New Member
Just look at Yugoslavia and Serbia and the breakup of that territory into different counties, if that populous want it it will happen.
Are you having a joke here?
Just look at Yugoslavia and Serbia and the breakup of that territory into different counties, if that populous want it it will happen.
I'll leave this thread with one simple question.....
Why would any of you want an independent cataluña, when it will be to the eventual detriment of cataluña itself?
I don't think they will, they're not stupid.
It's one thing to be proud of your heritage and bragging about the past, but when it comes to total separation that's another thing.
The amount of works to be done, the resources, not to mention that if cataluna acts as an independent nation they'll have to do everything themselves (goverment, social, etc) and I don't think they'll have enough resources / menpower to do that
Are you having a joke here?
Weaste you know Catalonia is the most heavily taxed area in Europe? It contributes 20% more than it receives, monetarily Im not an economies expert but on the face of it it will look like it'd be ok.
Keltoi, it would be interesting to know where you are from and what you heritage is, because you seem to be quite passionate about this issue.
Under the Spanish constitution, it's almost impossible to unravel the whole of España. You'd need two general elections for the whole of Spain as far as I understand it.
Im an Irishman and support the concept of self determination in modern democracy. As I've said Im aware under the constitution its not possible but if a referendum passed it would set the wheels moving quickly...
They hold a massive amount of all Spanish debt for a start. This is not the same as Scotland and England, that's fair game, and the Scots will say no, however, Cataluña is the richest part of Spain, and it's an incredibly selfish act, that isn't legally binding anyway.
Ok, you support the idea of self determination! Where does that stop? What for example if the 10 Greater Manchester boroughs tomorrow announced that they were going to hold a referendum such that Greater Manchester could become a free and independent state?
It's a bit daft, in fact, ridiculous isn't it?
Yes but if it passes the spanish government wont be able to stop it, it'll end up going to the EU or UN.
Your location is testament to that mate.
i'm with weaste on this. even if catalonia votes for independence, and theoretically in the long run they would be able to financially sustain themselves (if current 'fta' was in place with the rest of spain and europe), the short to medium economic pain they would suffer would be much larger and IMO devastating.
It isn't as straight forward to say....region gdp is x, taxes sent to madrid is y, services/gov monies recieved is less than y, this can financially happen.
There are a lot of moving parts and I do not believe catalonians themselves at the end of the day will swallow a generation of financial pain (worse than what it is now) to account for the transition for independence.
Keltoi, it would be interesting to know where you are from and what you heritage is, because you seem to be quite passionate about this issue.
Under the Spanish constitution, it's almost impossible to unravel the whole of España. You'd need two general elections for the whole of Spain as far as I understand it.
As was under Yugoslavia constitution that no entity could be separated, or under Serbia constitution that Kosovo is a part of it. Knowing that Spain is in every aspect better than ex Yugoslavia, the war seems impossible to happen but if Catalans decide to separate, than that piece of paper could not stop them.
I dont think it would be as bad economically as your are making out but Im no economist so I wont debate that!
But with Catalonia its not a simple case of wanting out because of Spains current economic situation. They have a long history of an independence movement and any vote would be more so based on ideological grounds than economic ones.
As was under Yugoslavia constitution that no entity could be separated, or under Serbia constitution that Kosovo is a part of it. Knowing that Spain is in every aspect better than ex Yugoslavia, the war seems impossible to happen but if Catalans decide to separate, than that piece of paper could not stop them.
Well I doubt the 10 greater manchester boroughs could be economically viable
Theres a difference with Catalonia, it has its own culture, its own language and a long history of an independence movement, a tad different I think! Its actually pretty impressive that the catalan language has survived after Franco tried to exterminate it and catalan culture as a whole.
Well I doubt the 10 greater manchester boroughs could be economically viable
What you are saying is crazy!
Cataluña in itself has never been a nation, it has no national identity! Are you going to start throwing the kingdom of Valencia into this?
But with Catalonia its not a simple case of wanting out because of Spains current economic situation.
Well if Ferdinand didn't marry Isabel, it could have been a nation.
A different language, and having passed in a discriminate fascist system gave them some rights to ask for independence.
having passed in a discriminate fascist system
Why not? The North West of England has a bigger population than cataluña!
WTF, a different language. They speak basically the same language in villages in the province of Alicante!
My missus' uncle was locked up for 15 years, and it had feck all to do with being Catalan! Don't try to map political ideals onto regions. OK?
They have by far the largest debt of any of the Spanish autonomies, and have gone cap in hand to Madrid asking for support.
There is no point even trying to discuss this with you, as you don't even have a handle of the basic facts.
My missus' uncle was locked up for 15 years, and it had feck all to do with being Catalan! Don't try to map political ideals onto regions. OK?
Why not? Franco regime and the discrimination of Catalans had nothing to do with regions?
It is true that under franco being caught speaking catalan carried an automatic prison sentence. Likewise all books and public signs in catalan was banned also. Afterall it was the likes of the Catalans and the Basques who fought against Franco in the civil war.
Talk about the Galicians then!
The war was about a political ideal.... as I said, don't talk about things you know nothing about. It's even sore now, what do you think it was, Madrid vs rest of Spain? Well it wasn't.