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Competitive seems broken to me, especially if you're playing solo. They ignored all the problems pointed out during testing so it's no surprise it's ended up like this.
Tell me about it. I'm by no means a great player but I have common sense, at least!How can people be so stupid? I get matched with the biggest ******* in the world. No sense whatsoever.
Tell me about it. I'm by no means a great player but at I have common sense, at least!
People who abandon objectives to run to get a health pack while I'm healing them with Mercy make me want to fire my controller at the screen.
You on console? If so, Torbjorn is kind of broken and the easiest character to play. He's got the highest winrate (70%, about 10-15% higher than every other hero except Symmetra) and the highest K/D ratio by a distance (3.50/1).What gets me is character selection. Why the feck would we need a Bastion and two Torlbjorns (think thats the spelling) on defense? I hate being paired with idiots.
You on console? If so, Torbjorn is kind of broken and the easiest character to play. He's got the highest winrate (70%, about 10-15% higher than every other hero except Symmetra) and the highest K/D ratio by a distance (3.50/1).
People like auto-tracking turrets.
I find D Va pretty effective at dealing with turrets. Just boost towards them your Defense Matrix up and then demolish them at close range.
Also been playing Competitive Mode a fair bit and I think people are more willing to compromise and choose characters that help the team win over their preferred ones. I noticed a lot more people choosing support and far fewer Hanzos and Widowmakers being picked which was nice.
Oh yeah, there are far more people willing to compromise, however, there are still more than enough people around to ruin competitive due to not understanding the requirements.
God, it's addictive but it's also very annoying. It's really difficult to justify going support sometimes. No worse sight than a Roadhog right in front of you. Insta-death. It's way too easy for his chain again to get people, it doesn't even have to be spot on them to get them. Then there's the likes of Hanzo and BW with their one shots, too. I also find Junkraat really annoying, pretty much anyone can play him and just pound his rockets everywhere to kill people. And Bastian is still too overpowered!
So yeah, it's great, but still needs a lot of work.
I like plenty of characters. I think I named like .. four out of 20 there?Do you like any characters?
I agree, to some extent. You just have to change your style, though, to counter the opposite team. If there's a Hanzo, I'll go Genji. If there's a Roadhog, I'll pick Zenyatta, and people are too stupid to realise Genji can deflect Bastions turret. I wouldn't want every character nerfed though, it would ruin the game. Althoug, with Blizzard, you know nerfs are around the corner.
Game is fecking addictive though. I'm on as soon as I'm back from work!
God, it's addictive but it's also very annoying. It's really difficult to justify going support sometimes. No worse sight than a Roadhog right in front of you. Insta-death. It's way too easy for his chain again to get people, it doesn't even have to be spot on them to get them. Then there's the likes of Hanzo and BW with their one shots, too. I also find Junkraat really annoying, pretty much anyone can play him and just pound his rockets everywhere to kill people. And Bastian is still too overpowered!
So yeah, it's great, but still needs a lot of work.
As a support you wouldn't want to be anywhere near a Roadhog, Hanzo you just close down with any gap closer since he has no way to escape. Winston, Genji, D Va, even Junkrat. Widow also wrecks Hanzo. Bastion isn't overpowered at all, you're on PC aren't you? Bastion is a joke on PC barely anyone picks him anymore he's so easy to deal with. If he's sat in his turret form you can wreck him with Zenyata discord orb and charged attack, Zarya, D.VA, Winston, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Mei, Hanzo, Tracer, Soldier, Genji, Phara and Reaper. Just pick Genzi and run at him with your deflect up and he will kill himself. On console it's a bit different, one of the reasons they're nerfing Tjorborn on console since nobody can aim there apparently.
We played a game with 5 Reinhardt's and a Lucio yesterday, we took both points immediately on Hanamura it was hilarious.
I personally don't find Tjorborn over powered or difficult to take out at all (on console). Classic whinging from everyone will result in every character being nerfed.
Becomes a very frustrating game on consoles when there's multiple turrets to deal with.
I guess it depends on whether you play solo or not. If I with a team, we'll focus to take out turrets (by utilising characters that specialise in it).
Of course. Problem is the vast majority play solo and they don't have a separate solo que.
God, it's addictive but it's also very annoying. It's really difficult to justify going support sometimes. No worse sight than a Roadhog right in front of you. Insta-death. It's way too easy for his chain again to get people, it doesn't even have to be spot on them to get them. Then there's the likes of Hanzo and BW with their one shots, too. I also find Junkraat really annoying, pretty much anyone can play him and just pound his rockets everywhere to kill people. And Bastian is still too overpowered!
So yeah, it's great, but still needs a lot of work.
I played 5 games last night: First 3 games I played healer as nobody else would, had enough of healing for the 2 other games so I played the only tank instead, and we lose both because nobody picked a healer ... Does it get better at higher levels/competitive? Because I'm getting pretty tired of this. I'm just doing quick play at level 19 at the moment so I'm hoping it's just me playing with other lowbies that's causing this attitude.
New hero presented. No idea when she'll be introduced but still. A new sniper.
Yea even in competitives you've got plenty of cnuts who'll go afk after first round isn't won 3-0 in payload or who'll keep on picking those fecking Soldiers/Reapers/Pharahs on defence when you don't have a Tonbjörn, Bastion, Tank or whoever the feck is more useful in defending because kills.
Best bet is to get a group of lads and play with them so you reduce the chance of stumbling upon idiots.
Its... a pain. it suffers the exact same issues with regards to community as pretty much every competitive online game does. IE, everyone thinks they're better than everyone else, and refuses to compromise to win the game. I got dropped in at rank 51 for competitive, and after 20 or so games i tanked down to 43, now I wont pretend i played perfectly and nothings my fault, but more than half those games were lost by idiots refusing to pick heroes properly and refusing to take on board any suggestions.I played 5 games last night: First 3 games I played healer as nobody else would, had enough of healing for the 2 other games so I played the only tank instead, and we lose both because nobody picked a healer ... Does it get better at higher levels/competitive? Because I'm getting pretty tired of this. I'm just doing quick play at level 19 at the moment so I'm hoping it's just me playing with other lowbies that's causing this attitude.
New hero presented. No idea when she'll be introduced but still. A new sniper.
Why must every team I'm on be infested with at least two Hanzos? Attack, defend, payload, there's always at least two gobshites thinking they're cool with a bow and arrow.
I'm constantly floating around 55-60, solo queue as well, tired of calling people cnuts.
Genji is ruining the game, on console at least. Every team, attack or defence, seem to be running at least two each.
I still have not got myself to level 25 so cannot play competitive mode. That sucks, I've sunk 16 hours into this and absolutely loving it but can't get there yet.