Ole Sack Watch

Should we replace the manager ?

  • Yes - Its time to make a change

    Votes: 3,004 87.8%
  • No - Give him more time

    Votes: 449 13.1%

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Honestly, what the feck is Fergie thinking. I'm so reluctant to question him because I have always trusted him, but how can he stand by this?
Why have you always trusted him? The best manager of all time, certainly, and one that lifted us into the global elite - for which I'll be forever grateful. But outside of actual football management his record is dubious or worse.

Recommending Moyes still stings. Letting the Glazers buy the club because of a petty dispute about horse ownership remains a big black mark against him. And now backing his man Ole - again at the cost of the health of the club.
Why have you always trusted him? The best manager of all time, certainly, and one that lifted us into the global elite - for which I'll be forever grateful. But outside of actual football management his record is dubious or worse.

Recommending Moyes still stings. Letting the Glazers buy the club because of a petty dispute about horse ownership remains a big black mark against him. And now backing his man Ole - again at the cost of the health of the club.

Very much doubt Fergie had a say in the matter to be honest. He didn’t own the club.
Can anybody offer up a reasonable explanation as to what they think the club are doing? Because I can't quite believe Ole simply has a job for life, no matter how badly he's failing.

We're in uncharted waters here I feel, I've never known a situation like this at any club. They're literally risking us falling just to keep Ole. Imagine he loses one or two of the next few games, the uproar will be huge and yet they'll no longer be in a position to sack him as there's a game around the corner every few days (not that they would anyway, I suppose).

I can't even give them the benefit of the doubt and see a reasonable explanation to it all.
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I mean, according to the Athletic, we haven't even spoke to another manager. So that also kills any idea that we are simply waiting till the summer. Otherwise we'd have spoke to the Managers we like to first ascertain whether they are available now and, if not, would they take it in the summer.

So we have confirmation that Ole isn't going anywhere at all.

As far as I'm concerned this thread can be closed and deleted into the abyss because we've got Ole for 3 years minimum.
I mean, according to the Athletic, we haven't even spoke to another manager. So that also kills any idea that we are simply waiting till the summer. Otherwise we'd have spoke to the Managers we like to first ascertain whether they are available now and, if not, would they take it in the summer.

So we have confirmation that Ole isn't going anywhere at all.
Pretty sure Athletic are wrong about us not sounding out managers.
Do you bring it up in the players’ threads when it happens? Any examples?
No I never bother replying in player performance threads because it's mostly just a cesspool in there the majority of the time. But even though I don't post in there I still have the same opinion as in here, name calling is pointless and doesn't add anything to the discussion.
The toilet's broken and the homeowners good mate Steve has been trying his best to fix it for him for 3 days, but to no avail. It's obvious to everyone at this point that a plumber is required but the homeowner doesn't trust any of the plumbers to come in and do the job, Steve will sort it eventually.

How much longer is this club going to advocate for pissing in the sink...
The two best plumbers in the entire city were there before but it still broke, so going down the plumber route isn’t going to be very successful.
Based on what though? It seemed pretty certain and goes with all the little briefs we've sent out through our mouthpieces since Leicester. Want Ole to turn it around and haven't spoke to anybody as we've not even considered it.
I don't believe it either. Not considering is next next level incompetence. Considering but hesitant and indecisive is the incompetence level we're familiar with.
Based on what though? It seemed pretty certain and goes with all the little briefs we've sent out through our mouthpieces since Leicester. Want Ole to turn it around and haven't spoke to anybody as we've not even considered it.
Based on history of our briefings. Ala Jose and LVG
There is a reason why some like me have been calling for Ole to get better head coaches. He's practically a dof with his style of management. Loads of talk about him being hands off in the training ground. The structure we have currently is not a modern one like in other clubs where the "manager" are actually head coaches.

The problem is, unlike in other clubs, our de facto dof is the manager. That puts a lot of pressure on him and we risk having to sack him amid all of that when things go south, which is what we're going through atm. The ones we should actually be binning are McKenna, Carrick, Phelan etc. Ole too, because he seems to think those guys are good enough to get the results he needs to stay in his job.
There is a reason why some like me have been calling for Ole to get better head coaches. He's practically a dof with his style of management. Loads of talk about him being hands off in the training ground. The structure we have currently is not a modern one like in other clubs where the "manager" are actually head coaches.

The problem is, unlike in other clubs, our de facto dof is the manager. That puts a lot of pressure on him and we risk having to sack him amid all of that when things go south, which is what we're going through atm. The ones we should actually be binning are McKenna, Carrick, Phelan etc. Ole too, because he seems to think those guys are good enough to get the results he needs to stay in his job.

He’s the worst dof ever too. Your supposed to buy players for a playing style. He brought a £80m defender to play high press and his slow. He wanted attacking fullbacks and brought AWB. Then brought two number 10’s when we had Paul a Pogba playing out of position.
There is a reason why some like me have been calling for Ole to get better head coaches. He's practically a dof with his style of management. Loads of talk about him being hands off in the training ground. The structure we have currently is not a modern one like in other clubs where the "manager" are actually head coaches.

The problem is, unlike in other clubs, our de facto dof is the manager. That puts a lot of pressure on him and we risk having to sack him amid all of that when things go south, which is what we're going through atm. The ones we should actually be binning are McKenna, Carrick, Phelan etc. Ole too, because he seems to think those guys are good enough to get the results he needs to stay in his job.

But isn't the quality of his staff and indication that he isn't good at his job? Because if he was it would be reflected in his ability to hire quality staff members.
There is a reason why some like me have been calling for Ole to get better head coaches. He's practically a dof with his style of management. Loads of talk about him being hands off in the training ground. The structure we have currently is not a modern one like in other clubs where the "manager" are actually head coaches.

The problem is, unlike in other clubs, our de facto dof is the manager. That puts a lot of pressure on him and we risk having to sack him amid all of that when things go south, which is what we're going through atm. The ones we should actually be binning are McKenna, Carrick, Phelan etc. Ole too, because he seems to think those guys are good enough to get the results he needs to stay in his job.

He is only DOF because he is unable to coach. He is also unable to direct as a director of football. There has never been more incompetent person in charge of a big organization as Manchester United for so long.

I want Ten Hag more than anything else, but it looks like we can't get him right now. I would take Zidane too. All the rest I'm not too keen on. What if we keep Ole till the Summer but he gets rid of all the incompetent coaches at our club and replaces them with actual good ones? If he really is staying he needs to get rid of Carrick, McKenna and all the rest as soon as possible. Then we need to get some world class coaches in. Maybe that could work?
No it couldn't, because he is incompetent, and I'm being generous to him by not using harsher words.

As difficult as it is for some to fathom, there are people on redcafe with better, more progressive views of football than Ole.
No it couldn't, because he is incompetent, and I'm being generous to him by not using harsher words.

As difficult as it is for some to fathom, there are people on redcafe with better, more progressive views of football than Ole.
like I said, I want a new manager, but not just anyone. We should aim for the best and Ten Hag isn't coming right now. It looks like Ole is staying, so we need a plan b. We should hire some world class coaches at least and sack the one's we have now.
I want Ten Hag more than anything else, but it looks like we can't get him right now. I would take Zidane too. All the rest I'm not too keen on. What if we keep Ole till the Summer but he gets rid of all the incompetent coaches at our club and replaces them with actual good ones? If he really is staying he needs to get rid of Carrick, McKenna and all the rest as soon as possible. Then we need to get some world class coaches in. Maybe that could work?
Why do we need Ole then?
like I said, I want a new manager, but not just anyone. We should aim for the best and Ten Hag isn't coming right now. It looks like Ole is staying, so we need a plan b. We should hire some world class coaches at least and sack the one's we have now.
No, we shouldn't because it would mostly be with the idea of masking Ole's deficiencies. You don't want just anyone, but Ole is exactly just anyone. Literally everybody would be better solution than him. Worst Premier league manager by a mile.
There is a reason why some like me have been calling for Ole to get better head coaches. He's practically a dof with his style of management. Loads of talk about him being hands off in the training ground. The structure we have currently is not a modern one like in other clubs where the "manager" are actually head coaches.

The problem is, unlike in other clubs, our de facto dof is the manager. That puts a lot of pressure on him and we risk having to sack him amid all of that when things go south, which is what we're going through atm. The ones we should actually be binning are McKenna, Carrick, Phelan etc. Ole too, because he seems to think those guys are good enough to get the results he needs to stay in his job.
I find it incredibly funny (in the sense that I would cry if I don't laught) that a guy who is failing badly as a manager because he doesn't have an idea of how we should play (except for pass it to Bruno/Ronaldo and hope for the best), should be made DoF to guide and shape our future playing ideals and buying players to fit that (buying VdB and Sancho and having no idea how to use them is as big a warning sign as possible).
The two best plumbers in the entire city were there before but it still broke, so going down the plumber route isn’t going to be very successful.
Issue is those plumbers have no idea how the modern plumbing works, so they messed about but fell flat on their back.
I want Ten Hag more than anything else, but it looks like we can't get him right now. I would take Zidane too. All the rest I'm not too keen on. What if we keep Ole till the Summer but he gets rid of all the incompetent coaches at our club and replaces them with actual good ones? If he really is staying he needs to get rid of Carrick, McKenna and all the rest as soon as possible. Then we need to get some world class coaches in. Maybe that could work?

This would imply that Solskjaer actually has a unique vision that distinguishes him from the herd and places him in a very elite group of managers who manage to retain their high status by delivering the goods year in and year out. After all, the coaches are there to implement the manager's vision by following his instructions, not to do whatever they like. Has Solskjaer shown any signs that deserves to be in such great company? If what's true for all other clubs can be applied to United, Carrick and McKenna's failures reflect Solskjaer's shortcomings and not vice versa.

Anyway, it's probably never going to happen as Carrick/McKenna/Phelan/Fletcher etc. and Solskjaer are all part of the same package. The one that's being sold as a cultural reboot, a return to United's DNA, and a nod to the glory days of yesterday. The rest of them would not be there without Solskjaer, and Solskjaer's whole tenure is built around the notion that he's there because he and his staff "get the club", so they will eventually get it right.

Is there any other club out there where the coaches are being discussed so much?
The way I see it is ole is a dead man walking. The board have identified who they want to replace ole but is not available at the moment. They don't want to do a Tottenham and just get who was available at the time or repeat what happened last time they appointed a caretaker.
I mean, according to the Athletic, we haven't even spoke to another manager. So that also kills any idea that we are simply waiting till the summer. Otherwise we'd have spoke to the Managers we like to first ascertain whether they are available now and, if not, would they take it in the summer.

So we have confirmation that Ole isn't going anywhere at all.

As far as I'm concerned this thread can be closed and deleted into the abyss because we've got Ole for 3 years minimum.
If he is here next season, then he has miraculously turned us around and went on an unbeaten winning run of epic proportions. Anything short of that and he is out.
Doubt the match goers will be able to stifle all that anger and disappointment for much longer.

A shock to absolutely no one who has been paying attention...

That's as far as the clubs ambitions have been for years

I can believe the first one. Not sure I trust the second one. The amount of money they've spent, I am sure they want more than just top 4. Feel they are being advised by football people to stick with Ole as this is just a blip. Maybe they are sticking to see this through.
This appears to be more the opinion of The Athletic than actual comments from a brief.
If he is here next season, then he has miraculously turned us around and went on an unbeaten winning run of epic proportions. Anything short of that and he is out.
Doubt the match goers will be able to stifle all that anger and disappointment for much longer.

I don't know, I could imagine a top 4 finish and an FA Cup would save his job with this board. They wouldn't consider the expectation at the start of the season Vs what was achieved, there is no ambition.
I don't know, I could imagine a top 4 finish and an FA Cup would save his job with this board. They wouldn't consider the expectation at the start of the season Vs what was achieved, there is no ambition.
That will take some turnaround to win the FA cup at this rate. To turn around, we have to stop losing every second match. I don't see him doing that as he seems to have lost at least a part of the dressing room. I can easily see us lose to Watford and Chelsea and no way will he be surviving that.
This appears to be more the opinion of The Athletic than actual comments from a brief.

There aren’t any briefs so we have nothing else to go on. That in itself is weird because this club loves a brief.
I don't know, I could imagine a top 4 finish and an FA Cup would save his job with this board. They wouldn't consider the expectation at the start of the season Vs what was achieved, there is no ambition.

Personally I think that only a PL title or CL title keeps him in a job next season.

Realistically I think he’ll be gone after Chelsea or Arsenal. A couple more terrible performances and the fans will completely turn and things will get incredibly toxic.

I’d like to believe that it’s not SAF demanding more time for Solskjaer but I have a horrible feeling they are following his advice to stick with him.
There aren’t any briefs so we have nothing else to go on. That in itself is weird because this club loves a brief.

Exactly. Looks like a negative opinion piece. Would not surprise me in the least bit if it turned out to be true though.
Ole hasn't lost the players. Ole hasn't lost the match going fans. Ole hasn't lost the board (I know incompetent). Hence, he is safe.

Nuno got proper boo from the crowd after defeated by us. And next day he was gone.

Ole was cheered and clapped after City teach us a lesson that we will never forget at OT.
Exactly. Looks like a negative opinion piece. Would not surprise me in the least bit if it turned out to be true though.

I’m sure it’s true as well. There’s no way we would have heard absolutely nothing since then, or in fact have had no movement on this. The start of the international break was the best time to get a new manager in if one was forthcoming, so they have time to get used to the club even if all the players aren’t there. The fact that we’re now a week post City and Ole is still the manager, for me at least, points to him staying on, and to be honest if he survived the last few games then nothing else that happens this season is going to affect his position.

There’s something very different about Ole’s time here and all the other previous managers, in terms of the job security he has, and I can’t help but think it’s Sir Alex.
Ole hasn't lost the players. Ole hasn't lost the match going fans. Ole hasn't lost the board (I know incompetent). Hence, he is safe.

Nuno got proper boo from the crowd after defeated by us. And next day he was gone.

Ole was cheered and clapped after City teach us a lesson that we will never forget at OT.

Yeah all of those mentioned are being far too soft on him so there is no chance of a sacking happening until that changes, honestly not bothered if we lose the next few games because the only hope of some action being taken is a run of not just dropped points but actual defeats to drive home the message he needs to go asap.
See what happens is you'll tell yourself before every game that today will be a good day and that you won't see mc T and Fred in the middle etc. Then the team comes out. It's the same as it always is. You convince yourself that Bissaka won't defend from the opponent half of the pitch. You convince yourself that Shaw might play a forward pass for a change. You convince yourself that Maguire won't make a mistake and that maybe Fred will finally start to be a threat.
So you watch. With hope. However it doesn't take long for you to think here we go again.

Nothing will change with this team until the manager that specialises in the 1000 yard stare is fecked out. While he sits there looking at his ipad or stands staring off into the cosmos were in trouble.

I have put myself into work at the local rugby club selling programmes next Saturday because can't be bothered with watching our game at all, quite honestly I have felt absolutely nothing for this team since that second half against the scousers and don't see that changing until he leaves whenever that is of course.
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