Pes 2010

Right, I haven't played a football game since Fifa 98, but do they really expect you to pause your game every 3 seconds to pick a tactical maneuver?
Right, I haven't played a football game since Fifa 98, but do they really expect you to pause your game every 3 seconds to pick a tactical maneuver?

I think the different types of tactics will all be saved in the D-pad or maybe by pressing L2/LT and a direction in the D-Pad you'd activate a certain tactic and set of cards
I think the different types of tactics will all be saved in the D-pad or maybe by pressing L2/LT and a direction in the D-Pad you'd activate a certain tactic and set of cards

Yep that's my guess too..
This whole tactical play looks interesting. However, I still think animations are pretty average. The running animations look lame, the way they pass looks lame.

I think this is an early build of the game. Everything I have heard from konami indicates that mo-cap will be implemented in time for release. Although they haven't stated how comprehensive it will actually be.

Right, I haven't played a football game since Fifa 98, but do they really expect you to pause your game every 3 seconds to pick a tactical maneuver?

You're a fecking idiot.
I decided to play PES6 today (PS2 version). What a fecking game! the game-play puts Fifa 09 and PES09 to shame, seriously it does. The speed is just about perfect, the passing is a little off and robotic, but the shooting is fantastic. Some of the goals I scored could never be done in Fifa 08, 09 or PES 08/09.

I bloody hope Konami get their act together this year and deliver a brilliant game. I have a feeling they will.

By the way, if anybody has PES6 or PES5 lying around the house, pop it in your PS3 and give it a go, you'll bring back some memories. If you haven't got it, pick it up on your next visit into town for a couple quid at Gamestation, you won't regret it.
I decided to play PES6 today (PS2 version). What a fecking game! the game-play puts Fifa 09 and PES09 to shame, seriously it does. The speed is just about perfect, the passing is a little off and robotic, but the shooting is fantastic. Some of the goals I scored could never be done in Fifa 08, 09 or PES 08/09.

I bloody hope Konami get their act together this year and deliver a brilliant game. I have a feeling they will.

By the way, if anybody has PES6 or PES5 lying around the house, pop it in your PS3 and give it a go, you'll bring back some memories. If you haven't got it, pick it up on your next visit into town for a couple quid at Gamestation, you won't regret it.

Ah those were the days! I am fecking imba at it as well, stood in 3rd in an all nation tournament a couple of years ago, and even though PES 2008 was out then, they still played PES 6 in it, and they still do last I heard
I decided to play PES6 today (PS2 version). What a fecking game! the game-play puts Fifa 09 and PES09 to shame, seriously it does. The speed is just about perfect, the passing is a little off and robotic, but the shooting is fantastic. Some of the goals I scored could never be done in Fifa 08, 09 or PES 08/09.

I bloody hope Konami get their act together this year and deliver a brilliant game. I have a feeling they will.

By the way, if anybody has PES6 or PES5 lying around the house, pop it in your PS3 and give it a go, you'll bring back some memories. If you haven't got it, pick it up on your next visit into town for a couple quid at Gamestation, you won't regret it.

Still the best football game there's been, no doubt.

Like many, I went badly off Pro Evo with the last few releases. I became so disillusioned last year that I bought FIFA 09. A great game in its own right but not a patch on the old Pro Evos. I would play those games everyday from release date until the next one. I played FIFA 09 fairly regularly for a few months before getting bored. I haven't touched it in several months now, and have no real desire to play it. It's a polished game, but it's also got its flaws. For instance, you can score screamers for fun simply by holding R2 whilst you shoot - any half decent striker will score outrageous outside of the foot beauties into the top bag without much effort at all. Impressive at first and you think you're the shit, but it wears thin when you're scoring at least 1 every game. FIFA loses its fun pretty quickly. The old Pro Evos did not, and that was the beauty of them.

I'd love Pro Evo to storm back to his former glory, but I'll not hold my breath - it's certainly not promising that they're focusing on this tactical shite. People just want to pick up and play. I don't want to be playing my mate with a few beers and worrying about Daniel Alves not over-lapping enough (or too much), or that I haven't told my players to play close enough together. I would much rather the developers came out and said 'Look we completely fecked up so we've completely overhauled the game'. I don't want to hear about tactical engines and superficial add-ons. I want to hear about what made the game good in the first place - its realism and playability.
Still the best football game there's been, no doubt.

Like many, I went badly off Pro Evo with the last few releases. I became so disillusioned last year that I bought FIFA 09. A great game in its own right but not a patch on the old Pro Evos. I would play those games everyday from release date until the next one. I played FIFA 09 fairly regularly for a few months before getting bored. I haven't touched it in several months now, and have no real desire to play it. It's a polished game, but it's also got its flaws. For instance, you can score screamers for fun simply by holding R2 whilst you shoot - any half decent striker will score outrageous outside of the foot beauties into the top bag without much effort at all. Impressive at first and you think you're the shit, but it wears thin when you're scoring at least 1 every game. FIFA loses its fun pretty quickly. The old Pro Evos did not, and that was the beauty of them.

I'd love Pro Evo to storm back to his former glory, but I'll not hold my breath - it's certainly not promising that they're focusing on this tactical shite. People just want to pick up and play. I don't want to be playing my mate with a few beers and worrying about Daniel Alves not over-lapping enough (or too much), or that I haven't told my players to play close enough together. I would much rather the developers came out and said 'Look we completely fecked up so we've completely overhauled the game'. I don't want to hear about tactical engines and superficial add-ons. I want to hear about what made the game good in the first place - its realism and playability.
Brilliant post mate, I agree with everything you said.
Like the look of the tactics system. Surely if you can just ignore it though if you just want to piss around. Making it kind of pointless I suppose.

But the only problems I've had with PES recently has been animations and some AI issues, and the tactics system suggests AI has been improved. I heard they're using proper motion capture for animations this time so overall quite promising.
i brought pes 5 for ps2 for 50p in gamestation, played it and i loved it more than the new one. They seriously need to sort it out but i have my doubts
I'm sorry but FIFA is shite. The gameplay is just crap. It's crap crap crap, always has been, always will be. I really don't understand how people can prefer playing FIFA over Pro-Evo. An absolute mistery to me.
Lets hope that Konami produce a much better game than the previous 2 editions. Still, rather play those than anything off FIFA.
Rams, well, rams. He's right about most of it though, even if I don't play this type of game. It's not supposed to be an accurate simulation (the way FIFA is trying to go), it's supposed to just be a bit of fun. If you want to get a simulation, buy a ball, go to park, kick it.

Obviously games such as GT or Forza can't be placed into this argument, as you cannot compare a 15 quid ball with a half a million quid car.
He's in a dwindling minority though...still clinging on to the pillars of the empire long after the rest of us have left the city
Football games will never be fully accurate simulations, otherwise we'd need to play for 90 minutes with no real guarantee of a goal. As any football gamer will tell you, play a 90 minute game and you're likely to have goals in the dozens.

A football game is rather like a MOTD highlight reel split into 5 minute halves.
Rams, well, rams. He's right about most of it though, even if I don't play this type of game. It's not supposed to be an accurate simulation (the way FIFA is trying to go), it's supposed to just be a bit of fun. If you want to get a simulation, buy a ball, go to park, kick it.

Obviously games such as GT or Forza can't be placed into this argument, as you cannot compare a 15 quid ball with a half a million quid car.

Yeah but it isn't a bit of fun when the game mechanics are just atrocious. The AI is leagues behind Fifa, the physics are awful and don't even get me started on the fecking keepers.
That's the general idea surely?

On the flip side, if you want an arcade game go play in an arcade. And if action is all that matters, go play an action game.

Most people want a semi-realistic representation of how football is played from their game. Else whats the point of it being a football game? It might as well be a bunch of aliens kicked around a meteor.

Fifa is the most realistic representation and best all round football game by a mile. Some people only care about the gameplay and nothing else and in that respect Pro Evo comes closer. But it still hasnt been slightly close for the past couple of games.

Some people go on about how Pro Evo 6 is still the best game, and I have it and play it now and again, but even that is quite a ways behind Fifa 09. For example, there's no such thing as keeping team shape in that game, you're just playing against 11 players who dont set up as a team and pretty much just stand around doing feck all unless they are the closest player to the ball so they can be called in to pressure the man on the ball. Its pretty ridiculous. At the time it was an amazing game though, no doubt. But next gen Fifa has just set the bar a lot higher in almost every aspect that it shows it up in some respects.

The one single way Pro Evo 6 may be "better" than Fifa 09 is in regard to powerful shots. Fifa is definately "floaty shot" heavy, whereas its easy to hammer an effort at goal in PES6. But that doesnt make the shooting better in that game, as Fifa 09 has the best implimentation of curled shots and placed finishes in a football game to date. So thats 2 shot types to 1. And then there are the rising shots - although they are way too common in Fifa 09, they are another type of shot that exists in football. So 3 shot types to 1.

Now judging from the gameplay video there, this new Pro Evo looks like a pretty good game, which cannot be said for the previous version. And thats cool as I plan to get this for pc, Fifa for xbox 360 and enjoy them both. Although I can see from that video that Pro Evo is still suffering from its usual annoyances.
I got both Pro Evo and Fifa, and while Fifa was quite good i still get more enjoyment from Pro Evo. I think that'll still be the case this year.
for the first time ever i played more fifa than pro evo last year, in fact i always played fifa over pro evo
I used to play FIFA when i was younger and then switched to PES about 6 years ago and fecking loved it. I would spend hours and hours on that game and people claiming FIFA was better just confused me, they were obviously only interested in pretty kits and the correct player names etc. However, like so many have pointed out, whereas FIFA really stepped it up for the next gen consoles PES went backwards.

FIFA 09 is when i decided to give it a go, because PES was so infuriatingly shite, and it's among the best football games I've ever played. It has it's flaws sure, but you will never get a footy game that doesnt. For the last 2 years EA have been miles and miles ahead of Konami. However i await the demo of PES with baited breath. If it looks like it will be returning to it's glory days then it will be an easy choice, i'll dump FIFA in a heartbeat. But if, once again, they leave me seriously disappointed (which i suspect it will) then FIFA will be getting purchased for the 2nd year running.

When's the demo out btw?
He's in a dwindling minority though...still clinging on to the pillars of the empire long after the rest of us have left the city

Yeah and what sluts you are. Seriously though, Fifa on the next gen has overtaken pro evo. I still hate the shooting in FIFA though. If FIFA 10 can sort that out along with a few other things, Konami will have a hard time keeping up, let alone overtaking FIFA. They just haven't taken to the next gen yet.
I used to play FIFA when i was younger and then switched to PES about 6 years ago and fecking loved it. I would spend hours and hours on that game and people claiming FIFA was better just confused me, they were obviously only interested in pretty kits and the correct player names etc. However, like so many have pointed out, whereas FIFA really stepped it up for the next gen consoles PES went backwards.

FIFA 09 is when i decided to give it a go, because PES was so infuriatingly shite, and it's among the best football games I've ever played. It has it's flaws sure, but you will never get a footy game that doesnt. For the last 2 years EA have been miles and miles ahead of Konami. However i await the demo of PES with baited breath. If it looks like it will be returning to it's glory days then it will be an easy choice, i'll dump FIFA in a heartbeat. But if, once again, they leave me seriously disappointed (which i suspect it will) then FIFA will be getting purchased for the 2nd year running.

When's the demo out btw?

I'm in the same boat as you really.
Am I the only one who thought that PES was never that realistic? It was an amazing game, and I still play it with friends because it was so good on the PS2, but it never struck me as "realistic". The complete opposite in fact; I always felt it was an arcade game on my PlayStation. There was no pretence of realism about it because it was so dynamic and action-packed that it was just a fecking brilliant laugh. PES was amazing to play with friends, far, far better than FIFA. If you've got mates round and fancy a 1v1 or a co-op then you want to do it in PES. If, however, you want a long single-player game full of the intricacies of a football team, FIFA's your best bet.

I can't help but feel that with all this tactical overlay nonsense they're losing their core market. To me, that's what always separated FIFA and PES - FIFA tried to be a realistic football simulation, whereas PES just tried to be fun. And most people will take fun every time.
Yeah but it isn't a bit of fun when the game mechanics are just atrocious. The AI is leagues behind Fifa, the physics are awful and don't even get me started on the fecking keepers.

and yet, despite agreeing with this, as well as everything else the FIFA lovers have pointed out about the latest edition of the two games, I still find PRo Evo more fun to play.

Fifa still has fatal flaws in terms of playability. Firstly, it's too fecking easy, and still to predictable/generic. Secondly, the season/manager mode loses all sense of realism when you find yourself playing an FA Cup game at the same time as a league game, CL games in the afternoon, etc. and find that all of your players become world beaters within the space of a year, making the game completely pointless.
Am I the only one who thought that PES was never that realistic? It was an amazing game, and I still play it with friends because it was so good on the PS2, but it never struck me as "realistic". The complete opposite in fact; I always felt it was an arcade game on my PlayStation. There was no pretence of realism about it because it was so dynamic and action-packed that it was just a fecking brilliant laugh. PES was amazing to play with friends, far, far better than FIFA. If you've got mates round and fancy a 1v1 or a co-op then you want to do it in PES. If, however, you want a long single-player game full of the intricacies of a football team, FIFA's your best bet.

I can't help but feel that with all this tactical overlay nonsense they're losing their core market. To me, that's what always separated FIFA and PES - FIFA tried to be a realistic football simulation, whereas PES just tried to be fun. And most people will take fun every time.

I agree with you. I always found PES fun, but never realistic. I don't know how realistic FIFA were, as I didn't play them too much, but they were never as fun for me, which is why I stuck to PES.
Am I the only one who thought that PES was never that realistic? It was an amazing game, and I still play it with friends because it was so good on the PS2, but it never struck me as "realistic". The complete opposite in fact; I always felt it was an arcade game on my PlayStation. There was no pretence of realism about it because it was so dynamic and action-packed that it was just a fecking brilliant laugh. PES was amazing to play with friends, far, far better than FIFA. If you've got mates round and fancy a 1v1 or a co-op then you want to do it in PES. If, however, you want a long single-player game full of the intricacies of a football team, FIFA's your best bet.

I can't help but feel that with all this tactical overlay nonsense they're losing their core market. To me, that's what always separated FIFA and PES - FIFA tried to be a realistic football simulation, whereas PES just tried to be fun. And most people will take fun every time.

Pro Evo was never that realistic, but it was far more realistic than Fifa at the time. And that was due to the player animations alone which were far superior. So one of the key points for all pro evo fans is that it was the most realistic football game... Obviously thats not the case anymore.

Oh and back then, Fifa was extremely pick up and play. Anyone who has never played it before could pick up the controller and play better than someone in the same scenario as Pro Evo because by and large, it was easier and new user friendly.
PES5 had the best balance too between attacking and defending, yes the animations and general feel was far the realism we all crave for but the balance and general gameplay was outstanding
I still only play PES6, I get tired of the other games within a week.

PES09 was way too easy, you could dummy your way past an entire team before running into goal with the ball.
Up until the last installment (which i still bought) me and my mates were pro evo through and through. But quite simply the last game was a bit stale and too glitchy compared to the newer Fifa which had ironed out alot of problems and actually improved a hell of alot. I also would like to see Pro Evo regain it's rightful crown but unless some dramatic changes are made i can't see this happening. I went back and played a few games on Pro Evo 2009 the other day and in 3 matches i had 3 men sent off for randomily hacking down people in the box when i hadn't pressed a single button.
PES5 had the best balance too between attacking and defending, yes the animations and general feel was far the realism we all crave for but the balance and general gameplay was outstanding

Exactly. That's what made it so "realistic". Games were generally fairly low scoring and ebbed and flowed like a real game. FIFA, on the other hand, inevitably deteriorated into a goal fest.

Pro Evo definitely lost it's way in recent years but it's still the daddy for me and if they can regain their former glory it will always the be the footy sim for me.