Pes 2010

WENB option files are real good. Not that i have used it before.. Any idea if it will be out for release day.
Tesco are doing the £25 thing again, like with Fifa, apparently. I'm gonna go with this, this time round. It's a shame they didn't do it with Uncharted though.
Do Asda, Tesco sell games earlier or do they stick by release date.
Yeh Asda are doing the same i've heard, was supposed to mention that when i posted. Most Tesco/Asda won't start selling till midnight Thursday. You'll get the odd one that'll sell it to you early but it's very unlikely. At those places it's a case of i it doesn't show up on the till they wont sell it to you.
Anywhere in Dublin opening at midnight for this?
dear customer,

greetings from,

we are writing to let you know that the following item has been sent to:

Using city link.

qty item price shipped subtotal

--------------------------------------------------------------------- items (sold by amazon eu s.a.r.l.):

1 pro evolution soccer 2010 ... £34.99 1 £34.99

shipped via city link

item subtotal: £30.43
shipping and handling: £0.00
vat: £4.56

pre-order guarantee: £0.00

total: £34.99

Got mine this lunch break.
Will try it out after work.
The missus is away for 2 weeks in japan, so you can imgaine what I’ll be doing this weekend. (At least she’ll be safe in the knowledge Im being faithfull…)
Remember, PES always takes a few days to get used to (like listening to quality music) so be patient. Even 08 & 09 were like that, even they grew on you. But once you get in to it you’ll be bringing your FIFA’s back to the shops.
It was for PES10 right?

yup items (Sold by Amazon EU S.a.r.L.):

1 Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 ... £17.99 1 £17.99

Shipped via Royal Mail

Item Subtotal: £15.64
Shipping and handling: £0.00
VAT: £2.35

Pre-order Guarantee: £0.00

Total: £17.99
Yeh but isnt yours for PC and Pogue's for console?

EDIT: Also, if yours was shipped via Royal Mail you may be waiting a while for it. Amazon mainly deal with City Link ATM.
I keep forgetting about consoles.

I know i ordered it, then an hour later learnt about the strikes.
I keep forgetting about consoles.

I know i ordered it, then an hour later learnt about the strikes.

It wouldnt be outside the realms of possibility for you to be waiting around 2 weeks you know.

2 loooooooooong weeks. How does that make you feel? When you've already waited so long? You must be fecking kicking yourself, i mean i bet you're fecking gutted. Imagine everyone playing and posting reports of how amazin' it is and how it shits all over FIFA while all you have is that dispatch email to comfort you.

Awww. Poor Gambit. :)
2 loooooooooong weeks. How does that make you feel? When you've already waited so long? You must be fecking kicking yourself, i mean i bet you're fecking gutted. Imagine everyone playing and posting reports of how amazin' it is and how it shits all over FIFA while all you have is that dispatch email to comfort you.

Awww. Poor Gambit. :)

I'll just have to entertain myself the old fashioned way, now wheres the tissues?
Is it possible to buy and like both pes and fifa, i end up buying both every year. Not that excited about this one so will probably wait for the reviews.
Just bought it! It's updating now :D
Played my first couple of matches. United vs Liverpool. Lost the first 2-0, and won the 2nd 4-3 coming back from 0-3 down. Need to get the hang of the tackling it seems. I've also noticed the AI is much better at keeping the ball.
Had a go just now.

Decent enough. Nothing mind blowing though....

That said, I only played a couple of matches, and as some mentioned earlier, you have to give it a proper chance.
Not even sure If I'll be picking this up. The feedback thus far hasn't been promising at all.

I don't really want to throw £30 down the drain for the 2nd time in a month (Fifa).
where is the detailed feedback?? i spent £35 on fifa having recently jumped ship, i wanna know if pro has outdone itself and will it bring me back or is it still living off its former glory!?!?!
The detailed feedback will be here tomorrow. Game hasn't been released in UK/Ireland yet.

Won't be able to pick mine up until 12 tomorrow. Just put 2009 in for the last time before I bring it back tomorrow.

Bringing back 5 games tomorrow and I'll probably get a sumtotal of a tenner from them if I'm lucky! :mad:
The detailed feedback will be here tomorrow. Game hasn't been released in UK/Ireland yet.

Won't be able to pick mine up until 12 tomorrow. Just put 2009 in for the last time before I bring it back tomorrow.

Bringing back 5 games tomorrow and I'll probably get a sumtotal of a tenner from them if I'm lucky! :mad:

Post office cnuts.
Played 1 exhibition, love it...

Played a replay of last years CL Final... Watched Barcelona ping the ball around as they do and it was actually like watching Barcelona. The graphics are tight, even down to Nani's slightly bumpy face. Won the game 2-1... it's a keeper. Definitely a lot better than 2009, but I suppose it's down to what you like innit?
Right… first impressions are dangerous when talking about PES.
But here goes after 1 evening and a World cup win with England (only at prof level I admit) and a few friendlies with United.
It’s basically the same game as one of the best versions (2001 or 2002 or whatever) with some nice tweaks here and there.
You definitely feel as though you are playing football.
The graphs are excellent (up to modern standard) and the players really do look and move like the real counterparts.
Tactics & AI are brilliant.
Fouling & offside has improved greatly.
Lots of improvement to the game face. For example, goal celebrations of individual players are the same as their real life counterparts. Even the music and commentary is the best PES has ever had.
United is fully licensed which is great. United’s strength is a lot better and matches more the reality than with United in FIFA10.
However, having Torres plastered all over the place is less.
Stadiums are improved. OT is included.
Trying to think of some criticism, which is hard. Maybe the crossing, it’s changed some how. Need figure what’s different (better read the instructions..). Some other things seem to be different as well, but basically most controls are the same. Still very easy simple controls, which is how it should be with a footie game IMO.
The only glitch I can find so far is when the ref blows for half time/full time, for the rest haven’t (yet) experienced any bugs.
You need to play at top level against the computer; any other level is too easy IMO. It’s not even that computer opponents make daft mistakes etc., but it’s easy to keep the ball a long time as long are patient in the build-up and don’t use the same strategy all the time. (But this game has always been at it’s best when playing with other human opponents/team mates anyway.)
You can tell that the game will grow even more on you the more you play. It’s much much better than the previous 2 editions, in fact light years better.
One thing, you need to play this game on a larger flat screen to enjoy it the most. That will make a difference I reckon.
where is the detailed feedback?? i spent £35 on fifa having recently jumped ship, i wanna know if pro has outdone itself and will it bring me back or is it still living off its former glory!?!?!

I'm the same, however i won't pay attention to any feedback in the first couple weeks while it's still new to everyone because they will be undoubtedly loving it even if it's not very good like with last years.
I have gotten Pro Evo on the day of release for the last number of years. I still dunno if I will today. Someone convince me either way.
It's the best PES release yet, no doubt about it!!!!!

Having played the game for a good 4 hours I wonder how much EA Sports pay some of the reviewers because most I have read do not match up with my own experience. Some of the (bad) reviews are just rediculous.