Paul Pogba

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The hair alone is reason enough not to miss him. What the actual feck? It's like a cross between Mr. T and Djibril Cisse.

People need to get over the fact that he left us really. I know many followed him in the reserves and had high hopes for him (myself included), but when a player says that "he was told to wait for his chance, but he never got one" at the age of 18 it's pretty clear that he won't be easy to deal with. Quality goal though.
I saw him once before and he was looking good in attack but dodgy defensively. Been watching the second half and is the same. He stands around many a times and game passes by. Vidal and Marchisio have to do the hard work.

And he has gotten 7 starts there this season, along with 2 cup games and 6/7 Sub appearances. Probably would have gotten it here too.

Marchisio isn't even in the side tonight.

And to be quite frank, nothing indicated to him getting a chance here. We don't have a midfield anywhere near as good as Juve's and yet he's still getting a much better look in there, that tells you all you need to know about his decision.
Pogba has been in control of the entire match, a match that Juve have dominated from start to finish. He fits in perfectly alongside Vidal and Gia and has done a job going back and forward tonight, as he has done all season. You're underrating him, plain and simple. He's played one of the key parts tonight for Juve and realistically they should of had double the scoreline right now.

You know somebody is good when they're 19 years old and are managing to get a good amount of game time in one of the greatest midfields in the world.

Think you are watching a different game
Question again

Is the Pog the best 19 year old in world football? Neymar is 21 soon BTW.
Marchisio isn't even in the side tonight.

And to be quite frank, nothing indicated to him getting a chance here. We don't have a midfield anywhere near as good as Juve's and yet he's still getting a much better look in there, that tells you all you need to know about his decision.

Seriously, are you his agent ?

Will see you next time in this thread when he and his agent causes trouble or dicks Juve. Nick Powell has gotten 10 appearances for us so far and Pogba was around 2 years ahead in his progression.
This thread is just a world of pain. Should be deleted.
Seriously, are you his agent ?

Will see you next time in this thread when he and his agent causes trouble or dicks Juve. Nick Powell has gotten 10 appearances for us so far and Pogba was around 2 years ahead in his progression.

Pogba only got near the first team when he looked like he was leaving. He was most likely on for a loan to a Wigan this season, if he had stayed. It is hard to argue that he has made a bad decision for himself in going to Juve.

Nick Powell was bought for a not insignificant fee, we tend to give most players signed for multi million pound fees some game time.

Sterling, Draxler, Kovacic, Maher, Chamberlain the others that come to mind.

Probably forgetting a few.

Sterling and Chamberlain - not a chance. I can't really comment on the others as I have not seen enough of them. Are any of them operating at the level of Pogba?
Anyone who saw him in the academy/reserves will tell you its no surprise to see him score screamers like that, he did it every week.

Its amazing how much space he's been afforded in midfield in this game and the others I've seen him play in for Juve. The slow tempo suits him much better than English football.

Great talent and a shame to see him do so well elsewhere but he isn't perfect either. He's got issues with his professionalism off the pitch which he gets away because of his age and talent but if he doesn't sort them out sooner or later it will become a problem for him in his career. We're not talking Ravel Morrison here but he hasn't got the attitude/discipline/focus of a young Ronaldo either.

Also he hasn't actually played that much for Juve. He's not first choice as he's very much Pirlo's understudy. He's a confident lad who knows how good he is but he's easily influenced by his greedy weasel of an agent. If he keeps performing like this yet isn't first choice at some point he'll start looking elsewhere unless one of Pirlo/Marchisio/Vidal makes way for him. Its an interesting situation for him. He probably would have played more this year if he'd have stayed with us. Just because he didn't play much last season is irrelevant, he's developed and improved since then. Well I suppose him and his agent earn more money now so...
Seriously, are you his agent ?

Will see you next time in this thread when he and his agent causes trouble or dicks Juve. Nick Powell has gotten 10 appearances for us so far and Pogba was around 2 years ahead in his progression.

Stop being silly.

He could of got some chances here, we'll never know really. So far it seems he without a doubt made the right decision though, because as I said, 19 and getting this amount of time while playing at a club with a midfield as good as almost any team. Meanwhile, we were deciding to play Park and Rafael ahead of him in the midfield when he was here.

I'll see you in this thread again when he dominates yet another game alongside the likes of Pirlo and Vidal.
He is obviously going to become a star. Look how well he's fitted in at Juventus. Played 13 times in the league, and does not look out of place alongside some of the world's best midfielders.
Stop being silly.

He could of got some chances here, we'll never know really. So far it seems he without a doubt made the right decision though, because as I said, 19 and getting this amount of time while playing at a club with a midfield as good as almost any team. Meanwhile, we were deciding to play Park and Rafael ahead of him in the midfield when he was here.

I'll see you in this thread again when he dominates yet another game alongside the likes of Pirlo and Vidal.

Huh ? I am in this thread even now. And we are not doing too badly ourselves.

Don't think there was one factor involved in him leaving and us letting him go, so stop being so simplistic.
Look lads: Lets face it, the staff probably mishandled him, underrated his potential, it happens. We march on though, as always.
Stop being silly.

He could of got some chances here, we'll never know really. So far it seems he without a doubt made the right decision though, because as I said, 19 and getting this amount of time while playing at a club with a midfield as good as almost any team. Meanwhile, we were deciding to play Park and Rafael ahead of him in the midfield when he was here.

I'll see you in this thread again when he dominates yet another game alongside the likes of Pirlo and Vidal.

Mate you really need to let it go. Yes, he's doing very well indeed (although your refusal to see the flaws in his game because you think they weaken your argument is, ironically, weakening your argument). But he would have got chances here eventually too. Juve offered more chances and more money so he left, and it was the right decision.

Let go of the bitterness!
Bad news as soon as that agent came on the scene.
Sterling and Chamberlain - not a chance. I can't really comment on the others as I have not seen enough of them. Are any of them operating at the level of Pogba?

Sterling and Chamberlain are playing at Pogba's level or even higher right now. Starting week in week out in the Premier league.

There are a few others too like Vilhena,Fischer etc.. Seriously, Pogba may have potential but he isn't operating at a better level right now.
Bad news as soon as that agent came on the scene.

True. The agent was the scorpion in the toy box. That said, if he had been playing in the first team, as it seems that he would have been more than capable of, then I think that he would have been much more inclined to stay. I think that we underrated him, misjudged his level of development.

Sterling and Chamberlain are playing at Pogba's level or even higher right now. Starting week in week out in the Premier league.

There are a few others too. Seriously, Pogba may have potential but he isn't operating at a better level right now.

Totally disagree.

The Premier League is not as strong as it was 5 years ago. Juventus are at our level right now. I would not be confident of beating them in the CL. There is no way that Liverpool and Arsenal are at the level of Juventus.
Mate you really need to let it go. Yes, he's doing very well indeed (although your refusal to see the flaws in his game because you think they weaken your argument is, ironically, weakening your argument). But he would have got chances here eventually too. Juve offered more chances and more money so he left, and it was the right decision.

Let go of the bitterness!

Feel free to show me where I ignore any of his current weaknesses. He's not the finished article yet, there's still areas he needs to tighten up and improve actually, which should come if he continues the way he's going. That's to be expected considering he's only 19 years old.

People keep acting like it's a fact he'd of been given chances. Nobody will ever know. He may of played a hell of a lot of games. Or, maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't of done. We'll never know, because he decided to leave.

I'm not bitter what so ever to be perfectly honest. I've never even been some massive fan of his. That said, I've seen every game he's played for Juventus and think he's looked fantastic at times and haven't really seen him have much of a bad game to date.

And to even claim Sterling is performing at a level as good as Pogba right now...well yeah, I'm not even going into that one. Madness.
Look lads: Lets face it, the staff probably mishandled him, underrated his potential, it happens. We march on though, as always.

I very much doubt that. We had him here for nearly four years in a key stage in his career in which he improved immensely. He's then gone to Juve and hit the ground running. Everyone at the club knew how good he was and how good he could go on to be.

If your looking for someone to blame for him leaving then blame his agent, as at least there's some actual substance to that.
True. The agent was the scorpion in the toy box. That said, if he had been playing in the first team, as it seems that he would have been more than capable of, then I think that he would have been much more inclined to stay. I think that we underrated him, misjudged his level of development.

Totally disagree.

The Premier League is not as strong as it was 5 years ago. Juventus are at our level right now. I would not be confident of beating them in the CL. There is now way that Liverpool and Arsenal are at the level of Juventus.

I agree. I think if he'd have been at Arsenal, he'd have been a regular. In terms of United, we shouldn't have waited till the last minute. Sir Alex proposed what'd happen early season. I think it's a shame as he will be a quality player.
Both the parties are at fault IMO, us for not letting his contract go in the final year and then obviously when he got Raiola we obviously had no chance of keeping him.
Totally disagree.

The Premier League is not as strong as it was 5 years ago. Juventus are at our level right now. I would not be confident of beating them in the CL. There is no way that Liverpool and Arsenal are at the level of Juventus.

Huh ? Firstly if we face Juventus he'll not be starting. He isn't Starting for them in CL games.

Secondly, Young players especially ones like him look better surrounded by better players so Juventus being strong is a advantage for him, not a disadvantage.

And finally, whether Juventus is as strong us or not, the average opponent they face in the premier league is far higher than Italy right now. A league where most teams except 2/3 are struggling at the moment.
And finally, whether Juventus is as strong us or not, the average opponent they face in the premier league is far higher than Italy right now. A league where most teams except 2/3 are struggling at the moment.

He has started one CL game for them, he might play his way into the starting line up at this rate, he has 5 goals from 10 starts so far.

I think that you are overrating the Prem at this point in time. The playing field is much more level these days. I am baffled that you think that the Ox or Sterling are better players at this point than Pogba, both, the Ox especially, have underwhelmed me this season. Pogba is lighting the fecking place up.
He has started one CL game for them, he might play his way into the starting line up at this rate, he has 5 goals from 10 starts so far.

I think that you are overrating the Prem at this point in time. The playing field is much more level these days. I am baffled that you think that the Ox or Sterling are better players at this point than Pogba, both, the Ox especially, have underwhelmed me this season. Pogba is lighting the fecking place up.

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree then. I think he has big potential, but he is not at that level right now.
He has started one CL game for them, he might play his way into the starting line up at this rate, he has 5 goals from 10 starts so far.

I think that you are overrating the Prem at this point in time. The playing field is much more level these days. I am baffled that you think that the Ox or Sterling are better players at this point than Pogba, both, the Ox especially, have underwhelmed me this season. Pogba is lighting the fecking place up.

You are overrating Serie A. It's like watching snails play, there are good players there but it is much much easier to shine than in the premiership. It's not only about the quality after all, the speed and intensity has to come in to it.
You are overrating Serie A. It's like watching snails play, there are good players there but it is much much easier to shine than in the premiership. It's not only about the quality after all, the speed and intensity has to come in to it.

Serie A has been on a massive downward spiral for a while now too in terms of quality. Hardly any big name player wants to go there ahead of PL/Spain and even Germany has overtaken them probably. Same Germany where Diouf is amongst the best players of the season.
Brilliant, a thread on Pogba now turns into yet another ridiculous discussion on what league is better and ultimately people once again underrating and shitting on Serie A, shock surprise.
Serie A has been on a massive downward spiral for a while now too in terms of quality. Hardly any big name player wants to go there ahead of PL/Spain and even Germany has overtaken them probably. Same Germany where Diouf is amongst the best players of the season.


Christ! Dortmund fecked City and Madrid. Bayern are possibly the best team in Europe. Germany have more teams in the CL knock out stages than us too. Italy have the same amount.

I think that someone is being a little jingoistic here.
We'll buy him back for £30m....that is the way we do things at Utd!!
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