Paul Pogba

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I saw that Pogba quote and I'm very dubious about it. Looked like a PR exercise. He's not going to come out and say that Juve's offer of 25k a week was too good to turn down.

And even if it's true, it says more about Pogba than it does about SAF's decision to play him or not. I don't doubt that his agent might have used the game to steer Pogba towards a more lucrative move. But when it comes down to it the majority of people blow it out of all proportion.

There's nothing to blow out of proportions. Clearly there was a mistake made with Pogba otherwise he would still be here. Whether it was allowing his contract to run down, or not giving him enough gametime, it doesn't matter now. We lost a potentially brilliant youngster, let's file that under lessons learnt and move on. We lost Ronaldo and still reached the Champions League final two seasons later. But some people will just not stop without throwing accusations over the player's attitude which is what irritates me more than anything else. Just because a player decided to not renew his contract with the club because he believed his career could be better served elsewhere, and he has proven to be correct, is met with the standard response of "poor attitude".
I don't understand half the people in this thread.

The fact is that Pogba's agent demanded certain assurances regarding playing time in his contract. Ferguson and United aren't in the habit of doing that and rightly so. Therefore, through his agent getting grabby and his own substandard performances in the reserves in his last season, Pogba's at Juve now.

Some of you lot can't say goodbye.
I don't understand half the people in this thread.

The fact is that Pogba's agent demanded certain assurances regarding playing time in his contract. Ferguson and United aren't in the habit of doing that and rightly so. Therefore, through his agent getting grabby and his own substandard performances in the reserves in his last season, Pogba's at Juve now.

Some of you lot can't say goodbye.

Unusually for him, De Selby has it right.

Plus I've seen nothing to suggest that he'd have stayed even if we played him. He and his agent are about as loyal as each other.
Unusually for him, De Selby has it right.

Plus I've seen nothing to suggest that he'd have stayed even if we played him. He and his agent are about as loyal as each other.

If there is a positive to be taken out of this it's that Raiola won't be hanging around Carrington anymore. Who knows what influence he could have had over our next batch of youngsters.
See, this what I don't get. All of the cynicism and character-questioning tends to come from those that look to castigate Pogba as a person. Even yourself, you're already looking to spin his own quote into a "Pogba left for the cash" narrative, even though all on-field evidence goes to show that the player has made a move that has been beneficial in all kinds of ways. And yes, I include money in that, too. It is, of course, an important part in a footballer's decision.

It's not outrageous to believe that the lack of chances during a period of heavy injuries and the return of Paul Scholes was the reason he left the club. I don't blame him for it. I'm not going to have a go at Sir Alex over it. I'm not really bothered by it. What baffles me is the whole "he didn't apply himself/bad attitude/was often average" narrative that gets spun every time he has a good game.

You misunderstand. I did not in any way to try to spin his own quote. I made up an alternative quote in order to demonstrate the worthlessness of quotes that players give to the media. I give virtually ZERO credit to any quote that any player ever gives to the media. It's all self-serving bull-shit, orchestrated by the media who want a story and agents who are the absolute scum of the earth.

The second paragraph I don't particularly disagree with. My only bug bear in this thread is that the Blackburn game is ridiculously used in a desperate attempt to try and prove this. I don't doubt that he might have wanted more game time and thought he'd get more at Juve. But the Blackburn game is of next to no importance what-so-ever. It's fecking tedious.
There's nothing to blow out of proportions. Clearly there was a mistake made with Pogba otherwise he would still be here. Whether it was allowing his contract to run down, or not giving him enough gametime, it doesn't matter now. We lost a potentially brilliant youngster, let's file that under lessons learnt and move on. We lost Ronaldo and still reached the Champions League final two seasons later. But some people will just not stop without throwing accusations over the player's attitude which is what irritates me more than anything else. Just because a player decided to not renew his contract with the club because he believed his career could be better served elsewhere, and he has proven to be correct, is met with the standard response of "poor attitude".


No offence but this post is just too awful to even begin with.
Yes, I know that, but the fact that Sir Alex was NOT going to bow down to an 18 year old who wanted to play for the first team whilst only getting minutes here and there. As far as I am concerned, he can stay in Juventus.

As far as you're concerned? You're talking as if there's any real likelihood of him returning.

Pogba is fecking brilliant and if he continues the way he's going, he'll be one of the best midfielders in the world. It doesn't really even matter why or how he left anymore. As a club we moved on, it's one player, it happens. None of that changes the fact how quality he is and how he proved quite a few wrong by leaving and then instantly getting a good amount of chances in one of the best midfields in Europe that consists of two of the best midfielders in the world. I think that speaks volumes of how good of a player he is.
You misunderstand. I did not in any way to try to spin his own quote. I made up an alternative quote in order to demonstrate the worthlessness of quotes that players give to the media. I give virtually ZERO credit to any quote that any player ever gives to the media. It's all self-serving bull-shit, orchestrated by the media who want a story and agents who are the absolute scum of the earth.

The second paragraph I don't particularly disagree with. My only bug bear in this thread is that the Blackburn game is ridiculously used in a desperate attempt to try and prove this. I don't doubt that he might have wanted more game time and thought he'd get more at Juve. But the Blackburn game is of next to no importance what-so-ever. It's fecking tedious.

Ah okay, apologies. I agree that it's all very tedious. I only jumped in because I disagreed with Drainy's comparison between his performances and that of a young Ronaldo or Adnan, as I think comparing a young central midfielder to a young winger is very unfair. A midfielder can't swan about attempting tricks and flicks. A young winger would be forgiven for being expressive. Ultimately, the winger can 'look better' on first appearances. As for the Pogba issue, it'd be good if we could just discuss his development as a footballer, as it's pretty clear he's going to be something quite special. What's done is done. There's no need for anyone to act as if he has some kind of terrible attitude, nor that Sir Alex committed a sin.

Like Mr Mujac pointed out, it's Anderson who should have been more annoyed by being left out. Probably just comfort ate instead.

That was anderson's first game back from injury. Thats why he was named as a sub instead of a starter. You guys really need to stop rewriting history.
He's reportedly on 600K a year at juve and yet he left for money?

He had a poor attitude in training despite Evra and Scholes complementing how good he was in training?

He got a fair shot despite not starting any games including not having consecutive appearance for the club?

Average in the reserves is amongst the most puzzling of arguments because he wasn't average. If he was then why did he got more and more time with the first team at training? What about him being played out of position in a fair number of those games?

'We let him go' when in fact we worked really hard to keep him.

These arguments are beyond pathetic in reality. The inability of some people to simple face facts that Sir Alex got it wrong(not the first time he gets something wrong believe it or not) is just staggering.
He's reportedly on 600K a year at juve and yet he left for money?

He had a poor attitude in training despite Evra and Scholes complementing how good he was in training?

He got a fair shot despite not starting any games including not having consecutive appearance for the club?

Average in the reserves is amongst the most puzzling of arguments because he wasn't average. If he was then why did he got more and more time with the first team at training? What about him being played out of position in a fair number of those games?

'We let him go' when in fact we worked really hard to keep him.

These arguments are beyond pathetic in reality. The inability of some people to simple face facts that Sir Alex got it wrong(not the first time he gets something wrong believe it or not) is just staggering.

He was in his final year with us. Anyone who watched the reserves can attest to that.

And he was played "out of position" because when he played in position he was all over the place...and not in a good way (see Crystal Palace at OT in the Carling Cup).
He was in his final year with us. Anyone who watched the reserves can attest to that.

And he was played "out of position" because when he played in position he was all over the place...and not in a good way (see Crystal Palace at OT in the Carling Cup).

In that game he played as a CB after we had to play with 10 players in the second half.

I have watched reserves (not every game though) and he was far better than average. This means feck all though, the reserve league is a waste of time. Especially for a player of his quality.
He actually played 7 matches for us, whether it was the Premier league, europe or Carling Cup as it was called then. He was mostly used in the Carling Cup where he played a total of 131 minutes in 3 matches against Leeds United, Aldershot and Crystal Palace, and he played a grand total of 227 minutes in 7 matches. He was used 3 times in the premier league for a grand total of 68 minutes so, ample enough time to show what he was made of against Wolves, West Brom and Stoke, hardly the bighitters in those days. Lastly, he came on against Athletico Bilbao in the 63rd minute in Europe so again, another stage to show the manager what he was made of.
He was in his final year with us. Anyone who watched the reserves can attest to that.

And he was played "out of position" because when he played in position he was all over the place...and not in a good way (see Crystal Palace at OT in the Carling Cup).
He had great performances for the reserves mixed in with some quiet games. He was played out of position in some games. On the wing, behind the striker etc. Anyone who did watch the reserves will confirm that. He was also missing games in the reserves because he was in the first team squad traveling only to finish games as an unused sub the vast majority of the time.
Forget the carling cup. How about his impressive cameo vs Stoke where iirc he didn't misplace a pass and had several moments of quality play. Then he proceeded not to play a minute of first team football till mid march?

Tunicliffe was sent on loan at that beginning, when asked about Pogba sir alex said he didn't think it would be good for him due to cultural issues, language etc and said he'd have him in the first team for a while then consider sending him out on loan if he's ready. That made it clear that sir alex didn't think he was ready for the first team, didn't even think he was ready for a loan. Another thing that people miss is that sir alex thought we had an option on the contract which we didn't. Sir alex quite simply messed up. I will continue to comfort myself in the fact that we've lost better players and done alright but that still won't change what happened.
So what is your guys opinion on Pogba and United? Did we do wrong shipping out a world class player or was he just an emotional teen with a cnut agent who both overrated himself?
I think a documentary was posted on the caf not long ago about Pogba and he was basically saying that Blackburn match completely destroyed himself psychologically. Evra tried his best to convince him to stay, he even went to his house to speak with his parents. Pobga said that his brother's view also played a big part in him leaving.
Nobody cry now....

When you take into account that we have poached some highly rated young players from other clubs for next to nothing over the years such as Giggs, Januzaj, Petrucci and all the other italians etc then we'll also have to put our hands up once in a while and accept it when it happens to us. I trust that Moyes will land someone as good as Pogba soon such as a Gundogan, a William Carvalho or a Barkley etc so that this thread can be closed for good eventually.
Why close it for good? Pogba's a phenomenal player, I try to watch him whenever I can as he really is a joy to watch. It seems inevitable that a discussion on his past with us will crop up but it isn't the only thing some of us want to discuss.
Why close it for good? Pogba's a phenomenal player, I try to watch him whenever I can as he really is a joy to watch. It seems inevitable that a discussion on his past with us will crop up but it isn't the only thing some of us want to discuss.

Because it's like getting dumped by a really fit girlfriend.........It's better for your mental health to forget about her completely and move on as opposed to going to the same bars and nightclubs that you know she goes to and then pretending you just accidentally bumped into each other again, when deep down your deceiving yourself into believing there's a small chance she'll get back with you
Because it's like getting dumped by a really fit girlfriend.........It's better for your mental health to forget about her completely and move on as opposed to going to the same bars and nightclubs that you know she goes to and then pretending you just accidentally bumped into each other again, when deep down your deceiving yourself into believing there's a small chance she'll get back with you

You've done that haven't you!

And I agree by the way.
Why close it when you can avoid bitching in it like a pussy ? If you're gonna talk about the same boring stuff regarding the club's mistake in dealing with Pogba then really don't bother, the discussion has been done to death. Every aspect of it has been dissected. If you haven't gotten over his departure then please don't post about it and avoid the thread for your sanity.
Why close it when you can avoid bitching in it like a pussy ? If you're gonna talk about the same boring stuff regarding the club's mistake in dealing with Pogba then really don't bother, the discussion has been done to death. Every aspect of it has been dissected. If you haven't gotten over his departure then please don't post about it and avoid the thread for your sanity.

I agree with this......Nothing worse then having to enter into this thread and see endless posts from sad fans about how we made a huge mistake etc
I agree with this......Nothing worse then having to enter into this thread and see endless posts from sad fans about how we made a huge mistake etc

I see two factions. There's the "Fergie made his biggest mistake of all time ever!" brigade that steam in after every single good performance. Then the "Pogba was gash in reserves and thought he was Billy BigNob even though I know not one fecking iota about the guy as I have never met him in my life" circus that swan in as a result. Both bellends of comparative degrees.
The Pogba thread on the Le Havre Unoffical Fan Forum is nearly 500 pages long.
I agree with this......Nothing worse then having to enter into this thread and see endless posts from sad fans about how we made a huge mistake etc

And in the end, it worked out for both parties, Utd let an unhappy player leave and Pogba got everything he could have dreamed of. I find it hard to feel negative about the situation, not every player in the team can be kept happy.
He's a Golden Boy:

Paul Pogba has won the prestigious Golden Boy award handed out by Italian publication Tuttosport.
When Manchester United lost Paul Pogba last summer it was a huge blow to the club. The teenage midfielder had arrived in Manchester from Le Havre in 2009 in somewhat controversial circumstances amid a ‘tapping up’ scandal between the two clubs.
However the youngster grew tired of reserve team football and left Old Trafford for pastures new in 2012 by signing a free transfer with Italian champions Juventus.
Since then he has come on leaps and bounds - becoming an integral member of the first team and scoring the odd spectacular goal here and there.
Now he is a regular in the team and also a regular for the French national side and considered one of the world’s top footballing talents.
And that is now official.
He has followed in the footsteps of Lionel Messi, Wayne Rooney and Cesc Fabregas by being awarded the Golden Boy award as the most outstanding talent under the age of 21 in Europe this year.
The Frenchman was one of the favourites for the award - along with Arsenal target Julian Draxler and Everton loanee Romelu Lukaku - and picked up what is probably a deserved accolade last night.
And he has spoken about his ‘golden year’ to Tuttosport - the Italian publication that organises the award:
“I’m flattered and proud to receive this prestigious trophy. Having won the League for the first time, got as far as the quarter-finals in the Champions League, won the Under-20 World Cup with France and been promoted to the first team by Coach Deschamps, 2013 really was a golden year for me. I just hope that 2014 is the same!”
It must make United fans sick as a dog to see him doing so well when they had him in their clutches for so long.
But perhaps the lessons learned, which saw Adnan Januzaj quickly tied down to a long-term deal, might be the real benefit at Old Trafford.
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