I understand where you're coming from with your aspirations of having Islamic scholars who have a high degree of education, but that's not going to happen anytime soon and without massive funding. You will find rare examples of Mowlana Tariq Jameel who first graduated at University and then went to Darul Uloom Raiwand in Lahore. If we even had a few hundred of his ilk teaching and preaching peace, harmony, tolerance, respect, promoting ethnic and sectarian harmony, social concern, self-rectification, accountability, honesty in our dealings and social life, avoidance of violent conduct, at the same time observing Allah's commands and modelling our ways as suggested by the Prophet (SAW) the country would change overnight. The case of Mowlana Tariq Jameel is rare, his inspiration of going to become an Aalim came from his involvement with Tableeghi Jamaat whilst at University.
However, coming back to realities being an Aalim/Molvi is hardly a career path in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The salaries are so low most have alternate jobs as a means of providing their families with a reasonable standard of living.
We all know in most cases, the boys graduating from Madressas are mostly from very poor backgrounds. In a high number of cases, these institutions take care and provide for orphans and poverty-stricken families with not a high regard for worldly education. Even if education was deemed important not having financial resources to employ professional teachers would make it impossible to provide due to almost all Madressas being run with minimal donations and Zakat funds. If you want to go to the Middle Eastern route of Imaams they are not free to speak their minds and they are so low on numbers you will find in almost every Massajid they don't even have Huffaz to lead Taraweeh with full recitation of Qur'an. Where the full recitation of Qur'an takes place the Imaams are from Indian sub-continent or Africa.
Anyway, from a worldly perspective, there is not much incentive for the rich to both educate their children at University level and then send their children to religious institutions to become Aalims.
Don't know anything about Pakistani politics.
Looks like Khan's ex-wife isn't a fan.
@2cents imran Khan appointed an ahmedi economics profrsskr to the economic advisory council.
A step in the right direction as he is very qualified.
@2cents imran Khan appointed an ahmedi economics profrsskr to the economic advisory council.
A step in the right direction as he is very qualified.
Doesn't really take away from the fact that he's a certified bigot. He could quite easily prove his commitment to religious minorities if he really wanted to but I guess blasphemy laws are more important![]()
Okay I will bite, how is he a certified bigot?
If you want a hint of what a bigot is, I would look at the government in charge of your country which has led to people being killed over cows.
Whataboutism is not a very impressive line of argument even if that's all you've got.
His opinion on the Ahmadi Muslims are well documented and on record. In fact his opinion against the very man he's appointed is on record. Classic bigotry. The man is a hypocrite and him doubling down on the archaic blasphemy laws which adversely affect minorities tells me all I need to know. All he needed to do was speak out against this bigotry and nonsense but I guess power and populist sound bites are more important....
Its not whataboutism, its a clear example of what happens when a bigoted leader is in charge. Atleast things in pakistan havent gotten that bad yet.
It's whataboutism because your argument has nothing to do with the point I made. Modi could be reincarnation of Hitler and it would still be irrelevant. And believe me I have nothing good to say about Modi. Hes a sub human cnut.
None of it changes the fact that Imran Khan is a bigot. And that things in Pakistan are still worse for minorities. And may probably get worse if he continues with his rhetoric on blasphemy law.
Its not, Imran Khan is nothing like modi or even trump. Thats why I am giving you examples of actual bigots.
Everything he has done since coming to power has been fair and cant be call bigoted.
He's just not as big a bigot and those guys set the bar quite high for bigotry.
So we're supposed to ignore his bigotry before he came to power? Give me a break. The guy is a hypocrite and a bigot. I'll take him seriously once he publicly takes back his previous statements on Ahmadi Muslims and stops doubling down the archaic and nonsensical blasphemy laws.
He isnt, a large population of ours is very conservative and you cant piss them off if you want to get elected. I wouldnt call that being bigoted or hypocritical, just politics. And if he was a bigot like you are saying, he would be acting like one.
"Just Politics"
Just what the minorities want to hear. Poor Imran just wanted to get elected. He's allowed to be bigoted!
"Just Politics"
Just what the minorities want to hear. Poor Imran just wanted to get elected. He's allowed to be bigoted!
Why do pakistanis assume every Indian is a modi bhakt ? Only 1/3rd Indians voted for him and not all of them were bhakts!
Not just here, on most Pakistan forums that's the case. That's why put them on ignore, on Redcafe its a great feature. Saves me from reading nonsense.My experience on this site has been that the people who mostly post stupid shit about Pakistan or muslims are modi bhakts.
My experience on this site has been that the people who mostly post stupid shit about Pakistan or muslims are modi bhakts.
Why do pakistanis assume every Indian is a modi bhakt ? Only 1/3rd Indians voted for him and not all of them were bhakts!
That's not entirely correct though.
Okay, I await your answer on why my comment on my experience is not correct.
Name me more than a couple of people who post shit and are modi bhakts.
If anyone wants to talk about bigotry we could talk about the people of Kerela being ignored by the Modi government after the floods, or we could just lock the thread.
If anyone wants to talk about bigotry we could talk about the people of Kerela being ignored by the Modi government after the floods, or we could just lock the thread.
America cutting off aid is great news for Pakistan?A good way to judge how things are going is how your enemy reacts. America cutting off aid, Indians calling Imran Khan a bigot... Great news for Pakistan. I'd rather a bigot than a traitor. India invested in the traitor Nawaz Sharif. Now he's behind bars and we have a patriot as a leader.
So people can't talk about bigotry without always mentioning bigotry elsewhere?
America cutting off aid is great news for Pakistan?
This didn’t happen bro. Don’t make stuff up. While the bhakts were stupid, the govt did many things to help the people in Kerala. The rescue missions also had bjp workers doing exemplary jobs along with the other parties’ workers. Even the PM and home minister visited the state. The criticism is that the govt maybe should do more which it has said it will do based on actual losses report.
If anyone wants to talk about bigotry we could talk about the people of Kerela being ignored by the Modi government after the floods, or we could just lock the thread.
My understanding is that the requirement of aid is generally present and imminent. In that sense the people who would benefit from the aid may not really care about the long run.In the long run? Of course it is.
Don't invent bigotry atleast, particularly if you are supporting a bigot at the same time.
PTI totally subscribes to the article in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the Ahmadis. It is not part of the PTI agenda to seek amendment of the said article in the Constitution.”
Supporting a bigot at the same time? When have vidared or hitchez professed support for Modi?
In your opinion, is this a bigoted statement? And if not, why not? You may say well its not an ideal statement but it is just a political calculation considering the population. That in a sense is fair enough but it doesn't mean that that opinion is not bigoted and I also wonder how you would feel if a UK politician made a similar statement? Or whether you feel Aung San Suu Kyi can be given leeway considering the political feeling in her own country and the power of the military?
By the way, I am not even saying that Khan is a bigot. I don't know what his own personal beliefs are about the Ahmadis, he may have absolutely no problems at all and be seeing the bigger picture about changing the country and needing wider support. I hope he does manage to be what so many Pakistanis seem to hope he will be.
But I personally don't think the above statement is that ideal really.
My understanding is that the requirement of aid is generally present and imminent. In that sense the people who would benefit from the aid may not really care about the long run.