Gaming Overwatch

Just released on Steam. Reading the reviews will have you believe it is the worst game ever. There was one review even saying the gameplay mechanics are not polished. Sure the game hasn't lived up to it's potential but the mechanics are among the most polished in the industry.
They have failed on many aspects but it is still the most accessible shooter I have played. As I have grown older, playing a pure FPS is beyond me, playing less mechanically demanding heroes has been amazing for me and my friends. Heroes like Rein and Mercy can be picked up by anyone.
This won't hurt blizzard as Call of Duty gets the same negative reviews and is still always a top seller but I am a bit surprised they decided to release this on steam. Streamers have gone off it, but it still has a solid player base by all accounts.
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I played the original and enjoyed it for a week or two but then got bored of it soon after. I liked the PvE mission mode they briefly had a lot and then never did again.

Which is mind blowing considering how many people still play MvM on TF2 (TF2’s PvE mode), and probably still pay for tour tokens just to get a chance at rare unusuals.