It's funny that they seem to be anti gay, when its widely accepted that their hero was a rampant homosexual.
Who? Adair?
King William of Orange was a rampant homosexual. Any British historian worth their salt would confirm that. They'd also confirm that, although it is a legitimate reason for Protestants to celebrate (Him winning the battle) it is not celebration of 'Britishness' as most Brits outside of N.Ireland, have never even heard of him. He was seen by historians as an inconsequential, mostly ignored, part of British monarchy/history.
You know Brian, who cares how we would be judged, we would have done a great service to Northern Ireland and the world getting rid of these evil, devious, scum like individuals who bombed and murdered their way into government, who walk the corridors of power leaving their blood stained hand prints on everything they touch and who care not how far they go to rid my beloved Northern Ireland of all that is good and proper. Would I shed a tear, NO, would I lose a nights sleep, NO, would I really worry about what anyone else thought, NO. Simple ... NS
She is not a smart woman.
Thought this bump would be about the IRA parade in Castlederg. Disappointing.
You've done it marvellously.You can't say I've not been putting in the effort to show more balance today.
Well I thought everyone hated parades.
You've done it marvellously.
It is hypocritical but then so is the parade itself given Sinn Fein's stance on marching.The parade is allowed to go ahead but with the restriction that it is not to pass the war memorial.
The real talking point about it is the fact that even so-called 'moderate' unionists, such as Mike Nesbitt, are calling for a total ban on the parade. Personally, I find that incredibly hypocritical, given how outspoken unionists are about their right to 'express their culture' through parading.
Despite all that, it's much less of a talking point than an elected unionist making sick comments about republicans.
Yeah, I'm not sure this gag is standing up well to repeated usage. What's your thoughts on this IRA parade? Pathetic?Unionists could do it equally marvellously.
Yeah, I'm not sure this gag is standing up well to repeated usage. What's your thoughts on this IRA parade? Pathetic?
It is hypocritical but then so is the parade itself given Sinn Fein's stance on marching.
The posters on here dictate what the talking points are. Loyalists parades are pathetic. Republican parades aren't mentioned. have been seventeen uncontested orange parades in Castlederg this year alone. Hundreds of orange parades pass off peacefully each year, without opposition from nationalists.
As far as I know, Sinn Feins stance on marching is that it shouldn't be allowed in contentious areas and the bands should not be involved in provocation.
Loyalist parades outnumber republican parades 100:1. Why would republican parades be discussed as often?
It is rich and Unionists who support their own right to march should be ridiculed for opposing others. Just as Sinn Fein's hypocrisy and point scoring should be. As far as the amount of time passing making something ok the only thing I would say is that anybody killed in 1690 is unlikely to have surviving friends and family so it is a tiny bit different.Any group is entitled to march if it want's to and it's a bit rich for the unionist to be complaining about the nature of the march considering what theirs is commemorating, or is marching about killing people OK after a certain amount of time has passed? If they have their parade in accordance to the law then have at it. Personally I think they should all feck off though.
I wouldn't be joining in the march nor would I support it or it's causes. I hadn't even heard of it until that twat opened her gob.
It is rich and Unionists who support their own right to march should be ridiculed for opposing others. Just as Sinn Fein's hypocrisy and point scoring should be. As far as the amount of time passing making something ok the only thing I would say is that anybody killed in 1690 is unlikely to have surviving friends and family so it is a tiny bit different.
That article probably describes it better than I can.
It wouldn't have been mentioned at all had I not done so. Even your post didn't provide any context despite being connected to it.
That's your opinion. I would say people killed by paramilitaries is a little fresher in the mind as people who were actually there and affected are still here now.Not really.
It is. As is Sinn Fein's stance on this issue. I'm a Unionist and I don't believe it is my right to match through any area I see fit. This is the kind of thing I find irritating. All unionists are lumped in as one and leaves an inaccurate picture of people in Northern Ireland.Orange parades happen in their hundreds all over the north every year. Only a handful of them are contentious and are opposed by nationalists/republicans. The issue is that, game playing or not, any Sinn Fein opposition to contentious parades is met my criticism of 'not respecting our culture' from unionists and orangemen. Then when nationalists apply to parade in a majority nationalist town, unionists call for it to be banned outright.
That's the hypocrisy that galls the nationalist community. Unionists seem to think it's their God given right to march through any area they see fit, as it's an 'expression of culture' but steadfastly refuse to give so much as an inch when the shoes on the other foot. It's blatant hypocrisy.
As far as the amount of time passing making something ok the only thing I would say is that anybody killed in 1690 is unlikely to have surviving friends and family so it is a tiny bit different.
And all those things should be banned. The only way for the Orange Order to continue saying it is to commemorate what happened in 1690 is to rid themselves of that kind of nonsense and then that way they might have a little more success in their marches. I don't believe it will happen and they only have themselves to blame for the criticism that comes their way.The 'pride of Ardoyne' flute band marches with a banner dedicated to two UVF men (One of them was called Sam Rockett, can't remember the other ones name).
While holding up a banner dedicated to sectarian murderers they want to pass by the Ardoyne where many victims of the UVF were killed.
This idea that the orange order only commemorate what happened centuries ago isn't correct. Countless loyalist paramilitaries were in the orange order, countless bands are either named after or dedicated to loyalist paramilitaries. It's not that long ago that shankill butcher Eddie McIlwaine was carrying banners for them like. It's incredibly provocative.
And all those things should be banned. The only way for the Orange Order to continue saying it is to commemorate what happened in 1690 is to rid themselves of that kind of nonsense and then that way they might have a little more success in their marches. I don't believe it will happen and they only have themselves to blame for the criticism that comes their way.
They don't match through Ardoyne. They go between it and a Protestant area. People on the other side of the road do want them there.Take Ardoyne as an example; the people don't want them there so it shouldn't be allowed. It's that simple. If republicans wanted to march down the shankill I'd say the exact same thing as well. There has to be respect shown and, if that's the way of it, who knows how it'll turn out, maybe peoples attitudes will soften over time. When you get recent scenes like Ardoyne (orangemen attacking police, supporters mocking Robert Hamills death, people shouting about how catholics are second class citizens) it only harms their cause.
Marching is stupid there I've said it, doesn't matter who does it. Its just pomp and triumphalism and causes problems and costs money every year. It should be banned for a a few years at least.
Think of all the money that would be saved and put into areas of need
Detroit company has made Strabane T-Shirts with a union jack on them. The story in itself isn't much but the comments section is funny with 'TyroneProd' and his mates saying they can't understand why it's a story at all given it's 'geographically' correct and they don't know what all the fuss is about. Why do they have to cry out about every wee thing and take everything as a slight against them and their beliefs. It's a light piece and it's of course taken all serious.