Paul Pogba

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Why is he talking about United? A proper professional would be keeping his mouth shut. This lad is a rentaquote muppet.
My point was more that Fergie obviously knew his attitude wasn't right for the first team at that point in time and his comments since he left have proved as much, he needs to keep his head down and let his performances on the pitch do his talking
We did nothing wrong with Pogba. You don't throw a 19 year old into a title race, regardless of talent. If he was that concerned to make a breakthrough he could have put in a bit more effort in the reserve matches instead of moping around showing an arrogance that he was too good for that level.


To name just three teenagers that we have used while in a title race.
Don't really see what the controversy is with Pogba. He wanted to play and moved somewhere where he could, and has been vindicated that he was indeed ready for first team action, at Juventus no less. He's going to be a massive star over the next decade.
Don't really see what the controversy is with Pogba. He wanted to play and moved somewhere where he could, and has been vindicated that he was indeed ready for first team action, at Juventus no less. He's going to be a massive star over the next decade.

That is, kind of, where the fuzz is coming from. We're all bitter, CM-deprived bunch over here.
Ha, Pogba at Arsenal. Who would be the loser in this instance? Us or him? Going there is a huge step down from staying here. They're as far away from winning a title as they've been in the last 10/15 years.
That is, kind of, where the fuzz is coming from. We're all bitter, CM-deprived bunch over here.

Just matter of Fergie's patriarchal style. He wasn't the type to have players dictate to him when they would like to play and Pogba apparently felt he was ready with agents whispering that he could do it elsewhere. I'm also guessing Fergie has had his share of "in crowds" and "out crowds" among players over the years, contingent on their personalities and his relationship with them.

The likes of Stam, Becks, Ruud, Nani etc were definitely on the outs. Ando is quite obviously a cuddly toy of a character who got cut a lot of slack.
I understand why he wasn't given a lot of first team football and why we weren't overly desperate to keep him at the time, but it's the more the attitude of people here who seem to continue convincing themselves that we were completely right in getting rid of him. Last year everyone was saying that he was making the wrong decision in leaving and that he'd come to regret it, yet he's shown in the end that he was completely right in leaving because he's been given a lot more time to play at Juventus.

I can see why we didn't cave into his demands last year and I think he comes across as incredibly arrogant for a player who's hardly a world superstar, but this idea that we were still right to get rid of him seems a bit like denial.

We didn't get rid, and people don't suggest we were right to get rid, because we didn't.

We were right to not bend over for him and that cnut Raiola, though.
I understand why he wasn't given a lot of first team football and why we weren't overly desperate to keep him at the time, but it's the more the attitude of people here who seem to continue convincing themselves that we were completely right in getting rid of him. Last year everyone was saying that he was making the wrong decision in leaving and that he'd come to regret it, yet he's shown in the end that he was completely right in leaving because he's been given a lot more time to play at Juventus.

You can say whatever you want but he was given opportunities and he didn't take them and he didn't prove himself in the reserves. It's not like he was sitting on the bench.

And saying he hasn't come to regret it yet is rather premature. Give it 10 years. Plenty of players look back at their career at that point and have regrets.

I can see why we didn't cave into his demands last year and I think he comes across as incredibly arrogant for a player who's hardly a world superstar, but this idea that we were still right to get rid of him seems a bit like denial.

"[Conte] told me that 'age does not matter'. If you think you can impose yourself here with us then come & show us what you can do."

He was told to work and prove he belonged in the first team. Instead, he seems to think it was some sort of birthright. Players like that don't belong on teams like United. They skip around their entire careers, never figuring out why they are not celebrated as a hero with each touch.

But I'm not sure why you said "we were right to get rid of him." He left. Because he thought he was better. That's about it.
So is no one open to the fact that perhaps both parties made mistakes? Or that maybe fergie could have handled the situation better? That being said, I thought it was a tricky situation. Didn't help when Fergie publicly said if we dont play Pogba he will leave
AlwaysRedwood, who hails from my hometown LA -- which I assue to be Los Angeles -- is absolutely spot on correctamundo.

Pogba should have realized, as we mere posters all did, that Scholes didn't have a long career as a United man ahead of him. Now he toils in Serie A, which no one really gives a shit about.
United are not the only big team in the world and currently he is not regretting it. We can talk about 10 years down the line when that happens but right now we have a hole in midfield and he would have saved us spending 20 million. The situation was handled badly by booth sides but he is one of the worlds best young midfielders. When you have a talent on your hands you handle them appropriately. Thiago wants to leave Barca do you think they will let him without a fight it is not cowering it is using sense. He has a terrible agent who is money hungry and that is a problem for him but he is in a great situation now.
Big talent, I fear what Ferguson could have done with him if Pogba wasn't too big for his boots. It's obvious why Wenger has been interested in him.

His long range shooting is incredible with both feet too.

As for the way in which he left - we will never know the whole situation, but it's safe to say SAF has not been afraid to blood kids when he thinks they're ready. Pogba, whilst a prodigious talent, must have not been ready in SAF's eyes.
United are not the only big team in the world and currently he is not regretting it. We can talk about 10 years down the line when that happens but right now we have a hole in midfield and he would have saved us spending 20 million. The situation was handled badly by booth sides but he is one of the worlds best young midfielders. When you have a talent on your hands you handle them appropriately. Thiago wants to leave Barca do you think they will let him without a fight it is not cowering it is using sense. He has a terrible agent who is money hungry and that is a problem for him but he is in a great situation now.

The difference between Pogba and Thiago is that Thiago is 4 years older than what Pogba was and has had plenty of appearances.

Pogba hadn't his debut yet and people are seriously seriously forgetting how nervous Pogba looked in the carling cup games he played. Yet they want to throw him straight into the deep end in a game like Blackburn with a makeshift team alongside Park or Rafael in midfield.

These same people keep forgetting that he put feck all effort into the reserves matches. Januzaj earnt his spot on the bench because he has been the stand out performer in reserves all season. Macheda was banging in the goals when he got his call up.

Besides which, Pogba seemed very lazy in reserve matches like he couldn't be bothered and was often outshone by Petrucci.

It would have set a very dangerous territory giving into his demands without really working for it, what kind of message would that send to the other youngsters? At the end of the day, players like Beckham, Stam, RVN etc have all been shown the door, why should we bend over for an untested youngster in the PL who did seem very nervous in his carling cup games.
why should we bend over for an untested youngster in the PL who did seem very nervous in his carling cup games.

Because you lost him and would have benefited quite a bit from keeping him.
Because you lost him and would have benefited quite a bit from keeping him.

He would have been great for us, but hey we won the league by a huge margin and bigger players have left in the past.
Let's talk about what really happened...

1. He had an outstanding 2010/11 season helping us win the FA Youth Cup and was a major 'potential' talent alongside Ravel Morrison

2. His form in the reserves during 2011/12 was very average

3. Fergie gave him a run out in all three League Cup games and he did ok without doing anything brilliant

4. The game against Blackburn saw us suffer terrible injury problems and Fergie played an experienced international midfielder in Ji Sung Park and took a gamble on Rafael as Carrick played centre half...when it didn't pay off he brought on more experience in Anderson at half-time. Pogba had three sub appearances behind him and was putting in average performances in the reserves. There was no logical reason Fergie would have started him and if anyone should have been pissed off that Rafael was starting it was Anderson.

5. Ferguson offered Pogba a new contract but the agent wanted a 'guarantee' of first team football. Ferguson doesn't guarantee any player a first team place so why would he do so with an inexperienced 18 year old?

6. Fergie gave Pogba more first team experience in the league and in Europe but he still decided not to sign a contract even though Fergie assured him he would get more chances this term regardless of his poor showing for the reserves during 2011/12

7. At the end of the season the agent spoke to numerous clubs and the player and his agent decided a move to Juventus would be better.

8. Fergie once again spoke to the player who refused to budge.

9. The player moved to Italy.

So, that's basically it.

I spoke to another agent who looks after youth players and in their opinion Pogba was 'badly advised' and the United offer was 'in line with other players of the same age, experience and potential'.

So either he or his agent was asking for 'guarantees' that were not forthcoming - understandably - and Fergie was reluctant to give someone a start in an important league game whose form didn't merit it.

When Tom Cleverley was asked about Scholes return...he said he was 'delighted because he had the opportunity of learning from him'...

Pogba left because he/his agent were impatient and wanted to dictate terms to the club.

Other more famous players have tried that in the past and got nowhere.

Pogba just didn't want to play for us so the club let him go.

All this talk of 'the one who got away' or 'we dropped a clanger' is basically bollocks.

Finally, we have the best record in the football league of bringing kids through and giving youngsters a chance. We don't need to look in the mirror at all when it comes to youth development.

For Decotron.
At the end of the day if we were really that disappointed that we lost out on him and really that sure that he was/will be a great player we could just sign him back.

What would it cost us? £15m - £20m? Peanuts in the scheme of things. The fact is this is unlikely to happen because I'm sure the club feels he has a poor attitude. Whether he spent a couple of years training here or not that would always be a barrier to him playing for us.
At the end of the day if we were really that disappointed that we lost out on him and really that sure that he was/will be a great player we could just sign him back.

What would it cost us? £15m - £20m? Peanuts in the scheme of things. The fact is this is unlikely to happen because I'm sure the club feels he has a poor attitude. Whether he spent a couple of years training here or not that would always be a barrier to him playing for us.

People like to make assumptions on a players "attitude" - the fact is here, most are bent out of shape because he decided to move on.

He may have attitidue problems, who knows, but he's playing regularly for a top side in a decent European competition, so that would inidicate otherwise. He's got a big mouth and seems to be talking a lot, not advisable but he's not the first kid to do that.

For me its dissapointing that he was allowed to leave. Clearly a player who had a future here but for whatever reason, didnt feel like he was getting a fair crack of the whip.

It raises an interesting question about when young lads are ready to be blooded. Cleverly and Welbeck undoubtedly improved by getting regular games, bit likewise other players (Macheda being a big example) have not.

I can therefore see a young player who seemingly isn't getting a chance he feels he deserves being attracted to a club like Juventus who seem to have a lot of faith in him if the alternative is another season in the reserves and the worry that another player comes in for decent money and takes your spot.
People like to make assumptions on a players "attitude" - the fact is here, most are bent out of shape because he decided to move on.

He may have attitidue problems, who knows, but he's playing regularly for a top side in a decent European competition, so that would inidicate otherwise. He's got a big mouth and seems to be talking a lot, not advisable but he's not the first kid to do that.

For me its dissapointing that he was allowed to leave. Clearly a player who had a future here but for whatever reason, didnt feel like he was getting a fair crack of the whip.

It raises an interesting question about when young lads are ready to be blooded. Cleverly and Welbeck undoubtedly improved by getting regular games, bit likewise other players (Macheda being a big example) have not.

I can therefore see a young player who seemingly isn't getting a chance he feels he deserves being attracted to a club like Juventus who seem to have a lot of faith in him if the alternative is another season in the reserves and the worry that another player comes in for decent money and takes your spot.

As I said it's relatively irrelevant. Barcelona for instance let good players leave every year because they won't/can't offer them consistent first team Football. Then if/when they become the players that they want they buy them back.

I see no reason why we couldn't do the same with Pogba if we really felt he was that good. As I said I think this is unlikely as he is probably hyped up far more because he left us. I'm sure if we had a pick of the market there are several players we'd go for in his position of a similar age before him.

The cost to bring him back would be pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things, paying Juventus £15-20m for giving him first team Football and developing him for 2 seasons wouldn't be terrible business.
The difference between Pogba and Thiago is that Thiago is 4 years older than what Pogba was and has had plenty of appearances.

Pogba hadn't his debut yet and people are seriously seriously forgetting how nervous Pogba looked in the carling cup games he played. Yet they want to throw him straight into the deep end in a game like Blackburn with a makeshift team alongside Park or Rafael in midfield.

These same people keep forgetting that he put feck all effort into the reserves matches. Januzaj earnt his spot on the bench because he has been the stand out performer in reserves all season. Macheda was banging in the goals when he got his call up.

Besides which, Pogba seemed very lazy in reserve matches like he couldn't be bothered and was often outshone by Petrucci.

It would have set a very dangerous territory giving into his demands without really working for it, what kind of message would that send to the other youngsters? At the end of the day, players like Beckham, Stam, RVN etc have all been shown the door, why should we bend over for an untested youngster in the PL who did seem very nervous in his carling cup games.

Fair enough but losing promising youngsters just to prove the point that nobody messes with the club is counter-productive imo especially when all they need is reassurances and to be handled with care. If he was British he would most likely still be here. But players like Macheda are a warning youngsters you do not want to sped years rotting away. We spend all those years building them up as players to let them leave for free just seems like a waste of time to me. We knew what a talent Pogba was it is a lot harder for a young player to play well in a match with the fringe players than it is to put him in with the first team and expect to see promising performances from him.

Young talented players wanting to play is not new and these players leaving and establishing themselves is not new either. He believed he was good enough to play in the first team and he looks right. A handful of Carling Cup appearances with fringe players does not constitute a proper chance. Especially with us losing Morrison to let them both go was a bad move especially with the little money we made off them.

I think he wanted to go in all honesty but it is a shame when these kids pick the wrong agent because he basically will act like a second father to Pogba. Instructing him in his football life and he was kicking up trouble at Juve earlier this season. This situation is different from Beckham etc. this a talented young player who wanted reassurances he would play which happens at clubs all over the world. We can argue about performances but we knew the player we had on our hands I think he deserved more of a chance to play. He would have stepped up as he has done at Juve.
I'm sure this may have been quoted already but they seem different to the previous articles posted in here. It seems like the bloke just wanted to play and got impatient. Hardly surprising.

Paul Pogba has revealed Sir Alex Ferguson advised him not to join Juventus because of Italy's ugly racism problem.

The Frenchman spent three years at Manchester United but made just seven appearances for the Old Trafford club.

And the 20-year-old has said he left the Premier League champions with the sound of Ferguson's warning ringing in his ears.

In an interview with France Football, Pogba said: 'He [Ferguson] shouted. He asked me, "Where are you going? You’re going to Juve in Italy, is that it? There’s a lot of racism".

'I told him, "It’s not a problem, there’s racism everywhere".

'He said, "The supporters aren’t like in England" but I replied, "I want to play, and it’s not for the fans, it’s because I want to play to improve and gain experience."

'He just went "OK" and after that, I was never included in the squad.'

Pogba impressed during his first season at Juventus, scoring five goals in 44 appearances to help his new side win Serie A - a far cry from his time spent on the sidelines at United.

He added: 'I’m impatient. Even if I was quite patient, Alex Ferguson told me, "You’re a whisker away from playing ... You’re a youngster from the academy, you’re not ready yet. You must be patient. Scholes was, Giggs was."

'I’m not Giggs, I’m not Scholes. I really wanted to play.

'I said, "OK no problem." If I’m not ready, perhaps I’ll be ready elsewhere. I at least felt ready to have more playing time. He didn’t show me enough that he wanted me in his squad. Even if he said some nice things about me, about my potential, if you don’t show it, it’s all just hot air.

'It all depends on what you have in your head. If you want to play at Manchester just to be able to say, "I play at United", even though you’re on the bench, are you happy?

'I came on a few times, I played in the cups, but I wanted to have more playing time. If I could have played in China, I would have gone to China.'

Read more:
Proves my point he just wanted to play less about disrespecting the club or anything else.
Move to China just for the sake of 'playing football'? for the extra bucks you mean. Seems like an absolute arsehole.
Move to China just for the sake of 'playing football'? for the extra bucks you mean. Seems like an absolute arsehole.

:lol: No he doesn't he was making the point albeit with hyperbole that he just wants to play. All players are motivated by money, I don't get when people slag them off. It is a job which has a shorter length than most of course will try and get the most out of employers, who wouldn't. He has been able to fulfil all his wishes at Juventus.
Pogba wouldn't have grown up dreaming to play for United like Scholes, Giggs etc. So he just went wherever he was going to play more. Juventus are a pretty big club as it is. In his eyes Juventus and United would be equal in terms of stature.
It wouldn't be out of the question for Juventus to sell him on. They would get 18m or so for him, decent mark up in one season and they have surely realised what a bell end he is by now.
The 'his attitude was bad '' line is shit and y'all know it. The lad is good and he knew he was good enough for first team football. Fergie didn't agree. He has gone to Juve and proved Fergie wrong. It happens. Not a big deal. We have Powell now who could even turn out as good.

I can't see how anyone can claim he was baldly advised when he is currently a first teamer at Juventus. People need to move on from this. I mean, we won the league without him. So why care how he is faring else where? Or what he says about United? He is in the past to us and should stay there.
Also those making an argument that he had a very poor season in the reserves are wrong, he wasnt playing consistently for the reserves. He would play one match then be in the first team squad for next few matches and then come back. Hard to maintain any kind of form playing so sporadically.
MJJ, there's a difference between being out of form but still trying your arse off to impose yourself and just playing like you don't want to be there. He was playing like the latter IMO.
The 'his attitude was bad '' line is shit and y'all know it. The lad is good and he knew he was good enough for first team football. Fergie didn't agree. He has gone to Juve and proved Fergie wrong. It happens. Not a big deal. We have Powell now who could even turn out as good.

I can't see how anyone can claim he was baldly advised when he is currently a first teamer at Juventus. People need to move on from this. I mean, we won the league without him. So why care how he is faring else where? Or what he says about United? He is in the past to us and should stay there.

Well said that man.
I really don't care about Pogba leaving. As a player, I'm glad he's doing well. On the pitch, he's class. Still, every month or so an interview with Pogba pops up and he's speaking quite ill of United. Taking pops at Fergie and a bunch of other stuff. I do think he's got a bit of a mouth on him. I think he'll continue to be a fairly controversial character throughout his career. He seems to be quite bitter towards us, and I don't really know why. He's done well without us, and I also believe he would have had a good season with us this year if he'd have stayed. It wasn't to be. The way he's spoke about us has been quite unprofessional though, which is a shame. There's a little bit of Tevez about it. Claimed to love the club whilst here, but when he wasn't part of the immediate plans, he left and started to act the cnut about it. There's just no need.
I really don't care about Pogba leaving. As a player, I'm glad he's doing well. On the pitch, he's class. Still, every month or so an interview with Pogba pops up and he's speaking quite ill of United. Taking pops at Fergie and a bunch of other stuff. I do think he's got a bit of a mouth on him. I think he'll continue to be a fairly controversial character throughout his career. He seems to be quite bitter towards us, and I don't really know why. He's done well without us, and I also believe he would have had a good season with us this year if he'd have stayed. It wasn't to be. The way he's spoke about us has been quite unprofessional though, which is a shame. There's a little bit of Tevez about it. Claimed to love the club whilst here, but when he wasn't part of the immediate plans, he left and started to act the cnut about it. There's just no need.

Well said that man.
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