Music Oasis reuniting for tour in 2025?

I certainly agree with your first statement. I do think the fact that Oasis never had what you'd call a 'sophisticated sound' sort of works in their favour when it comes to them being dated or not. Their brand of simple guitar music, to me, doesn't date that easily as guitar music in that way will always work. I also think that since Britpop in itself pretty much is defined by Oasis also works in their favor - the genre itself didn't really evolve, the bands from that era evolved into different sounds and genres. Disclaimer here, I haven't really deep dived into Oasis discography, I'm very familar with the hits and have fully listened to the first couple of albums one or two times.

I listened to Definitely Maybe in the car on the way back from the in-laws today and it’s amazing how much the whole thing sounds like one long song… until Married with Children which is like a weird little oddity at the end. I genuinely can’t think of an album like it for just a relentless samey vibe. The entire thing is basically the exact same tempo throughout like some kind of garage rock mega mix. Even Nirvana with one less member made their songs sound sonically different. It’s the epitome of dated for me. Live Forever and Slide Away still hold up well, but most of it sounds like this…

which frankly.… Eh. Though it’s unintentionally progressive if you see it as a gay sex anthem… which obviously I choose to do.

The main difference between, let's say, Radiohead and Oasis is not that Oasis is dated and Radiohead is not, it's that Radiohead is a much, much, much better band than Oasis. Incomparibly much so. And that's not really a slight on Oasis, it's that Radiohead just is one of the best bands of all time. I don't find any of the other bands that came from Britpop interesting enough to spend real time with them, so I'm not really sure about any of the other bands.

Blur are also a significantly better band. Not on Radioheads level, but closer than Oasis are. They never had one consistently great album but Albarn basically wrote a recognisable banger in various soft genres every couple of years for about 25 years between Blur + Gorillaz. Which is why they’ve dated well (also Beetlebum is a better Beatles tune than anything Noel ever wrote) Though this is obviously a terrible thread to make that particular argument in, but the difference between Girls & Boys, Song 2 & The Universal is staggering when you’ve just listened to Noel play they same 5 chords at the same tempo for 2 hours… Also my god the lyrics are bad. You prepare yourself for it, but it somehow still shocks you how bad they are.

I’m now obviously getting to the point where I’ll become a nuisance in this thread so I think it’s best I politely bow out…(though I might listen to Morning Glory tomorrow and report back ;))
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Vibes > reality pretty much sums Oasis up though tbf ;)
Sounds like it. The Brit Pop thing wasn't very big here and I think I though it was bigger than it was because I'd only just moved here. Looks like they only had 3 "hit" single (made the annual top 100) with Wonderwall doing the best (20th ish). Stand By Me did ok but we hardly heard any new Oasis music after that.
someone just text me saying they got in presale

i got nothing from 8 attempts
Feel a bit for Catfish and the Bottlemen. I mean I was very surprised they were doing a stadium gig now these two bellends have booked a show on their date at Tottenham. Then again with all the other dates maybe it won’t make that much of a difference.

@CoopersDream Radiohead are to music what citizen Kane is to film….
Did anyone get a ballot code?
Between my friends and I we had around 20 attempts and none of us were successful
Yep I did. An hour ago or so. I’m taking offers, starting at £500….
Feel a bit for Catfish and the Bottlemen. I mean I was very surprised they were doing a stadium gig now these two bellends have booked a show on their date at Tottenham. Then again with all the other dates maybe it won’t make that much of a difference.

@CoopersDream Radiohead are to music what citizen Kane is to film….

Yep I did. An hour ago or so. I’m taking offers, starting at £500….
Was the ballot code the first email you got?
My sister got in. I’m still out of luck. My parents must be running the selection process
Well if course they have to say that. But you're in the preSale. If you don't get tickets in the preSale for the venue you want then there will be no tickets for that venue on the Saturday which is probably unlikely.
Nah not how it works. It’ll be a small amount of tickets in the presale most likely. Not all tickets will be available.

All presale codes have been sent out now, I’m glad my mum got one even if I didn’t :lol:
Nah not how it works. It’ll be a small amount of tickets in the presale most likely. Not all tickets will be available.

All presale codes have been sent out now, I’m glad my mum got one even if I didn’t :lol:
Yeah, this.
How many tickets do you need? If your mother got two and your sister one code then that's 12 tickets between you all, isn't it?
No guarantee of tickets and my parents didn’t get codes :lol:
Might have a decent chance of getting one of the four if she can get them to be fair
Well if course they have to say that. But you're in the preSale. If you don't get tickets in the preSale for the venue you want then there will be no tickets for that venue on the Saturday which is probably unlikely.
That's not how presales work.

I've missed out in presales multiple times and still managed to get tickets in the general sale
Well if course they have to say that. But you're in the preSale. If you don't get tickets in the preSale for the venue you want then there will be no tickets for that venue on the Saturday which is probably unlikely.
That’s not how this works
some of the misinformation, comments and baffling ideas I’ve seen this week about these tickets is hilarious. It’s easy to see who haven’t bought tickets for years, yet they’ll be the ones who end up getting tickets :lol: :nervous:
Oasis Instagram account just posted saying it’s done. So not till 5pm as people thought.

That could just mean they've allocated them all, no?

Doesn't necessarily mean the email servers have processed them all (he says in hope).
So I got a pre sale code but Ticketmaster thinks my account is a bot for some reason, and of course they've been nothing but useless in trying to resolve it.
Can't wait for the demise of Ticketmaster. Will be a great day.
Cardiff on the 4th is the move, never got a presale email though so not looking good