Music Oasis reuniting for tour in 2025?

Are Oasis trying to keep Man City fans dreams alive in the face of impending doom?

O = MC2/115*i
Does anyone use Ticketmaster regularly who may be able to help with some potentially naive questions? As someone who would genuinely go to any of the venues/dates to secure a ticket, what is the best approach to take? Do I need to commit to one venue/date and join the queue for that date only, or do I join the queue and then when it's my turn select whatever venue/date is left? What if I go for Wembley and am 750,000th in the queue - do I leave and then try and join a queue for Heaton Park?
Not sure how it'll be out there in the UK but I'd used Ticketmaster for the Taylor Swift concert in Singapore and it was a massive headache. Firstly, although only those with an "access code" were permitted to actually buy tickets, everyone (even without the codes) showed up in the queue. Given there were 6 shows which totaled to around 330k in capacity, I was 780,000th in the queue and didn't think I'd stand a chance. I still managed to get tickets primarily because probably 70% of the idiots ahead of me had no access code. I have no idea if that is how it works in the UK. And in my case, I could alternate between the six different dates (all at the same venue though) in the ten minute window that I got once I got through the queue. You'll need to be really quick with your payment details (ideally keep them saved on Chrome if you're okay with that) because these tickets absolutely fly off the shelves. I think the queuing numbers are just random so best of luck with that.

Further, once you are in the queue, you'll usually be limited to how many tickets you can buy. In my case, it was four. Also, in my case, if you select 2/3/4 tickets, they try give it to you next to each other and (in my experience again and this may not happen to you) if they can't provide you with seats together, you go back to the seat/venue selection stage and waste precious seconds. I'm not sure if this will be the case in UK though.
Not sure how it'll be out there in the UK but I'd used Ticketmaster for the Taylor Swift concert in Singapore and it was a massive headache. Firstly, although only those with an "access code" were permitted to actually buy tickets, everyone (even without the codes) showed up in the queue. Given there were 6 shows which totaled to around 330k in capacity, I was 780,000th in the queue and didn't think I'd stand a chance. I still managed to get tickets primarily because probably 70% of the idiots ahead of me had no access code. I have no idea if that is how it works in the UK. And in my case, I could alternate between the six different dates (all at the same venue though) in the ten minute window that I got once I got through the queue. You'll need to be really quick with your payment details (ideally keep them saved on Chrome if you're okay with that) because these tickets absolutely fly off the shelves. I think the queuing numbers are just random so best of luck with that.

Further, once you are in the queue, you'll usually be limited to how many tickets you can buy. In my case, it was four. Also, in my case, if you select 2/3/4 tickets, they try give it to you next to each other and (in my experience again and this may not happen to you) if they can't provide you with seats together, you go back to the seat/venue selection stage and waste precious seconds. I'm not sure if this will be the case in UK though.

Nobody will want seating. Those always go last, in Ireland at least.

I've never had to use a code on ticket master either. The gigs will be all over the UK and Ireland so I imagine you'll pick your venue and then hit the queue. There isn't much point having people from Manchester queueing together with people from Ireland.
Saw them with the Prodigy in '96 and quite enjoyed it, no interest in this but best of luck to all in the carnage of the Ticketmaster queue on Saturday.

Really pumped for the Chameleons in Amsterdam in a couple of weeks though, Manchester's best kept secret.
Has anyone got email confirmation yet from the pre sale ballot?
I though Definitely Maybe only had one good song on it. What's The Story was a very strong album but I though everything after that was a pale shadow of their best.

Amongst the "big and famous" British bands I got tired of Oasis the quickest since they never tried to innovate. Every single song in, say. Don't Believe the Truth can be inserted into Morning Glory seamlessly. The Gallagher brothers fail to mature musically
Amongst the "big and famous" British bands I got tired of Oasis the quickest since they never tried to innovate. Every single song in, say. Don't Believe the Truth can be inserted into Morning Glory seamlessly. The Gallagher brothers fail to mature musically
And were pretty derivative of the Beatles even at their peak.

I don't mind them when I occasionally hear Wonderwall on the radio, and even more occasionally a few other tracks, but the level of Oasis hysteria in the UK still seems a bit odd.

That said the news has filtered through here, although not always a positive take with the Triple M afternoon shows saying "Oasis are back. I can't stand that pair of peanuts and I don't like their music much more. Their announcement is the biggest grubby nostalgia money grab in living memory". So not a fan then :lol: It is a comedy focused show so they are typically OTT for effect so perhaps they don't hate them that much.
are they back as a band or are they back temporarily to make a few million and then fug off again into the wilderness?

Can we expect new music?
are they back as a band or are they back temporarily to make a few million and then fug off again into the wilderness?

Can we expect new music?
Nah no way will there be anything new

did you see Liam during the summer? That was Definitely Maybe anniversary tour (also show was epic)

But next year is WTSMG 30 year anniversary so Id expect a lot from that album
are they back as a band or are they back temporarily to make a few million and then fug off again into the wilderness?

Can we expect new music?

Probably just there to make a few million.

It's one thing for them to have made up enough to agree to this and pose for a few promo photos. It'll be another thing entirely for them to actually get through the tour. I doubt they'd make the first date if they were spending time in the studio beforehand, especially now Liam properly fancies himself as a songwriter.
Really weird that they’ve not just done their own festival. Find a spot of land that’s used for large UK Festivals. Both play some solo stuff on the small stage. Bring in a bunch of up and coming bands to fill out some afternoons.

Main gigantic stage
Thursday Night - Definitely Maybe start to finish
Friday Night - What’s the Story start to finish
Saturday - Be Here Now start to finish
Sunday evening - Full set of hits

I guess it probably makes less money, but it’s a bit more inspiring and bakes in a legacy more than rocking up at Wembley for 10 nights or whatever.

I think Wembley costs around £750k per night and they take a 10-15% cut of all ticket sales.
Really weird that they’ve not just done their own festival. Find a spot of land that’s used for large UK Festivals. Both play some solo stuff on the small stage. Bring in a bunch of up and coming bands to fill out some afternoons.

Main gigantic stage
Thursday Night - Definitely Maybe start to finish
Friday Night - What’s the Story start to finish
Saturday - Be Here Now start to finish
Sunday evening - Full set of hits

I guess it probably makes less money, but it’s a bit more inspiring and bakes in a legacy more than rocking up at Wembley for 10 nights or whatever.

I think Wembley costs around £750k per night and they take a 10-15% cut of all ticket sales.

They want this (understandably, in my opinion) to be all about them. They also want to make as much money from it as possible, not least because both will be acutely aware of the potential for this to literally be the last ever Oasis tour.

Also, your festival idea sounds shite. Noel and Liam booking themselves to be their own support acts, but on a secondary stage, while a different band plays the main stage?
I've always found the dad rock term to be pretty daft. Almost like there's two categories of music. Music that appeals to anybody under 20/25, and then music 'for people above that age'. Just seems stupid to put music in those boxes. Music is music and can be listened to by anybody.

Different music appeals to different people. And young people will often create and listen to music that is, in part, about pushing back against what their parent's generation listened to. This will often result in music thats difficult for many older people to access. I don't think this point is even contentious, the history of music is filled with examples.

I hear their songs everywhere all the time. And I'm not some London ponce who is out looking for some new sound either, despite the fact I am exactly that as much as I can be.

I don't agree they haven't aged well though. Who is putting out music better than their last few albums in the same genre right now? Sure, you might come up with 100+ bands we'd all agree might be better in some way or another, but if we all put our preening opinions to the side for one moment and actually look at the songs they put out...

We are living in the age of the likes of Coldplay and Taylor Swift being the biggest artists. At least Oasis were always them.

See, I do think there’s a difference between ‘dated’ and ‘young people don’t like this anymore’ … I was VERY much in the age range when Oasis were big. Slightly too young if anything to actually enjoy Britpop proper. I’m of the generation where it was your mates cool older siblings who were listening to it, which made it even cooler! but now I’m older the likes of Blur and Radiohead have definitely aged better and I personally hear in more TV shows/ads etc. Granted there are still pubs that play Oasis more, but their sound was a lot less sophisticated and so a lot more “of” that era than even a lot of their contemporary’s. Even those 2 big Ocean Colour Scene songs still get a huge amount of play, cos they’ve dated quite well, musically.

I mean a lot of Bowie stuff hasn’t dated, but a lot of Prince stuff has. Soul largely hasnt dated but Hair Metal has. It’s not just about the passing of time. Oasis are one of those bands where you watch a retrospective and hear people say “their music was edgy and raw and for the people!” and then they cut to a clip of “Some Might Say” and it sounds incredibly naff. Like when people talk about the Satanic panic era and then cut to the cheesiest glam metal bollocks you’ve ever heard. Or even early Beatles stuff with women screaming over clean cup boppy love songs. But then nothing on Revolver has dated. Nor have a lot of The Stones stuff. Nirvana havent dated, etc

The difference obviously was that - unlike the Beatles - Oasis never l progressed from that one sound* There’s some stuff that hasn’t dated for sure sure - Live Forever, Supersonic, fecking In The Bushes etc - but a lot of it has to me, and some of the ballads just sound a bit twee now, even to someone who grew up with them. It was post rave and electronica and people really wanted guitars and catchy choruses but then it never went anywhere else and we all moved on.

* Ironically the best Britpop Beatles rip off was Beetlebum, which is way more like their later stuff than any of Oasis was.

But hey, that’s just my take on it. Im not an outright hater. I enjoy quite a few. I’m certainly a lot more generous towards them than some…

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See, I do think there’s a difference between ‘dated’ and ‘young people don’t like this anymore’ … I was VERY much in the age range when Oasis were big. Slightly too young if anything to actually enjoy Britpop proper. I’m of the generation where it was your mates cool older siblings who were listening to it, which made it even cooler! but now I’m older the likes of Blur and Radiohead have definitely aged better and I personally hear in more TV shows/ads etc. Granted there are still pubs that play Oasis more, but their sound was a lot less sophisticated and so a lot more “of” that era than even a lot of their contemporary’s. Even those 2 big Ocean Colour Scene songs still get a huge amount of play, cos they’ve dated quite well, musically.

I mean a lot of Bowie stuff hasn’t dated, but a lot of Prince stuff has. Soul largely hasnt dated but Hair Metal has. It’s not just about the passing of time. Oasis are one of those bands where you watch a retrospective and hear people say “their music was edgy and raw and for the people!” and then they cut to a clip of “Some Might Say” and it sounds incredibly naff. Like when people talk about the Satanic panic era and then cut to the cheesiest glam metal bollocks you’ve ever heard. Or even early Beatles stuff with women screaming over clean cup boppy love songs. But then nothing on Revolver has dated. Nor have a lot of The Stones stuff. Nirvana havent dated, etc

The difference obviously was that - unlike the Beatles - Oasis never l progressed from that one sound* There’s some stuff that hasn’t dated sure - Live Forever, Supersonic, fecking In The Bushes etc - but a lot of the album tracks and even the big ballads just sound a bit twee now, even to someone who grew up with them.

* Ironically the best Britpop Beatles rip off was Beetlebum, which is way more like their later stuff than any of Oasis was.

But hey, that’s just my take on it. I’m certainly a lot more generous towards them than some…

Excellent post
They want this (understandably, in my opinion) to be all about them. They also want to make as much money from it as possible, not least because both will be acutely aware of the potential for this to literally be the last ever Oasis tour.

Also, your festival idea sounds shite. Noel and Liam booking themselves to be their own support acts, but on a secondary stage, while a different band plays the main stage?

Oh yeah, OasisFest would be so much less about them wouldn’t it?……. 250,000 people in fields for 5 days with them playing every song they’ve ever made.

Also… only shite for you mate. Odd that you decided in my invented festival machinations that I’d had Noel playing on a small stage while someone else played the main?…

@Redlambs also you mentioned Coldplay and, well, yeah, they’re bigger than Oasis. They’re quite similar in fact that their first two albums are good and where all the major hits are from and then it’s just a bunch of shit from insufferable people, but I think it’s pretty undeniable that they have the big sing along songs. You may not like them, but they have them.

I mean if hating on Oasis is poncy music snobbery, surely hating on Coldplay is exactly the same? Trouble, Clocks, In My Place, Fix You, Yellow etc are all big songs everyone knows. Just as competently written as Don’t Look Back in Anger. In fact a lot of Noel’s more syrupy ballads are a lot closer to Coldplay than The British Invasion, or the bands who came after them like the Arctics.

People who love Oasis but hate Coldplay are kidding themselves there’s much of a difference bar a perception of coolness.

(I’ll give you Swift though cos I think that’s a whole other demographic/streaming era thing)
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Oh yeah, OasisFest would be so much less about them wouldn’t it?……. 250,000 people in fields for 5 days with them playing every song they’ve ever made.

Also… only shite for you mate. Odd that you decided in my invented festival machinations that I’d had Noel playing on a small stage while someone else played the main?…

But it'd be the same 250,000 people over the whole of those dates, which would make them a lot less money.

Also, your own post literally said they'd play solo sets on the smaller stage.
But it'd be the same 250,000 people over the whole of those dates, which would make them a lot less money.

Also, your own post literally said they'd play solo sets on the smaller stage.

I didn’t mean to not do any stadium dates at all… I meant a full on narcissistic 5 dayer. Also, a festival ticket would cost £250. The numbers would work.

Yes to the bold, But not at the same time the Main stage is in service. Y’know, Like a normal festival.

You can’t tell me you wouldn’t dream a little bigger if you were an artist that could guarantee a million ticket sales? Chapelles block party. John Mayers ‘Mayercraft’. I’d be looking to put up something huge with long lasting cultural impact than a bunch of stadium gigs.

But then again… it’s for their bank accounts, not the fans. So I get it.
Oh yeah, OasisFest would be so much less about them wouldn’t it?……. 250,000 people in fields for 5 days with them playing every song they’ve ever made.

Also… only shite for you mate. Odd that you decided in my invented festival machinations that I’d had Noel playing on a small stage while someone else played the main?



Both play some solo stuff on the small stage.
I didn’t mean to not do any stadium dates at all… I meant a full on narcissistic 5 dayer. Also, a festival ticket would cost £250. The numbers would work.

Yes to the bold, But not at the same time the Main stage is in service. Y’know, Like a normal festival.

You can’t tell me you wouldn’t dream a little bigger if you were an artist that could guarantee a million ticket sales? Chapelles block party. John Mayers ‘Mayercraft’. I’d be looking to put up something huge with long lasting cultural impact than a bunch of stadium gigs.

But then again… it’s for their bank accounts, not the fans. So I get it.

You do realise that's there's regularly overlap between the acts on different stages at festivals, right?

Why would they bother with the smaller, second stage if they were playing support for themselves, rather than just play the main stage, that you've imagined as empty during this set anyway?

Also, for the record, "Oasis-fest" as a one day thing (or even multiple "one day" things), maybe. I think you're overestimating the interest in a four day festival with the same band as the headliner each night.
Oh yeah, OasisFest would be so much less about them wouldn’t it?……. 250,000 people in fields for 5 days with them playing every song they’ve ever made.

Also… only shite for you mate. Odd that you decided in my invented festival machinations that I’d had Noel playing on a small stage while someone else played the main?…


Sounds like hell on earth.
Sounds like hell on earth.

Oh aye. But so does £1000/night in a Manchester Hotel. Or, worse still, leaving Wembley at 11:30pm with 100,000 Oasis fans.

I have a real love of Oasis as open air singalong. Knebworth was absolutely incredible. It’s the lagered up, coked up morons singing it as weird cartoons of humans that I hate.

In a field that all felt really nice as you can move away from pockets of pricks. £150 for a seat in the nosebleeds at Wembley while people do key bumps of key next to you… genuine hell.
Stop trying to make Oasis fest happen, it's not going to happen, and it's a blessing and a sign that god might be real that it's not a thing. Horrific idea.
I didn’t mean to not do any stadium dates at all… I meant a full on narcissistic 5 dayer. Also, a festival ticket would cost £250. The numbers would work.

Yes to the bold, But not at the same time the Main stage is in service. Y’know, Like a normal festival.

You can’t tell me you wouldn’t dream a little bigger if you were an artist that could guarantee a million ticket sales? Chapelles block party. John Mayers ‘Mayercraft’. I’d be looking to put up something huge with long lasting cultural impact than a bunch of stadium gigs.

But then again… it’s for their bank accounts, not the fans. So I get it.
So you'd have a 5 day festival cost £50 per night? Like I say, they'd make far, far less in ticket sales that way. And the money is obviously the key motivator here.

And I've just googled Mayercraft. Never mind hell on earth, that souls like floating purgatory. Such a boring brand of self indulgence.
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Stop trying to make Oasis fest happen, it's not going to happen, and it's a blessing and a sign that god might be real that it's not a thing. Horrific idea.
It's actually genius. If they end up falling out again midway through, they can both perform the same songs on separate stages.
In my head 2009 is not that long ago, it’s mental that it’s actually 15 years.

Maths ey?