Pes 2010

not impressed with the demo...interestingly, it looks better than FIFA but plays far less fluidly and annoyingly stiff and robotically...Arcadely if you will. Thats exactly what I would have said about FIFA 4 years ago...oh how times change

The one thing that remains is the feeling of being able to score completely different goals every time...shame is, its not enjoyable enough for me to want to explore that
so whats the verdict then? i am downloading the demo now any major improvements? is it still utter wank? will i end up deleting the demo after one game?

If you didn't like 08 or 09 you wont like this.
well if this is the case then i am going to hate this one with a passion

There is basically no difference besides minor passing tweaks and a small graphics overhaul. I don't actually understand what they spend all their time doing at Konami. :wenger:
There is basically no difference besides minor passing tweaks and a small graphics overhaul. I don't actually understand what they spend all their time doing at Konami. :wenger:

It's bizarre...every year seabass says they've overhauled this and re modeled that...but nothing significant changes...the 360 dribbling is almost unnoticeable on this!!

To be fair, they haven;t improved FIFA that much...what do these people do for a whole is their jobs and everything!!
Played one half and gave up. It just isn't a realistic representation of football.

Blimey, is that your biggest gripe? What do you think of Sensible soccer then because that “isn't a realistic representation of football”, but its still a bloody good game!
Tell you what, if you’re so desperate for realism, how about you get yourself a ball and experience the game for yourself.

As PES 2010, I actually quite like, it’s not up to pre-2008 versions but still retains a lot of its gameplay, oh also its not unrealistic at all, it’s one of the most realistic PES games I’ve played.

I’ve only played a few games and so my observations are brief.....The passing system has improved its not as restricted as before, the ball doesn’t quite zip about as much and its physics are as realistic as Fifa now, though passing is still some what assisted though, the right stick gives you full freedom however.
Shooting is as good as ever, cracking a 30 yarder is highly satisfying.
Slide tackles are fantastic as well, you can really pull of some crunching challenges and pin point them, I’ve already saved myself with two last ditch toe pokes.

The pace of the game has slow dramatically from 2009 which is a good thing, though probably a little too much, its needs to be sped up a tad IMO, when counter attacking this is most noticeable, it feels a little labored.
Response times of the players are a little slow; hopefully Konami will iron these things out come October.

As for the graphics they look brilliant the best I’ve ever seen in a football game, the faces are really realistic and the colour reproduction is superb, though the animation is still not up as good as Fifa 10 but its not as robotic as previous games.
The one stick trick system is still there which I don’t like very much but am getting used to it, Fifa’s implementation is a lot better through their use of the right stick.
Oh and the sound is shit as usual, but that is to be as expect, I usually play with music on anyway.

I am actually quite looking forward to this, I have played a couple of games of Fifa and a couple of game of this and seem to be wanting to play this more, Fifa is by no means a bad game, in fact its actually a very good but to me its slightly under whelming where as this has got that "fun factor" all be it, its a not great game either.
I've just played a few games. It IS different. The passing seems to have been improved, and you can work some nice passing moves now. The dribbling is also very different, i haven't quite got the hang of it yet, but it doesn't seem as easy to beat players.

The attacking is the biggest change i've noticed. You have much more support now when you attack, and the movement of the attacking players is better i feel.

I'm quite liking it so far to be honest. It's 4:30 in the morning now though so i'll play a few more games tomorrow and get back to you.
Right, so I played the demo..

Oh dear Konami, oh dear..what have you done to my beloved game?!
I used to spend hours and hours and hours playing this beauty around 3-4 years ago loving every second of it...

this cannot be the same game or the same makers...
Very very underwhelming seems so, I don't know what's the word. Arcady? lack of dynamism in the players? Too lack of smoothness in the animations and movements of the players? Something's just not right in the gameplay..the movements are way too cartoonish and don't feel too real.

I just played 1 game and couldn't bear it anymore really. What a game this used to be, what has become of it... The lack of animations is very noticeable..

If I'm basing my decision to buy a game on the demo, I don't think there's any doubt EA will be getting my money.. Which is a shame as I was hoping for some tough competition from Konami..
it's just almost sad how badly Konami has gone wrong. Truly is.
Right, so I played the demo..

Oh dear Konami, oh dear..what have you done to my beloved game?!
I used to spend hours and hours and hours playing this beauty around 3-4 years ago loving every second of it...

this cannot be the same game or the same makers...
Very very underwhelming seems so, I don't know what's the word. Arcady? lack of dynamism in the players? Too lack of smoothness in the animations and movements of the players? Something's just not right in the gameplay..the movements are way too cartoonish and don't feel too real.

I just played 1 game and couldn't bear it anymore really. What a game this used to be, what has become of it... The lack of animations is very noticeable..

If I'm basing my decision to buy a game on the demo, I don't think there's any doubt EA will be getting my money.. Which is a shame as I was hoping for some tough competition from Konami..
it's just almost sad how badly Konami has gone wrong. Truly is.

this doesn't sound right

arcady and at the same time not dynamic enough? bloody hell, people nowadays complain for the sake of complaining

correct me if I'm wrong but PES has always been crap in the animation department...if that's what's putting you off along with the slow speed of the game then surely you must've hated the old versions

the real problems of the current generation of PES are glitches, bugs, crappy goalkeepers and the online play
Hopefully these things will improve a bit when the game is released (last year's demo was shit too, the game was better)
The game is improving though, although a bit slow I admit. I have a feeling konami's doing this on purpose so that they have something to do for years to come, bit like fifa.
not impressed with the demo...interestingly, it looks better than FIFA but plays far less fluidly and annoyingly stiff and robotically...Arcadely if you will. Thats exactly what I would have said about FIFA 4 years ago...oh how times change

The one thing that remains is the feeling of being able to score completely different goals every time...shame is, its not enjoyable enough for me to want to explore that
Feel exactly the same way. It looks excellent and better than Fifa, surprisingly, but plays like something from the previous decade. Clunky, robotic and rather unlike football and more like a cellphone game adaptation of the game which is actually played by humans rather than cyborgs.

I hated it the first time i played it. Very disappointing from the what used to be the best sports series around at one point.
The main change Konami were hyping is the new tactics engine, where you can make loads of subtle tweaks on the fly.

Anyone got their teeth into that yet?
It hardly matters when the game is so bad itself. It feels like a bunch of sumo wrestlers out there. I miss PES :(
It's bizarre...every year seabass says they've overhauled this and re modeled that...but nothing significant changes...the 360 dribbling is almost unnoticeable on this!!

To be fair, they haven;t improved FIFA that much...what do these people do for a whole is their jobs and everything!!

Therein lies the point - they don't need to do anything radical because they know the same mugs will buy the new version year after year.

Ooooh, this year they've added 2 new goal celebrations. I must buy it!

I've seen nothing in the new FIFA to warrant an upgrade and PES....well that can just feck off.
right going to try downloading it now and see if its any quicker, dunno why i am bothering though
my main gripe is response times, which are apparently better in later codes. the demo code is over 1 month old, what with having to be be made, closed off and sent to Microsoft and Sony for certification before being made available.

I hope that the response times are indeed improved for the final release, as people say they are, but i won't know til release day. fingers crossed.
that bad eh? i want to see this shit product for myself though

I think there's a certain fluidity and feeling control you have to have in any sports game. And it's severely lacking in this title. The response times are ridiculous. Feels like the players are wearing 10 kilo boots. The graphics are great though and better than Fifa. The game is nowhere close.

Little Big Planet is brilliant actually, which is why i recommended it.
might grab little big planet too then
the dribbling is horrible!! and the AI is utter shite
the dribbling is horrible!! and the AI is utter shite
Yup. It was so smooth in earlier PES'.

Now that i know Fifa's the better game all i want from it is to be really tough. I want to able to play manager mode and actually have a sense of accomplishment. I think football games, whichever is the best at the time, always suffers from this problem.
How are you so suprised? PES 2008 was awful, so was PES 2009.

I don't know what Konami are up to, they better leave the weed alone methinks.

yeah but i always hope that maybe one year konami might get it right and surprise us all
Yeah I was hoping the same. God only knows what's going on in Konami's offices - they've become so lazy.

It's crazy that the same company came up with MGS4 not so long ago, which i regard as one of the best two or three games i've ever played.
Yeah I was hoping the same. God only knows what's going on in Konami's offices - they've become so lazy.

It's crazy that the same company came up with MGS4 not so long ago, which i regard as one of the best two or three games i've ever played.

yeah its shocking and not on really, i mean we are paying good money for these games but when pes comes out now its just depressing how bad it is getting, i used to love pes and get endless hours of fun from it but now i cant even stomach playing one match on it
I've just had another go, just to see if I could get used to it.

But boy, it really is terrible. The ball feels like a rock! Players feel heavy, man, I could go on & on but I won't because I don't want to bore everyone.

Terrible, terrible demo.

This vid sums up the AI for me:

YouTube - PES 2010 DEMO A.I. OWN GOAL
the player movements are a real killer they are just so so bad
Blimey, is that your biggest gripe? What do you think of Sensible soccer then because that “isn't a realistic representation of football”, but its still a bloody good game!
Tell you what, if you’re so desperate for realism, how about you get yourself a ball and experience the game for yourself.

As PES 2010, I actually quite like, it’s not up to pre-2008 versions but still retains a lot of its gameplay, oh also its not unrealistic at all, it’s one of the most realistic PES games I’ve played.

I’ve only played a few games and so my observations are brief.....The passing system has improved its not as restricted as before, the ball doesn’t quite zip about as much and its physics are as realistic as Fifa now, though passing is still some what assisted though, the right stick gives you full freedom however.
Shooting is as good as ever, cracking a 30 yarder is highly satisfying.
Slide tackles are fantastic as well, you can really pull of some crunching challenges and pin point them, I’ve already saved myself with two last ditch toe pokes.

The pace of the game has slow dramatically from 2009 which is a good thing, though probably a little too much, its needs to be sped up a tad IMO, when counter attacking this is most noticeable, it feels a little labored.
Response times of the players are a little slow; hopefully Konami will iron these things out come October.

As for the graphics they look brilliant the best I’ve ever seen in a football game, the faces are really realistic and the colour reproduction is superb, though the animation is still not up as good as Fifa 10 but its not as robotic as previous games.
The one stick trick system is still there which I don’t like very much but am getting used to it, Fifa’s implementation is a lot better through their use of the right stick.
Oh and the sound is shit as usual, but that is to be as expect, I usually play with music on anyway.

I am actually quite looking forward to this, I have played a couple of games of Fifa and a couple of game of this and seem to be wanting to play this more, Fifa is by no means a bad game, in fact its actually a very good but to me its slightly under whelming where as this has got that "fun factor" all be it, its a not great game either.

Pretty much the only one spot on in this thread, all others are too much fifalised to appreciate the new PES.
Pretty much the only one spot on in this thread, all others are too much fifalised to appreciate the new PES.

That's why I never trust reviews, I wait til I've played it myself. How much can you learn from someone who says they played one game than had enough?! You need at least a few games to get to grip with the controls usually

I still took great enjoyment playing the last PES game, maybe it wasn't the best Konomi had produced, but those saying it was shite were talking out of their arses
I like reviews the way they used to do it in the old days, in say Crash or ZZAP, where three people would give you their views on a game and they would then come to some sort of consensus for the scoring. Not everyone is going to be thrilled by every game.

After a while ZZAP started including a section where they would go back to old reviews and look at it again seeing how long lived the game was and what they got wrong.
Why are we "talking out of our arses" Brad?

I've bought every PES game to date, as a consumer, I am entitled to my opinion.

As for someone else saying "we've been Fifalised" do you realise how ridiculous you sound? Grow up. The latest FIFA installments have been bloody good games, PES is so far off the mark these days it's untrue.

I've played the latest demo 20 times at least - it's bloody awful IN MY HONEST OPINION.
Why are we "talking out of our arses" Brad?

I've bought every PES game to date, as a consumer, I am entitled to my opinion.

As for someone else saying "we've been Fifalised" do you realise how ridiculous you sound? Grow up. The latest FIFA installments have been bloody good games, PES is so far off the mark these days it's untrue.

I've played the latest demo 20 times at least - it's bloody awful IN MY HONEST OPINION.

I guess that's why he's saying you've been fifalised.

The latest fifa game was ok but wasn't a patch on PES games from several years back. It's nowhere near "bloody good"

That's what so frustrating. FIFA still haven't nailed the game-play, while PES has been focussed on unnecesary frills to such an extent that the game-play seems to have gone backwards (although I haven't played this latest demo yet, so can't comment on that)
I was addicted to FIFA 2009 and many of my friends were/still are. Me and my best friend had many a Friday night playing on Xbox Live 2 v 2 and had some of the best gaming experiences ever.

FIFA takes AGES to get used to after playing PES for so many years. Once you get to grips with it, it truly is a beautiful footy title.

Play the latest PES demo and then play FIFA 2010. It's so far ahead in terms of gameplay, it's scary.

Hats off to EA for once, I used to slate them year-in, year-out. Their football games were awful until recently. Now there's a new king in town and it's not PES anymore.

The last few PES titles have all looked, felt and played like unfinished, half-arsed attempts at games. Seabass is robbing everyone.
There is no such thing as nailing the gameplay though Pogue but in a matter of 3 years the improvement made by EA shows what's they're aiming and I can comfortably say that the FIFA10demo is for me the best football videogame I've ever played and I say that knowing that there so many bugs still there (keepers among others but they've been fixed for the retail version).
For a lot of people, there is this silly sense of having to choose between the 2 games whereas you can actually enjoy both.Most of the time, some just blindly try to convince themselves or others that their game is better and I really hate it.We're customers after all and we're trying to be the most satisfying product accordingly to our tastes, there isn't a single truth out there