Pes 2010

The one positive thing though is that if Konami somehow pull it out of the bag and make a good game, something at least 'almost' as good as Fifa then there are loads of pro evo fans who are just itching to get the chance to go back to playing their game instead. But its up to Konami to put out a decent game this time.
New Screens







Can't wait to see a gameplay video, although I'm certain I'll be disappointed.
Looks like a PlayStation 1 game still. Konami have some work to do if they want to catch FIFA this year, that has been the more improved and realistic experience of recent times. I used to adore the WE/PES series but the last few have been bloody awful, the ball felt more like a marble than a football.
I don't know what screens you guys are looking at to be honest, everything I've seen of PES 2010 has been pretty good graphically.

The AI is where Konami really need to improve. And new animations.

I'd say Pro Evo has better graphics than Fifa anyway:


Pro Evo
still looks miles behind fifa graphically, looking forward to seeing how it plays but PES has disappointed now for the past few years so im not holding my breath
I'd say Pro Evo has better graphics than Fifa anyway:


Pro Evo

You are going by stills though. Good graphics are much more than just a player's face. I agree, PES has better player likenesses, it always has done. But when you see both games flowing, FIFA is far superior at the moment. It looks and feels much more realistic, PES has turned into a shabby arcade football game.
Pro Evo is so far behind Fifa at the moment it's painful, especially for those that get conned every year into spending £30-£40 for the latest version.

Last years, and the previous years were not just bad games, they were a fecking disgrace. To charge £40 for a game that has that many glitches online, and was actually unplayable was ridiculous. It's too fast, there's no skill at all in the game. It's difficult to list the problems because there's just so many.

I think the telling thing is is that Fifa vs Pro Evo is no longer up for debate. Fifa moved on leaps and bounds from 08 where it was too clunky and they got the ball physics wrong (The ball used to slow down too much when you kicked it, which was just annoying, and the refs were too fussy. 09 was a huge improvement and EA have an already brilliant product to enhance whereas Konami have a game a lot worse than it was 3 years ago.

Oh, and sod graphics. Gameplays where it's at and is thw most importanr factor. Graphics are a nice extra but not a determining factor on a good game.
Me too, played Fifa this year and still couldn't get into it.
Ive always prefered it, started off with FIFA a long long time ago. Switched to Pro Evo and never went back, Pro Evo was and still is the more playable game IMO. FIFA probably has always looked better in terms of graphics but never playability.
FIFA 2009 feels like actual football to me. I can't wait for FIFA 2010 either!

PES has gone downhill so quickly over the last few years. It looks and feels ridiculous to me, everything is "sped up". Nothing more than an arcade fest these days but people will still buy it on it's reputation of old.
FIFA 2009 was a bit shit tbf. Still, definite room for improvement in PES, really hope for improved animation in particular
Nah, i dont see the point in all this tactics bullshit. You'll get people pausing the game every two minutes to make changes. All they have to do is make it that when you set your team up before the game and set players to make certain runs they do it, and if you've someone set to high defensiveness they dont go storming up the pitch. That really bugged me in the last two games, whats the point in setting your team up, only to find your CB and CF both standing in the centre circle.
Its time the fans start developing a game engine of their own. I reckon we could do a better job than these companies if we use the open source development model.
It only looks as though Konami have just headed for the bells & whistle of the tactics. Not actually addressed the game play, or the game engine.

Very frustrating.
Pro Evo's downfall was when they used the switch over to next gen as an excuse to remove half the shit from the game, so they could add it back again over a period of a few years, rather than just improving it.

FIFA's just boring.
The improvements in terms of gameplay are there but like you said a demo will be decisive.The ideas they implemented this year makes it "theoretically" a better game than before (360°, slower game, harder to dribble, no more ping pong passes,..).
The final result will have to be seen but it looks good so far
Pro Evo graphics have always been better than FIFA IMO. Fifa are slightly more cartoon-y than Pro Evo, who have always tried to be a bit more realistic with skin textures, and pitch graphics.
Its ok if you dont mind every player looking like they wear makeup before the match, but if you're after a good game graphically as well as a good simulator, then Pro Evo wins all the time.
Pro Evo graphics have always been better than FIFA IMO. Fifa are slightly more cartoon-y than Pro Evo, who have always tried to be a bit more realistic with skin textures, and pitch graphics.
Its ok if you dont mind every player looking like they wear makeup before the match, but if you're after a good game graphically as well as a good simulator, then Pro Evo wins all the time.

These aspects you described should be bonuses if the actual gameplay is enjoyable but if it sucks (like it's been the case with PES2009) then it means shit to most people
FIFA players look and move like goblins. I think they reused some of the code from their LOTR:Battle for Middle Earth game
Found a gameplay trailer showing the new tactics system

Mostly unnecessary shite. The gameplay has serious issues that need to be addressed. The AI is very stupid, hopefully these changes will give you more control over your AI team mates and not just cause more confusion (somehow I doubt it). Also, the players need to be able to turn a full 360 degrees instead of only 45 at a time.
Mostly unnecessary shite. The gameplay has serious issues that need to be addressed. The AI is very stupid, hopefully these changes will give you more control over your AI team mates and not just cause more confusion (somehow I doubt it). Also, the players need to be able to turn a full 360 degrees instead of only 45 at a time.

I think that was announced today. Not sure of the ins and outs though.
I think that was announced today. Not sure of the ins and outs though.

Sounds to me like this was a last minute inclusion in order to try and catch up with FIFA - since they announced 360 degree movement a while ago.

I find it funny how so many PES fans have changed their tune over the last few years. It always used to be that FIFA looked better, but PES had the more realistic game of football. Now that FIFA has improved and overtaken PES with regard to the gameplay, PES fans are stressing how good their graphics are and how much more FUN their game is, even if it is not a realistic.

Interesting how things have flipped 180 degrees.
Not really! I still think PES is way more realistic..