Imran Khan had an interesting approach in KPK. All the imams of the masjids were put on a government salary, in exchange they had to have certain educational requirements, and obviously toe the line -
This needs to be rolled out wider. In other muslim countries the state controls what is said at friday prayers. I don't agree with that, it seems a bit big brother, but getting all of these places, registered, inspected, monitored - it'll mainstream it.
A big part of extremism in Pakistan is due to the free reign these people were given. Anyone can setup a mosque, anyone can be an imam, preach what you like. Add this to the mix of shadow armies being trained by the ISI and tolerance of jihadi groups who were useful tools for doing the dirty work the state couldnt do itself - it led us to this mess. Add to the mix the drug money flying around, plenty of secular politicians were involved in this, trying to win votes, make friends, make a buck. The lal masjid mullah was caught with a bootload of weapons, he was released after interference by a politician. ASWJ and LJ used to provide security at noon league rallies. They would do seat adjustments together. it's a mess, but most of it is created through mismanagement. Get governance right - there will be a lot less mess to fix.