Gaming Nintendo 3DS vs PS Vita thread.

If anyone's interested I will be providing a water to watery wine conversion service for a fee of £9.99, or a video game of my choice. Hit me up via PM to place an order.

Join Mr Shibata at 5pm CET on 13/11 for a new #NintendoDirectEU with a focus on #3DS games for the next few months

Nobody cares about 3DS Nintendo. Just show us Wii U games.

Just bring out one game of Pokemon per year and guarantee yourself a shit ton of handheld sales, bring the rest of the games to the Wii U.

Win for all.
Are you mad? Are you madder than Brian Mad of Madcastle? Are you?

You remember when I posted in this thread after I lost my 3ds? I'm getting one again on Black Friday at the end of the month!!! Not related to your post, but I'm excited!
You remember when I posted in this thread after I lost my 3ds? I'm getting one again on Black Friday at the end of the month!!! Not related to your post, but I'm excited!
Ahh yes I remember. Congrats :D Have you been without one all this time? You have some catching up to do :)
Ahh yes I remember. Congrats :D Have you been without one all this time? You have some catching up to do :)

No 3DS all this time. I could have got one, but was punishing myself for being an idiot. It is dropping to $150 for an XL on this Black Friday, and I'm sure the same deal will pop up online. Pokemon here I come! However, I won't be able to get all the eShop games I had as you have to lodge a police complaint!!! to do that. That is some bullshit from Nintendo.
No 3DS all this time. I could have got one, but was punishing myself for being an idiot. It is dropping to $150 for an XL on this Black Friday, and I'm sure the same deal will pop up online. Pokemon here I come! However, I won't be able to get all the eShop games I had as you have to lodge a police complaint!!! to do that. That is some bullshit from Nintendo.
Yep. Did you have many games from the eShop on your old 3DS?
Yep. Did you have many games from the eShop on your old 3DS?

$50 worth. Plenty of Mario, Sonic ( I think) and Zelda. It was a big loss, 3DS, 4 games(DK, Pokeon Black or White 2 - I don't remember which and 2 more) and the $50 worth of eShop games
$50 worth. Plenty of Mario, Sonic ( I think) and Zelda. It was a big loss, 3DS, 4 games(DK, Pokeon Black or White 2 - I don't remember which and 2 more) and the $50 worth of eShop games
Ah that's a shame. I would say something about how the loss will make you appreciate what you have more, but that'd probably be bollocks.
Game Informer has reviewed Zelda, given it 10/10 and said;

I want to let the experience roll around in my brain for a while before I decide where it ranks among the best entries in the franchise, but I can say with confidence that it should be spoken in the same breath as A Link to the Past. In every way, A Link Between Worlds is exactly what you want out of a Zelda game.
I can't say I'm much of a Zelda fan, I've only played OoT, Twilight Princess, and Wind Waker (and have Skyward Sword still in the seal xD), but from what I've seen and played of A Link Between Worlds, it really looks like it could be one of the best Zelda games. People always seem to have a different opinion on Zelda games though, with plenty of varying claims that rank either OoT, MM, WW, SS, or ALTTP as their favourite. It would seem that ALBW will quite possibly rank alongside these, which will make it something special.

I expect more Bravely Default information as well, but these two games are the only ones I can think of that are going to be major hits on the 3DS before Christmas. the only other is probably Yoshi's Island, which I think will be out early 2014. They could also surprise us with a bit of Monster Hunter 4 information and release date though :drool:
Sonic Transformed is on the next PS Plus for Vita users.

I already have it, but hopefully that means lots will be playing the multiplayer. Some of you guys can join me and Earthquake for some redcafe multiplayer racing.
I nearly bought Sonic Transformed the other day :lol: Seriously, there is no point buying a game ever again.