Ronaldo No.9
Redcafe FIFA Champion 2010
The demo will be available to download tommorow
I still only play PES6, I get tired of the other games within a week.
PES09 was way too easy, you could dummy your way past an entire team before running into goal with the ball.
Why is this not getting the hype the FIFA game got?
around 5pm gmt today, I believe
Crap. That means 1030 pm for me. Another giant download, it's depressing playing PES these days being someone who was so into the series earlier. I still think it has elements better than Fifa but overall the series has gone down the drain.
How do you compare it to fifa 09 for the consoles? Or the older PES's for their time?
FMuch of that is owed to the 360 movement which isn't apparent at first glance but you can certainly feel it the more you play.
Fifa > pes
(compulsory at least once per page.)
PES = realistic football simulation
FIFA = unrealistic arcade
I think at the moment we're just suffering from a lack of an amazing football game. Fifa is fun but not exactly realistic and the graphics are shite, PES is a shadow of it's former self and it's down to one thing; Konami took their foot off the gas.
Because Fifa > Pes.
Can't say I'm really enjoying the demo, though that's probably because I'm so used to PES6.
Its out?
The PC demo is already out guys (PS3 and XBOX360 in a few hours)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010: Demo [Demos] | (PC, XBox, 360, Playstation2, Playstation3, GameCube, Wii, PSP, Nintdendo DS)
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