Paul Pogba

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Would have been perfect for us! Gutted we still don't have him!
And so it starts

@tancredipalmeri: The Raiola virus has been injected in Juventus. Raiola on Pogba: "Pogba is not on sale. He will stay at Juventus. At least until July"

Saw rumours on the net ( though dammed if I can remember the source) that PSG are very interested in him as they see him being the next big French star.
I dont miss him... I dont care.
Midfield has been alright.. If we need someone, we'll get someone in.
Plenty of fish in the sea.

He didnt want to be here. I dont care any more.
Saw rumours on the net ( though dammed if I can remember the source) that PSG are very interested in him as they see him being the next big French star.

We should have tolerated him and offered a new contract, to sell him a year down the line for a big fee. :p
We should have tolerated him and offered a new contract, to sell him a year down the line for a big fee. :p

Tbh you are right. Even though it may have been a bit of risk but there were sure to be big rewards.

We must have known in future he was gonna demand a move away from United and we could have got big money.
Would have been perfect for us! Gutted we still don't have him!

I really don't understand why people say he would be perfect for us. I'd like to hear more about your thinking behind that.

The way i see it is, Pogba has almost zero defensive responsibility, playing mostly in the Pirlo role. I thought we have enough problems with players positioning? When i have watched him, he is ambling about, waiting to receive the ball. I can understand the idea of him next to Carrick seeming ideal, but three man midfields can flatter a player. Physical presence also doesn't mean he defends well. I don't think we were that wrong making him wait. He has plenty of quality, but people made it sound like he is an all round midfielder when he has mostly been asked to create. He has looked ready for Juve in Italy, but it depends on what you are looking for from the player next to Carrick i guess.
I said it then and I say it now. We were stupid to let him go.

Yep tried playing hardball with him to keep him grounded but he chased the paper. I'm pretty sure SAF will know how good a player he is but it's not everything, they have to have the correct charachter and attitude aswell. SAF wont entertain no big time paper chasing charlie, however good they.

His current haircut kind of indicates what kind of characther he is, camoflauge Bentley next..
I'll say it again; the now infamous Blackburn home game last season must have made Pogba's mind up for him. Our first-choice central midfielder was forced to play at centre-back due to injuries, our second, third, fourth and fifth-choice central midfielders were sidelined due to injuries and discipline problems, and who do we start in midfield? Ji-Sung Park and Rafael. Pogba must have been thinking, if Ferguson isn't picking me in these drastic circumstances (and remember Blackburn were bottom of the league so Pogba would have been well at/above their level), when will he?

I firmly believe his agent was meddling with the kid's head angling for a move, but that particular game must have confirmed it for the chap himself.
Nope. The decision to go to Juve I reckon had already been decided at the beginning of that season. Nothing to do with the Blackburn game. The moment Raiola turned up we lost him. We offered him more wages than Juve we just refused to pay agent fees.
Nope. The decision to go to Juve I reckon had already been decided at the beginning of that season. Nothing to do with the Blackburn game. The moment Raiola turned up we lost him. We offered him more wages than Juve we just refused to pay agent fees.

As I said, Raiola definitely bent the kid's ear, but had we been giving him the odd start here and there, as well as springing him from the bench to whet his appetite a bit more, then I'm sure he'd be still here.

The Blackburn more than confirmed it to Pogba that Ferguson didn't quite trust him yet, which was music to Raiola's ears as he used it to his advantage.
Nope. The decision to go to Juve I reckon had already been decided at the beginning of that season. Nothing to do with the Blackburn game. The moment Raiola turned up we lost him. We offered him more wages than Juve we just refused to pay agent fees.

I thought the whole fall out was due to the fact that we wouldn't pay him the wages?

20K apparently we wouldn't match the Juve offer?
This thread seems to just consist of the same people saying the same shit again and again. What's the point?
I'm absolutely sick that he left. I really hope it was all Pogba and his agent because if Fergie simply didn't rate him then that is possibly his biggest clanger in recent history.

Of course, I do trust that we did our best to keep him and that Pogba was just simply not interested.

Its not even debatable that we still need a top CM, hopefully we can sign a fecking amazing one this summer and put Pogba out of our minds forever.
He was not good yesterday, slow going forward and sloppy passing. Anyway he was dealt with by Fergie the United way and I couldn't care less that he left, same goes for Fryers and Morrison.
This thread seems to just consist of the same people saying the same shit again and again. What's the point?

Probably the best comment on this thread. I can't begin to tell you how sick and tired I am of hearing that "blackburn game" is the reason he left. Yes I'm looking at you nahelai.
I can't begin to tell you how sick and tired I am of hearing that "blackburn game" is the reason he left.

What was, according to you, the reason he left then? Do you firmly believe that seeing an average winger/attacking midfielder and a right-back being picked ahead of you won't have set alarm bells ringing in your head that the manager may not trust you?

I think it's naive to think otherwise. Ferguson rarely gets it wrong with youngsters, but he fecked up big time with this one.
What was, according to you, the reason he left then? Do you firmly believe that seeing an average winger/attacking midfielder and a right-back being picked ahead of you won't have set alarm bells ringing in your head that the manager may not trust you?

I think it's naive to think otherwise. Ferguson rarely gets it wrong with youngsters, but he fecked up big time with this one.

I don't think he did. Firstly Pogba doesn't strike me as the loyal type mostly because of his agent and secondly the buck stops with Gill on Pogba with me. SAF thought we had a year clause on his contract which no doubt influenced his attitude to developing Pogba, it turned out that such a clause was illegal and from that it was clear Pogba and his agent were constructing a way out.
I don't think he did. Firstly Pogba doesn't strike me as the loyal type mostly because of his agent and secondly the buck stops with Gill on Pogba with me. SAF thought we had a year clause on his contract which no doubt influenced his attitude to developing Pogba, it turned out that such a clause was illegal and from that it was clear Pogba and his agent were constructing a way out.

This is modern football. If you think any player apart from the rare exception, joins or stay at a club for 'loyalty' you're fecking deluded.
I don't think he did. Firstly Pogba doesn't strike me as the loyal type mostly because of his agent and secondly the buck stops with Gill on Pogba with me. SAF thought we had a year clause on his contract which no doubt influenced his attitude to developing Pogba, it turned out that such a clause was illegal and from that it was clear Pogba and his agent were constructing a way out.

We signed Ronaldo full knowing that he'd never see out his entire career with us. Surely we'd have to assume that any foreign youngster would be the same. Why couldn't we have given him some first-team opportunities, tied him down to a long-term contract, and see where the land lies in a few years. We'd either have a committed (hopefully) world-class player in our most suspect area of the field or we'd have a player that would attract a big offer should he wish to move back to the continent.

I genuinely cannot believe we were so naive in this instance as we're usually on the ball in this aspect of the game.
Why should we reward a player for having doubts over his United future? If you're not committed to the club you'll not get the games you "deserve". Sir Alex has shown that over and over again no matter how talented they are.

"The best things to do in these situations is to get things done and get it out of the road. [Focus on] the players who want to play for the club, who want to be United players. No point in trying to twist people's arm to get them to stay."

Alex Ferguson, 1995

His opinion ain't changed since then and nor should it. He knows how to build a successful squad and attitude/commitment comes before talent. Always has and always will under Fergie. If he goes on to be a mercenary prick it won't justify us getting rid of him just like if he goes on to be a superstar it won't be something we screwed up - he didn't want to be here so he left, we had no choice.
Ferguson will obviously contradict himself when the player is worth the hassle, though (i.e. Ronaldo).

If he'd convinced Pogba to stay for another year like he did with Ronaldo, both parties may have gotten what they wanted from the deal. As it stands, Pogba was the only winner here.
Would have been perfect for us! Gutted we still don't have him!

Yeah he'd be perfect for us if he didnt feck us over, listen to his agent and then piss off to Juve. Anyone near the club that Ive heard talking about it reckons the deal was done up to a year before it happened.

Id much prefer to do without characters like that....
Completely different situations though. The likes of Ronaldo, Rooney and whoever else were United players, they won titles with us and gave something back to the club. They were happy here for a long time. We didn't try and keep them at the club just because they were talented. Pogba was making demands before he'd even earned the right to.
Completely different situations though. The likes of Ronaldo, Rooney and whoever else were United players, they won titles with us and gave something back to the club. They were happy here for a long time. We didn't try and keep them at the club just because they were talented. Pogba was making demands before he'd even earned the right to.

It amazes me that there are people who wanted the club to give into player power. Especially for a player who had played so little for us. :wenger:
Completely different situations though. They were United players, they won titles with us and gave something back to the club. They were happy here for a long time. Pogba was making demands before he'd even earned the right to.

You're dead right, and I completely agree.

However, when we afforded the likes of Gibson, Park, Rafael etc. games in central midfield, surely we could have given Pogba more than the token minutes he got in the end? It particularly grates when he plays in a position where we're struggling in for a few years now.
We absolutely could have played him there and there's every chance he would've been better than Rafael in that position. I just don't see why we should - like JustAFan says it's all about player power. You have to earn those minutes before you start demanding them and he seems to think being talented and looking good in the reserves is enough to earn it. Not for me. Even if you're a special talent you're going to have to work your bollocks off to get in the side. Looks like he never did.
Ferguson will obviously contradict himself when the player is worth the hassle, though (i.e. Ronaldo).

If he'd convinced Pogba to stay for another year like he did with Ronaldo, both parties may have gotten what they wanted from the deal. As it stands, Pogba was the only winner here.

One difference being was that Ronaldo was still under contact, where as Pogba's contract was set to run out, hence him leaving on a free. So the comparison to the Ronaldo situation is a false one.
And backed down, and apologised, and signed a contract which none of us knows how different it was from the one we were previously offering him.

Yes, none of us know exactly what the final offer was or what he eventually signed, but it would be incredibly naive to think he did not get a substantial pay-rise to sign a new contract, especially with what City would have offered him.
I thought the whole fall out was due to the fact that we wouldn't pay him the wages?

20K apparently we wouldn't match the Juve offer?

Word is we offered 40 but wouldn't pay the agents fees. Now the amount the agent was after, and if you reduce it from Pogbas wages meant that we matched the Juve offer exactly. They were playing us.
That day passed when Rooney held the club to ransom.

End of the day Rooney backed down and reportedly signed the contract offered to him. So not really. Plus it is hilarious how people keep comparing a youth player who had not played any meaningful first team time to established stars like Rooney and Ronaldo, :lol:
What was, according to you, the reason he left then? Do you firmly believe that seeing an average winger/attacking midfielder and a right-back being picked ahead of you won't have set alarm bells ringing in your head that the manager may not trust you?

I think it's naive to think otherwise. Ferguson rarely gets it wrong with youngsters, but he fecked up big time with this one.


Maybe he had his head turned by his agent. Maybe he was just chasing the money. Maybe he just didn't want to live in Manchester. Maybe he just wanted his ego stroked and to take the easier path to first team football.
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