Pes 2010

Yup, that is a good post, and I don't think it only applies to the footy games either. Remember games like V-Rally? Goldeneye? Well, while their modern day equivalents are still good fun they aren't even comparable. V-Rally split-screen 4 player shits all other DIRT2 for instance, and Goldeneye split-screen 4 player (for me) invokes memories that haven't been matched while playing Modern Warfare, Halo or any other big shooter that I can think of.

I agree whole heartedly.
I read that post earlier and strongly disagree with it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it's clear by the developers leaning on realism, that gamers too infact want just that, their games to get more real everytime. You and the poster quoted clearly like the more mindless, arcadey games. And fair enough, for your sake I hope someone creates a game like that. I guess you should buy a Wi. But for me own, and I'm sure many others, we play these games to try and immerse ourselves in a reincarnation of the beautiful game itself and do things we can't do in real life. Like BE United for this weekends game against Liverpool. The thought is fascninating, to be in control of everything we do this coming weekend. That's the kind of feeling these games are trying to achieve.
I read that post earlier and strongly disagree with it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it's clear by the developers leaning on realism, that gamers too infact want just that, their games to get more real everytime. You and the poster quoted clearly like the more mindless, arcadey games. And fair enough, for your sake I hope someone creates a game like that. I guess you should buy a Wi. But for me own, and I'm sure many others, we play these games to try and immerse ourselves in a reincarnation of the beautiful game itself and do things we can't do in real life. Like BE United for this weekends game against Liverpool. The thought is fascninating, to be in control of everything we do this coming weekend. That's the kind of feeling these games are trying to achieve.

Wow your hinting at superiority there. shame your were doing so well. If you live by this credo, may i suggest actually getting a football and starting a team. I can use my imagintion for the rest. Yet when i want to play a GAME. I will choose one that is the most fun. I have a Wii by the way, i also have an Xbox and a hell of a gaming PC, so tell me where do i draw the line?
I read that post earlier and strongly disagree with it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it's clear by the developers leaning on realism, that gamers too infact want just that, their games to get more real everytime. You and the poster quoted clearly like the more mindless, arcadey games. And fair enough, for your sake I hope someone creates a game like that. I guess you should buy a Wi. But for me own, and I'm sure many others, we play these games to try and immerse ourselves in a reincarnation of the beautiful game itself and do things we can't do in real life. Like BE United for this weekends game against Liverpool. The thought is fascninating, to be in control of everything we do this coming weekend. That's the kind of feeling these games are trying to achieve.

No, I think you've missed my point there.

I'm no less a fan of immersive, realistic gameplay as you are -- when it is actually to the benefit of the game and not to the detriment. In fact I loved MGS4, CoD4 and Uncharted 2 for this very reason. It's like a big-budget action flick, yet instead of watching on in envy, as some annoyingly good-looking chap jumps across rooftops and saves the beautiful girl, while you sit there hopelessly picking your nose and scratching you arse with your girlfriend who wishes you were him, you actually get to be the hero. You blow the shit out of armies, you sneak up on them and snap their necks. Lightning flashes, explosions explode all around you and you're fecking cool. I mean that's actually you kicking the shit out of that big freaky thing with tentacles, or taking somebody out with a headshot from half a mile away. It's fantastic.

The problem comes when you actually change a winning formula, one that was once considered to be the most fun experience in gaming (scoring a well-worked goal on PES), in favour of attaining realism.

Well, of course there is a place for both, and something in the middle. No different to Mario Kart - Gran Turismo as extreme examples.

That's a great example tbf. Mario Kart is held in such high regard because the gameplay is so much fun. I loved the days of playing Mario Kart 64 and GoldenEye, when multiplayer actually meant getting a couple of mates around or playing with your brother in splitscreen, rather than some retard halfway around the world that keeps disconnecting on you. Gran Turismo on the other hand thrives on realism. From the handling of the cars to the stunning locations, it's a brilliant game.

Would you want to see them make Mario Kart more like Gran Turismo though? I mean surely it would be better if they made the handling more realistic, tone down the colours to a more appropriate pallet, and let's not forget that apes and mushrooms can't drive cars.....
Wow your hinting at superiority there. shame your were doing so well. If you live by this credo, may i suggest actually getting a football and starting a team. I can use my imagintion for the rest. Yet when i want to play a GAME. I will choose one that is the most fun. I have a Wii by the way, i also have an Xbox and a hell of a gaming PC, so tell me where do i draw the line?

Hinting at superiority? Where?

Everyone prefers games that are fun. It's just that your definition of fun derived from a game differs from mine.
No, I think you've missed my point there.

I'm no less a fan of immersive, realistic gameplay as you are -- when it is actually to the benefit of the game and not to the detriment. In fact I loved MGS4, CoD4 and Uncharted 2 for this very reason. It's like a big-budget action flick, yet instead of watching on in envy, as some annoyingly good-looking chap jumps across rooftops and saves the beautiful girl, while you sit there hopelessly picking your nose and scratching you arse with your girlfriend who wishes you were him, you actually get to be the hero. You blow the shit out of armies, you sneak up on them and snap their necks. Lightning flashes, explosions explode all around you and you're fecking cool. I mean that's actually you kicking the shit out of that big freaky thing with tentacles, or taking somebody out with a headshot from half a mile away. It's fantastic.

The problem comes when you actually change a winning formula, one that was once considered to be the most fun experience in gaming (scoring a well-worked goal on PES), in favour of attaining realism.
There's nothing wrong with changing a winning formula to develop a better one, but I agree in PES's case they never should have changed it so much so quickly. Also, IMO the older PES's were more realistic than the newer ones, so I don't know if they've ruined the game for the sake of realism. I thought they actually ruined the game and the realism by making it too ping-pong like with little depth in gameplay.

Also, IMO FIFA this year is both fun and realistic.
I think realism is what more of the gamers want and i think PES is trying to that route. . I feel that onkly think they have to do is look at the previous PES, before next gen and try to develop it again. As they were really class.

PES 2010 am sure has the fuin element and realism. When i play multiplayer i would like the fun of beating your mates and clicnhing a last min win against your bro for the bragging rights.

When it is against the AI maybe if this realistic approach makes the game harder and a challange then am sure you would have as much fuin as winning 5 - 0 to 2 -1 with a last minute goal or even having a game with 1 goal in around 5 mins and just a cat and mouse game.

I will have to say from what i have seen it looks tio me that this years PES is back on the right track.
Realism? It's two analogue sticks, a d-pad, and a few buttons - I don't think that you could ever get more removed from realism of the thing itself and its complexities. It can only ever be a mapping of realism. It's like games such as COD Modern Warfare, it's about as real as a fairy. It's fun though if you like that sort of thing. I don't think that people are after more realism at all. They are after more immersion and that can be done in very different ways.
I will be buying it from the shops. Cancelled my pre order because of Strikes. So most likely Friday morning, only if i hear a shop has sold it early.
I will be buying it from the shops. Cancelled my pre order because of Strikes. So most likely Friday morning, only if i hear a shop has sold it early.

Balls i forgot when are the strikes on?
I think it is starting on Thursday not sure if its 24 hours or if it is continuing on to Friday. After that they may be strike regular.
I think it is starting on Thursday not sure if its 24 hours or if it is continuing on to Friday. After that they may be strike regular.

I'm not expecting it until monday but jeez i could be waiting forever.
I've pre-ordered mine as well, the thickness of the box will make a perfect wedge for the kitchen door.
Ps3. Is it out Thursday or Friday? Some places saying 22nd others saying 23rd.
PS3 for me. I am sure it is on the 23rd. Where have you read the 22nd. Some shops might break the street release date.
I googled the release date and the first result said the 22nd :lol:

I'll be getting it Friday regardless just don't want it to be sold out in my local shop and have to go elsewhere for it.
I've just played my first match in the retail version. I was United in the Champions League. Although the graphics are better than FIFA is on the consoles this year, I'm not sure what to make out of the gameplay this year. The game's pretty much slowed down.

I'm not sure if it's because I haven't set my tactics yet but my wingers don't really make off the ball runs, so play has to build up really slowly.

AI marking is also much better this year and you'll find that your central players will have much less room to manouvere than previous versions. Disappointingly, shooting is still piss easy.

I'll need to have a few more games to really determine whether I will like this game, but at least I'm not immediately revolted by it like PES 08 and 09.
Lucky you to have already played it. Do Utd have full squad and is transfer pretty up to date.
I've just tried the full version on the PC, but can't say I'm impressed.
It was actually quite frustrating to play. I can't put my finger on it, it just didn't feel right. Some of the animations are terrible.
I thought that they had the CL licence? How can there be no German teams?

That just means they can call it the Champions League, use the logo and play the music. Got nothing to do with the teams.

Bit of a joke how proud they are of that.
Am sure it's the 23rd but i would happy with the 22nd.

both dates are technically correct.

Mainland Europe get it on the 22nd, England and Ireland get it on the 23rd.

I have it pre-ordered, should be shipped tomorrow and arrive at my door thursday morning.

Getting in the PS3 as opposed to the 360, ease of importing option files being the reason i went for the PS3.

Looking forward to playing it. Have enjoyed the demo (after getting used to it) but the 5 minute games simply are not long enough to get into it for me.
That just means they can call it the Champions League, use the logo and play the music. Got nothing to do with the teams.

Bit of a joke how proud they are of that.

Yep. And I wanted to play with Wolfsburg in Master league....