Paul Pogba

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Jamie Lindsay ‏@Jamie_Lindsay 3m
Pogba - "A young man of 19 years who says no to Ferguson enters the annals of law, and I have earned the nickname Mandela for this." #MUFC

Dear God - he's such a clown.

(Thats a quote FROM Pogba apparently).
Jamie Lindsay ‏@Jamie_Lindsay 1m
"When I told SAF I was leaving, he shouted 'Where are you going? Go to Juventus? There's a lot of racism. Not like English fans" #MUFC

"What sense does it make to remain just to say 'I play at Manchester' but always be on the bench? SAF never proved to really want me."

"[SAF] said some very nice things about me, about my potential. But he never really proved he wanted me in the squad." #MUFC

"[Conte] told me that 'age does not matter'. If you think you can impose yourself here with us then come & show us what you can do."

Pogba "A young man of 19 years who says no to Ferguson enters the annals of law, and I have earned the nickname Mandela for this." #MUFC

"I told [SAF] that racism is everywhere and that I was only interested in playing." Interview is in France Football. #MUFC

Pogba's reasons for leaving United. I don't think you can blame him too much. He would have been a perfect fit for our midfield if we'd given him a chance, but we ignored him even when everyone was injured and we played Park and Rafael in midfield that one time. He went to Juventus and has plenty of opportunities in the first team.
That sounds like the biggest load of bollocks I've read in a while :lol:

Though it's almost beaten by the people who believe for one second that he's going to sign for Arsenal in the summer :lol::lol::lol:

That last quote is exceptional. I actually think Pogba is a bit special, in the head. He says Sir Alex never proved that he wanted him then he's saying he said no to Sir Alex like it's some heroic feat. If Sir Alex didn't want you what the feck were you saying no to? Pogba will live in his agents pocket. Great player, another bellend to add to the list.
He seems up himself, but in a way he's made the right decision in leaving. We can talk all we want about United's record with youth development and giving young players a chance, and Pogba probably would have been given time eventually, but the fact is that we had a talented youngster waiting there but instead put guys like Park and Rafael out of position ahead of him.

He's went to Juventus and features a lot more for them. He regularly gets game time there at a club of similar level currently and of relatively similar stature overall. Say what you want about him, but there's a case that he made the right decision in leaving and that we should've given him more time and tried to hang onto him more.
That last quote if anything is probably proof if anything that Pogba is surrounded by people who will blow smoke up his arse at any opportunity.
He seems up himself, but in a way he's made the right decision in leaving. We can talk all we want about United's record with youth development and giving young players a chance, and Pogba probably would have been given time eventually, but the fact is that we had a talented youngster waiting there but instead put guys like Park and Rafael out of position ahead of him.

He's went to Juventus and features a lot more for them. He regularly gets game time there at a club of similar level currently and of relatively similar stature overall. Say what you want about him, but there's a case that he made the right decision in leaving and that we should've given him more time and tried to hang onto him more.

There is a case, but I agree with what MUJAC said:

Let's talk about what really happened...

1. He had an outstanding 2010/11 season helping us win the FA Youth Cup and was a major 'potential' talent alongside Ravel Morrison

2. His form in the reserves during 2011/12 was very average

3. Fergie gave him a run out in all three League Cup games and he did ok without doing anything brilliant

4. The game against Blackburn saw us suffer terrible injury problems and Fergie played an experienced international midfielder in Ji Sung Park and took a gamble on Rafael as Carrick played centre half...when it didn't pay off he brought on more experience in Anderson at half-time. Pogba had three sub appearances behind him and was putting in average performances in the reserves. There was no logical reason Fergie would have started him and if anyone should have been pissed off that Rafael was starting it was Anderson.

5. Ferguson offered Pogba a new contract but the agent wanted a 'guarantee' of first team football. Ferguson doesn't guarantee any player a first team place so why would he do so with an inexperienced 18 year old?

6. Fergie gave Pogba more first team experience in the league and in Europe but he still decided not to sign a contract even though Fergie assured him he would get more chances this term regardless of his poor showing for the reserves during 2011/12

7. At the end of the season the agent spoke to numerous clubs and the player and his agent decided a move to Juventus would be better.

8. Fergie once again spoke to the player who refused to budge.

9. The player moved to Italy.

So, that's basically it.

I spoke to another agent who looks after youth players and in their opinion Pogba was 'badly advised' and the United offer was 'in line with other players of the same age, experience and potential'.

So either he or his agent was asking for 'guarantees' that were not forthcoming - understandably - and Fergie was reluctant to give someone a start in an important league game whose form didn't merit it.

When Tom Cleverley was asked about Scholes return...he said he was 'delighted because he had the opportunity of learning from him'...

Pogba left because he/his agent were impatient and wanted to dictate terms to the club.

Other more famous players have tried that in the past and got nowhere.

Pogba just didn't want to play for us so the club let him go.

All this talk of 'the one who got away' or 'we dropped a clanger' is basically bollocks.

Finally, we have the best record in the football league of bringing kids through and giving youngsters a chance. We don't need to look in the mirror at all when it comes to youth development.
He seems up himself, but in a way he's made the right decision in leaving. We can talk all we want about United's record with youth development and giving young players a chance, and Pogba probably would have been given time eventually, but the fact is that we had a talented youngster waiting there but instead put guys like Park and Rafael out of position ahead of him.

He's went to Juventus and features a lot more for them. He regularly gets game time there at a club of similar level currently and of relatively similar stature overall. Say what you want about him, but there's a case that he made the right decision in leaving and that we should've given him more time and tried to hang onto him more.

Scholes coming back probably did more for Pogba leaving and Scholes coming back should have won us the title. He did the right thing for himself in the short-term but with his agent I have no doubt he's going to be club-hopping across the continent. Good riddance.
I notice Paul doesn't mention whether the people calling him Mandela were rolling their eyes and sniggering or not.
There is a case, but I agree with what MUJAC said:

I understand why he wasn't given a lot of first team football and why we weren't overly desperate to keep him at the time, but it's the more the attitude of people here who seem to continue convincing themselves that we were completely right in getting rid of him. Last year everyone was saying that he was making the wrong decision in leaving and that he'd come to regret it, yet he's shown in the end that he was completely right in leaving because he's been given a lot more time to play at Juventus.

I can see why we didn't cave into his demands last year and I think he comes across as incredibly arrogant for a player who's hardly a world superstar, but this idea that we were still right to get rid of him seems a bit like denial.
I understand why he wasn't given a lot of first team football and why we weren't overly desperate to keep him at the time, but it's the more the attitude of people here who seem to continue convincing themselves that we were completely right in getting rid of him. Last year everyone was saying that he was making the wrong decision in leaving and that he'd come to regret it, yet he's shown in the end that he was completely right in leaving because he's been given a lot more time to play at Juventus.

I can see why we didn't cave into his demands last year and I think he comes across as incredibly arrogant for a player who's hardly a world superstar, but this idea that we were still right to get rid of him seems a bit like denial.

We didn't get rid of him that's the difference, we'll be going round in circles with this all day though. Whilst he is a talented player and we all knew he would be successful I don't think the club were wrong not to bend over backwards for him.

Do you think he would have had more opportunities at Juventus in the year that he was 18? He would have got his opportunities but didn't want to wait and decided to leave.
Mandela? :lol:

Pogba :lol:

I was sorry to lose his talent (and still am) but it's been clear for a while that he's not the right fit for United - the split will prove better for both in the long-run.
He's a horrible little mercenary...shat over 2 clubs already and caught spitting at fans...He must be adoring the racism in Italy if he has resorted to spitting.....He's trying to twist everything to make it look like he left as he wasn't getting games from Fergie when he knows dam well that Fergie would have given him as many games this season for utd as he got at Juve...he simply wasn't ready the season before last for the first team....Juve offered him cash a long time before anyone knew he was leaving utd and he took the money and was all about money...Fergie probably knew he was a money grabber and might have felt he wasn't worth the hassle....We will find young midfielders just as talented but without the attitude of this kid....can't wait to see Juve fans turn on him when he pisses off to real madrid in a year or two
Who's to say he wouldn't of got the opportunity here that he got at Juventus? His move coincided with the year that he probably would've stepped up to our first team.

In the end he was just impatient, we had 3 22 year olds and a 20 year old playing in the Bernabeu!
He seems a bit of a twat.

And Fergie is well known for not taking shite, but yeah I still think its a shame how it turned out.
Who's to say he wouldn't of got the opportunity here that he got at Juventus? His move coincided with the year that he probably would've stepped up to our first team.

In the end he was just impatient, we had 3 22 year olds and a 20 year old playing in the Bernabeu!

Because people would rather see it as we let him go without giving him chances that he gets elsewhere. Whereas in reality he would have got those chances this season, and he might not have got those same chances at Juventus the year before.

He was in transition the year before to being ready for the first team and when we were in a tight title race he was unfortunate that Fergie couldn't afford the risk.

But by the same token, if he had taken his chances in the reserves and played out of his skin like Januzaj has been doing this year then he would have made the step up last season.

Was Pogba even in the running for reserve player of the year? How can he expect to be a first team regular when he's not even performing like one of the best midfielders in reserves, Petrucci was out shining him IMO every time I watched them.
Pogba's reasons for leaving United. I don't think you can blame him too much. He would have been a perfect fit for our midfield if we'd given him a chance, but we ignored him even when everyone was injured and we played Park and Rafael in midfield that one time. He went to Juventus and has plenty of opportunities in the first team.

The kid probably does himself no favours by banging on about it but to be fair to him he wasn't getting a game so moved on. He's now getting regular football in a decent league for a big European team.

It's easy to criticise the lad but he's probably seen other young players at the club who've not made the grade and hung around too long. Juve come in offer him a chance and actually give him a go.

Based on this season he was good enough and deserved a chance. Shame it didn't happen but I bear no ill will against the bloke. He took a punt and it paid off for him.
He's a horrible little mercenary...shat over 2 clubs already and caught spitting at fans...He must be adoring the racism in Italy if he has resorted to spitting.....He's trying to twist everything to make it look like he left as he wasn't getting games from Fergie when he knows dam well that Fergie would have given him as many games this season for utd as he got at Juve...he simply wasn't ready the season before last for the first team....Juve offered him cash a long time before anyone knew he was leaving utd and he took the money and was all about money...Fergie probably knew he was a money grabber and might have felt he wasn't worth the hassle....We will find young midfielders just as talented but without the attitude of this kid....can't wait to see Juve fans turn on him when he pisses off to real madrid in a year or two

:lol: Yeah he's the one trying to twist things. How did he know he would get games the next season?

As for everyone who says he's a twat, he may well be but how many footballers are squeaky clean, and are glad he left, I seriously doubt you'd be saying you wanted rid if he'd signed the contract with us and gone on to have a season like the one he's just had for Juve. Obviously fans have been crying out for a new midfielder and for a short while he seemed like he could genuinely have been what we were looking for, it's understandable therefore that people are frustrated and take their anger out on him. That doesn't mean he didn't make the right decision for himself, this may come as a surprise but that's what most footballers do.

United will be fine without him and it's just really bitter and sad that some fans seem to enjoy and hope to see him fail. If you care to cast your minds back to the way in which we nabbed him from Le Harve in the first place we can't really complain at the way it's turned out, it's not like the signs weren't there.
I believe that we handled Pogba badly. First of all SAF shouldnt have mentioned him as one of the reasons why we're not buying any CM. Secondly I cant help out thinking that the boss was too patient with Ando. Its a shame since Pogba is turning into the midfielder we needed while we're lucky if Ando can last the entire 90 minutes for 2 games in a row.
We did nothing wrong with Pogba. You don't throw a 19 year old into a title race, regardless of talent. If he was that concerned to make a breakthrough he could have put in a bit more effort in the reserve matches instead of moping around showing an arrogance that he was too good for that level.
Should show a bit decency to a club that had nourished and nurtured him for 3 years. For free.

Was gutted to lose him, but delighted that Fergie was right about not playing him. Judging by his quoted lines (and his brother as his mouthpiece) so far, he still isn't mature enough (mentally) to be a United player.
We did nothing wrong with Pogba. You don't throw a 19 year old into a title race, regardless of talent. If he was that concerned to make a breakthrough he could have put in a bit more effort in the reserve matches instead of moping around showing an arrogance that he was too good for that level.

I think the lads been badly advised by his fat cnut of an 'agent'. That aside. The fact we were under the impression we had the option of another year tells you all you need to know. Someone cocked up but at the end of the day, you don't need prats for agents hanging round leeching off clubs and talking shite in peoples ear. So did we do anything wrong? Yes. However he's gone we move on.
Next time a young man is faced with racism he must ask himself a simple question "What would Paul Pogba do?"
Next time a young man is faced with racism he must ask himself a simple question "What would Paul Pogba do?"

Come on now, there are plenty of racists in the UK as well. This opinion that he shouldn't have gone to Italy because there is racism prevalent is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. First of all not every Italian is a racist and, secondly, if he really wanted to play for Juve but decided against it because of a minority of racists then those racists are winning and getting what they want.

It actually takes courage to stand up to these cretins, the authorities should be doing more but that's for another debate.
We did nothing wrong with Pogba. You don't throw a 19 year old into a title race, regardless of talent. If he was that concerned to make a breakthrough he could have put in a bit more effort in the reserve matches instead of moping around showing an arrogance that he was too good for that level.

There's a difference between throwing a player in and giving him a few games. He didn't get a look in, which for a player seemingly so highly rated, and who thinks he's worth a go has got to be frustrating.

I personally suspect Fergie may regret how he was handled - the net result was that a good young player walked out of the club and straight into the first team set up at a European rival. That can't be good when the club have invested time and money.
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