Music Oasis reuniting for tour in 2025?

Someone on BBC Breakfast got some while they were filming live. Could hear a banshee-like wail from over the presenter's shoulder.
Has anyone had anything other than the "we're busy" page for gigs and tours and see tickets?
I know Ticketmaster gets all the flak but do Gigs & Tours and SeeTickets actually exist?
Meh, they should ballot the whole thing. This is a phenomenal waste of time. Looking at a window that just isn't moving.
Few saying when you get through you can then pick a date if that’s the case at 19k I could still have a shot
The queues are moving so slowly that I'm not convinced they've sold that many yet. Who knows if GigsAndTours have sold any
Mrs Rado got in, selected 4 tickets and every time she tries to confirm it just says “something went wrong”
Mate just got offered some for the 19th at Heaton but hospitality tickets only.
£150 for a standing ticket is absolutely insane.

A lad I know got in this morning, but the only price available to book for 4 standing tickets was €1750.

Ticketmaster are the biggest touts going.
How are the queues open and tickets being sold if it’s saying the on sale time is 17:00.
Ticketmaster is saying tickets now available while still showing 17:00 as ticket release time

I’m 133k in the queue for cardiff
A lad I know got in this morning, but the only price available to book for 4 standing tickets was €1750.

Ticketmaster are the biggest touts going.

How on earth were they that much?! That’s ridiculous!
I wouldn’t worry, lads. They’ll probably just play a load of stuff from Be Here Now onwards and no cnut wants that.
How on earth were they that much?! That’s ridiculous!

My sister was mad for Harry Styles tickets at Slane last year, so I went through this chaos to get them for her 30th.

I somehow got in early in the queue, only for Ticketmaster to hit me with some nonsense about “surge pricing”. They charged me €240 a pop for the exact same tickets other people who got in after I did paid €90 for.