It's impossible to go through 38 games without boring yourself to death and cup competitions are kind of poor too, you can create your own Champions League but it's pointless when you can't even make any transfers. Something like Master League in PES would be perfect.
Sly Cooper is great BTW. It's pretty funny and very good graphics wise. I'm going to finish it on my next trip to free up some space because I had to delete MGS HD Collection which I'd love to play (especially 2nd one as I finished 3rd on 3DS last year). 32 GB looks decent at first but when you consider that FIFA and MLB take 3 each and Killzone takes almost 4.5 while LittleBigPlanet takes over 1.5 and I cannot delete any of them then it isn't really that much.
Right now I have Rayman, Killzone, FIFA, MLB, WRC, F1, Jak & Daxter, LittleBigPlanet, Sly Cooper, Little King's Story, Wipeout, Velocity, Stealth, Motorstorm RC, Smart As, Gravity Rush, Unit 13 and Ninja Gaiden on my card with Virtue's Last Reward, Resistance, MGS HD Collection, Uncharted, Everybody's Gold a few indies and probably one or two more Vita titles as well as a few PSP titles, including Persona 3 that I really need to play, available for download. Best part is that of them all I only paid full price for Killzone, about 5-6 cost me around €10 and the rest was free. Vita with PS Plus must be the cheapest console to maintain. I basically have every single game available for it and it hasn't cost me that much. I only have 3 physical games left - Virtua Tennis, NFS and Assassin's Creed as they cost way too much digital.