Gaming Nintendo 3DS vs PS Vita thread.

Bit of a question here, I have a PSP with somewhat, slightly, kind of not official firmware. I have Final Fantasy 7 on this, with a save I'd prefer to continue from my Vita. Any way of getting the PSP save file to work on the Vita?
Bit of a question here, I have a PSP with somewhat, slightly, kind of not official firmware. I have Final Fantasy 7 on this, with a save I'd prefer to continue from my Vita. Any way of getting the PSP save file to work on the Vita?
This works, fwiw. Got some other saves on my PSP I could swap across. :drool:
New Pokemon trailer;

That XL at the end looks amazing :drool:





Hopefully they go mad and release them special 3DS XL's everywhere, that blue one.....

When that comes out, hopefully one of you cnuts will do some trading with me so we can both have all 3 starters
I'm getting both anyway so I shouldn't have much issue scraping together a few spare starters to share.

First gen I genuinely have no idea which starter I want. Usually there's a clear first choice.

Not sure if I absolutely love, or somewhat hate that new sword Pokemon. Very Dragon Quest looking.
Not bothered about the home consoles as they're always region locked, but I have a lot of US DS games so it's a shame I can't do that with the 3DS.
Hopefully they go mad and release them special 3DS XL's everywhere, that blue one.....

I'm getting both anyway so I shouldn't have much issue scraping together a few spare starters to share.

First gen I genuinely have no idea which starter I want. Usually there's a clear first choice.

Not sure if I absolutely love, or somewhat hate that new sword Pokemon. Very Dragon Quest looking.

Rich bastard :D
I really want to get a 3DS and Animal Crossing but i'm trying to be tight with money at the moment. Anyone know where the cheapest deal is? I don't use Ebay either.
The Pokemon game is looking better everyday, I'm loving every Pokemon design they released for this generation, also the gameplay trailers are looking really good. :drool:
The best time to buy a 3DS was probably last month honestly. I managed to find a few good deals for friends and also managed to get them both some free games thanks to the promotions going on. Each of them spent under £180 and got a 3DS, Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, and another game (Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion 2 were the ones they picked).

At the moment, the best I've seen is a regular XL for about £140 and then buying the game you want separately. I've seen Animal Crossing going for £25 online, or you can purchase a download code for it on GAME's website for £30. I do think you're looking at £160-200 at the moment for a 3DS XL with a Charger and a Game though! If you can find it at the lower end of that price you're getting an alright deal at this moment in time. It might be best to wait it out a bit for now though. If you're a Pokémon fan I'd get one of those XL's if they're announced for Europe (I think the Blue/Red ones will be at least).
Can anyone give me a list of the top games available on each system? I know the 3DS has more, but what is there to play on the Vita other than the likes of Persona 4 Golden? The games including the upcoming Pokemon are leaning me towards the 3DS but I like that the Vita has better graphics and is generally more powerful. Power, however, means nothing if it's sitting there not being used.
What kind of games do you like?

On the PS Vita, I suppose Fifa, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 2+3, Rayman is quite good, Wipeout is always fun, Marvel V Capcom, of course all the PSP and PSX classics. Motorstorm Arctic Edge is quite awesome.

3DS, Animal Crossing(going by rep, I haven't played), many Mario games, Fire Emblem, upcoming Pokemon, Zelda.
Well I'm not really a fan of the classic Nintendo IPs like everyone else seems to be, I don't have much interest in Mario, Luigi or any platformers really. I don't know much about Animal Crossing, Pokemon and Fire Emblem definitely interest me.

On Vita, I love Uncharted, Persona 4 looks great and I already have a PS3 with PS+. At the moment, neither is really grabbing me so I'll probably hold off until a very good offer to be honest.
On Vita the best games are P4 Golden, Uncharted, Marvel vs Capcom, Gravity Rush, LittleBigPlanet and Unit 13. Wipeout is always fun, Mortal Kombat was good as well, although that is pretty much a port of the PS3/360 version
I'm honestly a bit kinda rubbish at it, but yeah, incredible game. I have Mortal Kombat and Tekken 6 too, both are fun(except Tekken's dragon boss cnut thing), but Marvel is a long way beyond them.
I'm awaiting the delivery of Mario & Lugi and Donkey Kong, both should be here next week but meanwhile I've got incredibly sucked in by Fire Emblem, what a game. I'm completely stuck at Chapter 11 where I have to beat Gangrel though, I'll have to grind a little and recruit a few characters from side stories or else it'll be impossible to complete it I think.
The games keep coming for the 3DS, Shin Megami Tensei and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team are averaging 8's from most online game sites. Iv had my 3DS for around 3 weeks now and iv not put it down!
Tensei IV isn't out in Europe for the next 3-4 months at least. :(
I've finally got past Chapter 11, after grinding out and recruiting Anna it wasn't that difficult. It was important to use Chrom and your main character wisely and be patient, taking Gangrel out with the correct character was also very important.
I thought Persona 4 was engaging but Fire Emblem takes it to a whole new level. I literally cannot put my 3DS down, it's the second day in a row where I keep playing well past midnight because I need to finish another chapter. At this rate I'll probably have this game finished by Monday but since the story isn't really the root of fun in this one for me, I'll probably play it over and over again. I never thought I'd be so charmed by this sort of game, I thought it'd be pretty boring from me from screenshots and didn't get the hype until I played it.

3DS is really killing it. There's absolutely no way Sony can keep up with it, Nintendo seem to have put all their eggs in one basket and handheld market really is theirs. After Wii U they'll probably stick to handheld market only because that's where the profit is for them. The amount of 3DS games this year is staggering, I have no idea when I'll be able to complete even half of what I already have. I love my Vita, it's a good system but 3DS is just pure class.