, shape or form in recent times.
You've made that point a fair few times already now.

I also don't understand how you can have played the demo and not realised that it's a significant improvement on PES09. If you don't believe me, play the two of them one after another.

Actually, feck it, why am I bothering? Your mind is clearly made up already.
You've made that point a fair few times already now.

I also don't understand how you can have played the demo and not realised that it's a significant improvement on PES09. If you don't believe me, play the two of them one after another.

Actually, feck it, why am I bothering? Your mind is clearly made up already.

Yes I do agree Pogue after playing the demo more that it IS an improvement on PES09. BUT that was a diabolical game in any case, so it's not exactly difficult to improve on it. (In my honest opinion)
:lol: Stop arguing people!

If you spend more time playing against your mates (not online) buy PES.

If you spend more time playing against the AI (Manager Mode) or online, buy Fifa.

If you do both, buy both for feck sakes - I certainly am! Both games have their pros and cons, Fifa is clearly the winner when it comes to real football simulation - how some people can't see this is totally beyond me. It never used to be that way, but now it is. Get over it.

Pro Evo is a lot more enjoyable to play when your mates are around, mini tournaments, the lot. The Master League has apparently been updated, but there's no chance it will match Fifa's Manager Mode as far as realism goes.

I actually preferred the PES demo, simply because it was more 'fun' to play. It's a huge step up from 2009 in my opinion, the graphics are pretty incredible. I can't wait for the full game.
Downloaded the demo and after playing a few games I think I'm done with Pro Evo, it just isn't as fun as it used to be, last years was a big dissapointment and this seems like more of the same. Can't be arsed with FIFA either which I've always hated.

Bring back Sensible Soccer!
So FIFA fans are now starting to behave like Scientologists now? Talking down to you, and pitying you for personally liking one thing better than another. The only difference between you lot and the religious crowd is that some of them will admit there may not be a definitive answer.

Well done. You've found another reason for people to think you're spastics.

What.. you mean FIFA fans have now developed the same mentality PES fans had pre 08? Do you reckon it has anything to do with which game being best at the time?
I'm really enjoying the demo now. I have added United among other teams to the demo and changed the stats, and that has made the game much more responsive and the first touches a lot better.

It actually feels like PES6 now.
I haven't read through much of the PES threads the last 2 years, but have the included every club and player?

I have to admit I am a FIFA fan, but I've played PES for a few seasons when FIFA was completely shit. I played the demo for both and found them pretty enjoyable. I'll be buying FIFA this year, but might have a run at PES if I can find one on the cheap.
How'd you do that?

I'm playing on the PC. So I just downloaded a patch for the demo which changes the teams (shirts, logo, name, players, faces etc.), and then I used an editor to make the stats more realistic.

It's just like if United, Real, Chelsea etc. were in the demo from the beginning.
I'm really enjoying the demo now. I have added United among other teams to the demo and changed the stats, and that has made the game much more responsive and the first touches a lot better.

It actually feels like PES6 now.

Wow. That's interesting.

If tweaking the stats can make a difference, there's every chance the final build will sort the problem completely.

I've already gone out on a limb and said that the FIFA demo is great fun to play (it really is, try it) but if Pro Evo can sort out the responsiveness issues then I would be fecking delighted, because the demo is already the best Pro Evo in years. Looks like we might be spolit for choice this autumn.
I'm playing on the PC. So I just downloaded a patch for the demo which changes the teams (shirts, logo, name, players, faces etc.), and then I used an editor to make the stats more realistic.

It's just like if United, Real, Chelsea etc. were in the demo from the beginning.

Photoshop sounded cooler. Let's stick with that.
Wow. That's interesting.

If tweaking the stats can make a difference, there's every chance the final build will sort the problem completely.

I've already gone out on a limb and said that the FIFA demo is great fun to play (it really is, try it) but if Pro Evo can sort out the responsiveness issues then I would be fecking delighted, because the demo is already the best Pro Evo in years. Looks like we might be spolit for choice this autumn.

What platform are you playing?
I_live_Cement's link has some patches with the new kits and all.. same is yours?
Not quite - that one is an early version, the one I posted has more players, faces, real preferred foot etc., if I'm not mistaken.

But the stats are bad in both versions.

You can use this tool:
To edit the stats, like I've done.
Barca, Liverpool, United, Chelsea, Real Madrid and Chelsea.
It's the same as the one in your link, but more updated.
Anyone who has a PS3 should download the winning eleven demo in the Japan PSN store. Just do a search for "Winning". It plays slower and better than the PES demo.
Blog - Konami

Seabass said:
Hi everyone.

I spent the weekend with fans in Nice at the PES European Championships. In addition to holding the tournament we also gave press and fans the chance to see final code and give us feedback.
As we've said before our process of listening, learning and improving is on-going.

Whilst I was at the event, several people asked me about the demo code which we recently released. I think this situation has got a little confused, so I want to explain things clearly.

The demo code is slightly different to the final version. Improvements have since been made to the ball physics and consequently the game speed has been reduced. Ideally we would have liked to release a version based 100% on final code, but we were making changes right up until the end.

Sorry for the confusion. I hope you give the final code a try to
experience what we believe is the best PES to date.
