Paul Pogba

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We would have had to wait a few more years for him to show what he can do consistently so in truth him leaving has probably freed up the space that will hopefully lead us to the signing that will with a bit of luck take Fergie to his destiny of 1 more Champions League before he retires!! Fingers crossed that Pogba joins the List of names such as Stam, Beckham etc that regreted leaving the club too soon
Maybe this teaches us not to snatch a player away from another club in the matter we did with Pogba from Le Havre. The kind of player who allows himself to be part of such a deal can not be trusted not to leave us in the same fashion.
Tevez II.

He'll probably come out and said that we didnt give him the playing time and 'respect' that he deserves.

Edit: Just read Fergie's quote. Ironically, Pogba's the one not giving us the respect we deserve.
Can anyone really blame him? It's not like we given him first team starts.

We don't know what Juve offers is, but whatever it is, I bet they're better and more prospective (at least it his eyes), only time will tell.
Just looked through Juve's midfielder's compared to ours.

Arturo Vidal - 25
Andrea Pirlo - 33
Michele Pazienza - 29
Claudio Marchisio - 26
Simone Padoin - 28
Luca Marrone - 22
Mauricio Isla - 24
Kwadwo Asamoah - 23

Jones - 20
Anderson - 24
Giggs - 38
Park - 31
Carrick - 30
Scholes - 37
Cleverley - 22
Fletcher - 28
Powell - 18

Looking at our squad Giggs, Scholes and Park to an extent should be phasing down their number of games over the season. So apart from Fletcher as we don't know what his level of recovery will be, had he stayed he'd be in direct competition with Anderson, Carrick, Cleverley with mentions for Powell and Jones as they may get a few games in midfield. Now it seems a lot easier to get into ours then Juve's understandably given their talent. The only players that will probably be gone in the next few years for Juve is Pirlo, Pazienza & Padoin.

So in my opinion he either has a massive ego and thinks he'll develop into a first teamer at Juve and displace one of the others or his agent has led him completely with the thought of money and greed.

Such a waste I feel but at the end of the day it's his loss more then ours.

You left out Giovinco, whose heading back to Juve next season, the leading scoring midfielder from last year with 15 goal in 36 starts. Surely he'll start a ton of games.
It's a shame, I've always been of the opinion that he had all the tools to become a genuinely top class midfielder and I'm not going to change that opinion just because he's moved on. Could be a great signing for juve

Still, in these situations I've no doubt we'd have made the right moves. Mentality and attitude are of the upmost importance to saf and had pogba shown he had the right levels of these things he'd still be here and he would have almost certainly played a lot more minutes last year given our issues in midfield. That he didn't manage to do this speaks more about him than it does us, IMO of course
Meh, Macheda has been loyal enough, we took him from a team that didn't like it at a similar age.

I'm sure we do a lot of work looking at player's character, but we can't get them all right.
He's agreed a move to Juve, but cannot move until end of season.

(He's here, but gone)

It can become a bit silly when players can negotiate with different clubs, yet can't move before seeing out their contracts. Must be difficult being around the club for both Pogba, and management. I suppose he'll just have to train on his own or polish up on his gardening skills.

I said this in March. Listen to Uncle Sultan...
Maybe this teaches us not to snatch a player away from another club in the matter we did with Pogba from Le Havre. The kind of player who allows himself to be part of such a deal can not be trusted not to leave us in the same fashion.

I guess we shouldnt have taken a certain Ryan Joseph Wilson out of Shitty's academy.

The problem is that certain agents expect a cut for every 'service' they give. This means that United was expected to give some money to the agent to make things 'happen'. Now considering that United are not ready to do so, then maybe its time to start avoiding doing deals with players who are represented by such type of agent.
If I was Pogba I would have left as well

And we'd have been happy to see the back of you as well.

At the end of the day, SAF made a judgement call. He obviously thought there was a bit of time before he was ready for a full time off-the-bench role and Pogba didn't like that. Meh! You have to earn your stripes, not demand them.
Maybe this teaches us not to snatch a player away from another club in the matter we did with Pogba from Le Havre. The kind of player who allows himself to be part of such a deal can not be trusted not to leave us in the same fashion.

This is the danger of poaching players as you will not truly be able to cultivate any sort of loyalty
This is the danger of poaching players as you will not truly be able to cultivate any sort of loyalty

The true danger is signing/sticking to players who decide to be represented by people like Raiola. The man just love to unsettle his clients so that he'll rack more money from signing on fees and contract renewals. We're talking here about the same agent who represent people like Balotelli, Ibrahimovic and Robinho.

Maybe its time for decent clubs like United and Barca to make it obvious that anyone being represented by this guy will end up becoming a persona non grata in that respective club.
The true danger is signing/sticking to players who decide to be represented by people like Raiola. The man just love to unsettle his clients so that he'll rack more money from signing on fees and contract renewals. We're talking here about the same agent who represent people like Balotelli, Ibrahimovic and Robinho.

Maybe its time for decent clubs like United and Barca to make it obvious that anyone being represented by this guy will end up becoming a persona non grata in that respective club.

Your thoughts is shared by many others but the problem is that Raiola is a hero among many players, especially those who comes from a poor background with a low level of education. He knows how to handle those type of players and they like his fearless attitude.
Silly boy, he will languish in the reserves at Juv for around another two/three years and then do exactly the same to them as he did to us. There is no way he is going to walk into that Juv midfield now. Also, with all the political/match fixing problems resurfacing in Italy once again he's hardly joined a league of integrity. Sure he has potential.....but right now that is all it is...potential.

He will slag us off no doubt, but Fergie has got in first by basically saying he's an ungrateful C..t and we are better off without the like. Once you let youth team players hold a club to ransom or dictate exactly what they want, then the whole of football is on a slippery slope.

He can feck off and hopefully have his regrets later. The "mighty" juventus has bought a whinging prick and they are welcome to him.

Oh....and he's certainly not worth the length of this thread for fecks sake...although yes....hands up...I've just lenthened it!!
Your thoughts is shared by many others but the problem is that Raiola is a hero among many players, especially those who comes from a poor background with a low level of education. He knows how to handle those type of players and they like his fearless attitude.

He's a hero for players because he manages to bleed club dry on their behalf. I was watching the Italian media yesterday and he's already causing Milan problems regarding Ibra. You wont believe it, AC Milan resurrected Ibra's career, they built the team around him and now that AC Milan are passing from a rather painful transition phase (many players have left and the budget to replace them is somehow limited), Rioala is asking for more money and 'advising' them that PSG are interested in the player.

That's the reason why I disagree with SAF's decision of putting the kid in the limelight last season. Showing trust towards a kid would have been beneficial in the good old days when players actually cared about their career and the club. Nowadays its only an excuse to attract the wrong people around them who will be asking ridiculous amounts of money on their behalf. Loyalty is a dying trait in fooball and the majority of players should be treated as mere employees. We tend to be too loyal towards players at times especially those who come from nations were football at club level tend is there to make players rich + keep them fit for the international games.
So then, who wants to dig up old quotes from people saying we don't need midfielders because we have two of the most exciting young midfielders in Europe?
The true danger is signing/sticking to players who decide to be represented by people like Raiola. The man just love to unsettle his clients so that he'll rack more money from signing on fees and contract renewals. We're talking here about the same agent who represent people like Balotelli, Ibrahimovic and Robinho.

Maybe its time for decent clubs like United and Barca to make it obvious that anyone being represented by this guy will end up becoming a persona non grata in that respective club.

No doubt, agents are the scourge of the game and Raiola is a prime example...Actually, that became a common theme at Barcelona with Pep to rid the club of players represented by agents who routinely unsettle

When Balotelli tried out for the club, the major reason it fell through was due to the demands of his agents...A big reason, among many others, that I fear Neymar's arrival (Circus to follow)
No doubt, agents are the scourge of the game and Raiola is a prime example...Actually, that became a common theme at Barcelona with Pep to rid the club of players represented by agents who routinely unsettle

When Balotelli tried out for the club, the major reason it fell through was due to the demands of his agents...A big reason, among many others, that I fear Neymar's arrival (Circus to follow)

Their strategy is always the same ie target players with a big ego who tend to attract the fans attention (in one way or another). Once they hook to these sort of players they will start asking ridiculous amount of money and turning the fans against the club (Tevez vs United is a classic case) to reach their goal. In matter of fact you rarely see the likes of Rioala representing players like Messi, Giggs, Gaz and Scholes. There's no 'value' in players who will stick to their club no matter what happens

That's the reason why I disagreed with SAF's decision of putting too much emphasis on Pogba (last season). By doing so he attracted the vultures around the kid.
So then, who wants to dig up old quotes from people saying we don't need midfielders because we have two of the most exciting young midfielders in Europe?

I'll put my hand up, I was saying 3-4 years ago that someone out of Pogba, Morrison or Petrucci would be in our midfield by now. Though we did end up getting Cleverley into first team shape, which probably makes those other failures worth it.

I'm not the only one who sees the large gap between the reserves and the first team and wonder if any player could make that jump directly these days. Recently Welbeck and Evans are first XI players who required loan experience, and Fletcher and O'Shea took many years of being fringe players to start playing serious minutes.

It doesn't sound like Pogba was willing to take the slower, loan route. At least not for us.
I'll put my hand up, I was saying 3-4 years ago that someone out of Pogba, Morrison or Petrucci would be in our midfield by now. Though we did end up getting Cleverley into first team shape, which probably makes those other failures worth it.

I'm not the only one who sees the large gap between the reserves and the first team and wonder if any player could make that jump directly these days. Recently Welbeck and Evans are first XI players who required loan experience, and Fletcher and O'Shea took many years of being fringe players to start playing serious minutes.

It doesn't sound like Pogba was willing to take the slower, loan route. At least not for us.

You were aware of Pogba and Morrison in 2008/09?
I'll put my hand up, I was saying 3-4 years ago that someone out of Pogba, Morrison or Petrucci would be in our midfield by now. Though we did end up getting Cleverley into first team shape, which probably makes those other failures worth it.



This is like those people who steal somebody else's husband/wife, and then get upset when their new spouse then cheats on them, too.

We nicked Pogba from La Havre in great acrimony; it should hardly surprise anyone he did the same thing again.
This is like those people who steal somebody else's husband/wife, and then get upset when their new spouse then cheats on them, too.

We nicked Pogba from La Havre in great acrimony; it should hardly surprise anyone he did the same thing again.

The relationship analogy just about holds water but don't see the infidelity angle myself. Pogba wanted to leave France to play for an English club. Now he's decided to play in Italy. Bit unusual for someone to represent three different clubs so young but not exactly unprecedented. There's no skulduggery here. Just a kid with rapidly shifting allegiences. There's a lot of that about these days.

What I don't get is the burning desire so many people have to try and find someone to blame for what happened. There's all sorts of reasons he might have fancied a move. Most of which we will never know about and at least some of which could not have been avoided, in any circumstances.

It goes broader than football IMO. Sometimes shit happens and you just have to roll with it instead of demanding an inquest to find a scapegoat. Our parents/grandparents generations seemed to have a much better handle on this than the molly-coddled generation X and Yers.
The relationship analogy just about holds water but don't see the infidelity angle myself. Pogba wanted to leave France to play for an English club. Now he's decided to play in Italy. Bit unusual for someone to represent three different clubs so young but not exactly unprecedented. There's no skulduggery here. Just a kid with rapidly shifting allegiences. There's a lot of that about these days.

What I don't get is the burning desire so many people have to try and find someone to blame for what happened. There's all sorts of reasons he might have fancied a move. Most of which we will never know about and at least some of which could not have been avoided, in any circumstances.

It goes broader than football IMO. Sometimes shit happens and you just have to roll with it instead of demanding an inquest to find a scapegoat. Our parents/grandparents generations seemed to have a much better handle on this than the molly-coddled generation X and Yers.

That's pretty much exactly how I feel on it, although there is still a bit of upset because we've lost a major talent, but so be it.
Now he's gone and it's confirmed I can speak!

It's been confirmed he was leaving AGES ago, I've been telling Decotron via PM all the while the saga has been going on.

Before I start I will say I'm speaking with knowledge, my pal is friends with his cousin a London rapper called Fem Fel and has been telling me shit all the while. They have a BBM group and he was talking so disrespectfully especially after the Newcastle game in January, stuff like United are a club in decline etc.

As I said before he was FUMING when Rafael played in CM ahead of him, and apparently saw people like Wilshere and felt he should be in a similar position.

One thing that shocked me is apparently he was planning on going to the Man City title party, his cousin went but someone advised him last minute it would be in bad taste to do so.

He was set on leaving ages ago, so I'm as confused as anyone as to why he got a few more games under his belt.

Edit: In regards to the stuff about after the Newcastle game, I'm not sure if he was saying it or if it was being said in his presence and he simply allowed it to be said
Does RedCafe ever not treat a transfer of a player like a bad breakup?
As far as I know -- no, never.

Many posters seem to regard any player moving, for whatever reason, as a personal insult. Then we've got the eschatological lot, who view any move away -- or even the non-signing of a player linked, however spuriously, with us -- as a sign of the end times.
The rats are leaving the sinking ship!; No talented player wants to sign for us! It's the end of the road!

I think Pogue is spot on here --

Pogue Mahone said:
It goes broader than football IMO. Sometimes shit happens and you just have to roll with it instead of demanding an inquest to find a scapegoat. Our parents/grandparents generations seemed to have a much better handle on this than the molly-coddled generation X and Yers.
The only thing that bothers me is that it leaves our already frail midfield in even worse condition for the future.

Like Pogue said, the lad had his reasons for going, we don't need to slate him for it.
Now he's gone and it's confirmed I can speak!

It's been confirmed he was leaving AGES ago, I've been telling Decotron via PM all the while the saga has been going on.

Before I start I will say I'm speaking with knowledge, my pal is friends with his cousin a London rapper called Fem Fel and has been telling me shit all the while. They have a BBM group and he was talking so disrespectfully especially after the Newcastle game in January, stuff like United are a club in decline etc.

As I said before he was FUMING when Rafael played in CM ahead of him, and apparently saw people like Wilshere and felt he should be in a similar position.

One thing that shocked me is apparently he was planning on going to the Man City title party, his cousin went but someone advised him last minute it would be in bad taste to do so.

He was set on leaving ages ago, so I'm as confused as anyone as to why he got a few more games under his belt.

Edit: In regards to the stuff about after the Newcastle game, I'm not sure if he was saying it or if it was being said in his presence and he simply allowed it to be said

Wait, Pogba's cousin is Fem Fel?
Life goes on. I'm still a little bit annoyed as he is a talent and we also wasted a bench spot on him against Wigan, who knows how things could have changed with Scholesy on the bench. It's a lesson learnt in regards to the emerging attitude of young players too.
The relationship analogy just about holds water but don't see the infidelity angle myself. Pogba wanted to leave France to play for an English club. Now he's decided to play in Italy. Bit unusual for someone to represent three different clubs so young but not exactly unprecedented. There's no skulduggery here. Just a kid with rapidly shifting allegiences. There's a lot of that about these days.

What I don't get is the burning desire so many people have to try and find someone to blame for what happened. There's all sorts of reasons he might have fancied a move. Most of which we will never know about and at least some of which could not have been avoided, in any circumstances.

It goes broader than football IMO. Sometimes shit happens and you just have to roll with it instead of demanding an inquest to find a scapegoat. Our parents/grandparents generations seemed to have a much better handle on this than the molly-coddled generation X and Yers.

It is a bit pointless pointing fingers and lashing out...I don't really get why people care that much about someone else making a decision regarding their own career.

That said, unless an unprecedented amount of missinformation has been spouted, the club hardly did themselves any favours if they wanted to keep him. Letting his contract run down, not playing him ahead of people who are much worse than him at playing in midfield, despite him quite obviously being extremely talented (I mean, seriously)...and then not matching offers from elsewhere.

I've heard and read similar things to what CLK has said from numerous people and sources, and bugger all to counter any of it. If I was Pogba in that scenario, I would feel like the club were almost trying to get rid of me, and I would almost certainly have fecked off...and I'm a United fan.

I think it's an extraordinary amount of ignorance from the club, and if they want to nick talented young players from other countries and keep them, they should really be looking at that quite seriously and urgently, rather than whinging about Pogba being disrespectful...where has he been disrespectful exactly? Because he's made a decision based on what he wants out of his career, and United don't like it? I'm sure there are parts he could have handled better, but he's a arrogant kid who knows he's extremely good at football and doesn't need United to make a name for himself. Good luck to United finding someone as talented and young as him who doesn't have a similar mindset.

When you look at our current squad and the current climate in which we have to compete to stengthen it, Pogba should have been top of the priority list or certainly very close, and there's very little to even suggest he was on the priority list. I do find some of what we've been doing for the past couple of years extremely baffling. I can't quite tell if our head is in the sand or slightly up our own arse.
24 hours of news, and it must be filled, mostly with opinions based on made up shit.
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