Gaming Nintendo 3DS vs PS Vita thread.

Downloading games from PSN or SEN whatever it's called now should work as it does with the PS3. Download them (on PS3 or PC), stick them on your memory card, delete them off memory card, stick them back on memory card again. They will always be there no matter what on your PSN account to download again.

Quite annoyed at firmware 4.00 :mad:

I have a folder on my PS3, in which I was keeping all my PSN PSP games. I was planning just to move some to the Vita when eventually I got one. But firmware 4.00 has removed this function, along with the function to move PSone games as well. Now you would have to keep the installed game in the PSone folder and a separate install "bubble" which takes up twice the space and clutters up my XMB.

Why did they remove this function? It's annoying!
So have 3ds :)

It's quite nice. It feels better then the dsi. The 3d at times looks nice. Tried the resident evil demo. Controlled well, even with the control stick. So I'm hopefully there will be a major improvement in fps games. I don't see why there shouldn't be. The only major blemish is the battery if you play around with 3d.

I think though overall, the vita and 3ds are an important step forward for handhelds.
So have 3ds :)

It's quite nice. It feels better then the dsi. The 3d at times looks nice. Tried the resident evil demo. Controlled well, even with the control stick. So I'm hopefully there will be a major improvement in fps games. I don't see why there shouldn't be. The only major blemish is the battery if you play around with 3d.

I think though overall, the vita and 3ds are an important step forward for handhelds.

I always turn the 3D slider very slightly down, it helps with the gyroscope aiming in RE, Starfox and Mario Kart.
I always turn the 3D slider very slightly down, it helps with the gyroscope aiming in RE, Starfox and Mario Kart.

yeah still getting used to it - but is a lovely effect when it works. I'm hoping there will be some real innovative uses of the 3d - like that pushmo game, which seems to use it well. This might be of interest to some: 3ds extended battery $22 -
I've just ordered MGS, should be delivered on Friday or Monday.

Unit 13 should have been on shelves today but it's not, hopefully I will be able to buy it by weekend as it looked impressive in the demo.

Kid Icarus out in two weeks as well, so is Silent Hill for PSP. Good times for handhelds. :drool:
For 3DS.

It will be released for Vita as well, the whole HD collection, later this year.

Yeah heard about the HD collection for Vita, didn't realise you were on about 3DS. Fair do!

My Rayman: Origins came today for my Vita. Gunna give it a wee play in a bit!
Rayman is good but for some reason I can't get into it as much as into other games.

FIFA has started to piss me off. It's way too easy on World Class where I get results like Korea 4-0 Spain but too difficult on Legendary where I get Man Utd 0-3 Newcastle.
I've completed Wipeout, nearly completed Uncharted and I already can't look at Rayman. FIFA is basically the only thing that prevents Vita from collecting dust and it's not that absorbing either. Hope Unit 13 will be good or else I will put it on a shelf and not touch it in two or three months, I mean Vita.

3DS for me anyday to be honest.
Why can't you look at Rayman? Was playing it last night and it's fecking brilliant!

Wipeout has always been shit imo, and I've never been a fan of Uncharted. So can see where you're coming from.

I've been playing Escape Plan, Motorstorm RC, FIFA and now Rayman a hell of a lot. Admittedly the only other games that interest me that are out at the moment are Everybodys Gold and Virtua Tennis 4. But in the coming months no doubt a hell of a lot more decent games will be released, such as Killzone, Resistance, LBP, Silent Hill, Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Super Monkey Ball, Oddworld: Munches' Oddysee (!!!).. hell I'm even thinking Lego Batman looks awesome. Good times ahead.

I love it, and would have it any day over a nintendo handheld. Just me though, obviously.
Rayman simply bores me, it has no difficulty whatsoever and is quite linear.

Wipeout is awesome but too short.

Uncharted is awesome and I will complete it 3-4 times.

I want Unit 13 now and Ninja Gaiden when I have more spare money. Resistance is released at the end of May, and LBP comes out at the end of June so still plenty of time - 3DS will get Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Kingdom Hearts and possibly a couple more big titles in that time.
It looks top notch. It gets released in a fortnight, and then a week later we get Heroes or Ruin, don't we? What a year for 3DS!
Yep, Heroes of Ruin is out at the end of March (or the very beginning of April). I don't think there's an exact date yet.

EDIT: Little comparison I just saw

In the US...

Kid Icarus: Uprising scores;

ONM - 91%
Edge - 80%*
Famitsu - 40/40 (10/10/10/10)
Gamereactor - 9/10

"Kid Icarus is back, then, and it turns out we did miss him. With Uprising, those internet petitioners finally have something they can be proud of.

The control scheme initially seems lopsided, but works wonderfully for the flying sections, while any slight clumsiness on foot is countered by a responsive dodge.

A worryingly compulsive weapon-fusing system thrown in, adding a chunk of the Pokemon gene to a game that already feels like a smart splicing of Star Fox and Zelda."
I got MGS yesterday and it's great. I never played it on PS2 so it's a good opportunity to catch up. What bothers me is that there is actually not that much game in it, it's all cut scenes - I've just watched a cut scene that was almost an hour long!

QR code for Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure demo, going to try it now.

EDIT: Just tried it a few times, very fun TBH and I'll probably get it. It's kind of a mixture of Elite Beat Agents, and something else I haven't decided yet :p I recommend trying it.
I got Kid Icarus yesterday but haven't touched it yet, I need to complete MGS and I finally managed to beat Volgin at like 100th attempt so I am close to an end

Heroes of Ruin has been delayed unti June. :(
'Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion' first details;

Power of Illusion is being put together by DreamRift, the studio behind 2011's Monster Tale for the Nintendo DS. The game, which is its own side-scrolling, platforming title (instead of a mere port of The Power of Two), is a follow-up to Epic Mickey, but more interestingly, it's also a follow-up to Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, a 1990 game for the Sega Genesis!

Power of Illusion will make heavy use of the Nintendo 3DS's stylus. By tapping the item icons exist in every level, you'll be able to "paint" (trace) those items into existence, including cliffs, cannons, and floating platforms. The more precisely you trace, the better for Mickey. A flawlessly-painted canon will only damage Mickey's enemies, for instance, but if you mess up the painting, the canon will be a danger to everyone in the area.

Sometimes you'll need to erase objects, which is done by spreading thinner. Again, the stylus comes into play here.

The hand-drawn sprites in Power of Illusion are extremely compelling, and, thanks to scrolling parallax backgrounds (a heavily-used graphic technique in the days of 16-bit gaming), reportedly look great in sterescopic 3D. Even better, every level in the game is based on an animated Disney adventure, from "Sleeping Beauty" to "Tangled" and lots in between.

As a final declaration of oldschool love, every character that Mickey saves in Power of Illusion will take up residence in the fortress that Mickey uses as his home base, a confirmed nod to the esteemed Suikoden RPG series. Sometimes you find references in the unlikeliest of places, but that's part of what makes video games fun. Right?

There's no release date set for Power of Illusion (Fall 2012 is a general target), but expect lots more information on this game as the weeks march on like Mouseketeers.
I have the magazine in hand, the graphics look just like the Castle of illusion graphics!

other details include

-The witch from Snow white is the main villain again
-There will be worlds from all eras of Disney, From Peter Pan to Tangled
-Scrooge Mcduck is in the game
-Characters you 'save' will appear in a fort of sort that acts as a HUB when you progress on, like Scrooge McDuck or Peter pan will be in it and decorate the fort.
-Oswald will be in it along with Minnie

I was optimistic when it was revealed that the Monster Tale and Henry Hatsworth teams were involved but now I'm really looking forward to it :drool:
That really sounds interesting. Unfortunately I'm not sure how well it would sell. Would a Mickey game seek too "uncool" particularly for the 13-18 year old demographic? Maybe anyone older would see a nostalgia value in it though
Well it'll have Nintendo and Disney behind it for marketing, so I can see it doing good if they put some effort into that. Especially if it does come out near Christmas.

Obviously we'll have to wait for more information and screens/videos before we can say anything else but I'm really liking what I've heard so far.
I've been playing Kid Icarus lately and it's really good. There's barely any 3D in it to be honest and it's quite simple, perhaps too simple as all you really do is fly and shoot but after getting annoyed with half of the MGS bosses and Zelda it's quite a nice change to play a game that I can pick up at any given moment and complete a chapter in 20 minutes without putting in too much effort.

It'll be a while before the next big 3DS title gets released and I only have Star Fox to catch up on. :(
I've hardly touched my 3DS as of late. I got the Rayman Origins demo and it's a fantastic game, but I won't be purchasing it because I know I won't put the time in. The games I'm most looking forward to this year are Pokemon Black 2 & White 2. They're out in Japan next month, but I think we'll be looking at an October release or thereabouts.
I played the demo of Rayman, I might end up picking it up in the future, but since I already have the Xbox 360 version I'm in no rush.

Pokemon B/W2 should be good, but I never got very far in the first, I just ended up going back to HeartGold since I hadn't finished that yet. I'll have to go back to it before the new ones come out.

Of the games I can think of I'm looking forward mostly to Power of Illusion, NSMB 2, Luigi's Mansion, Prof Layton and the Mask of Miracle and Paper Mario. Hopefully at E3 we'll get a solid release date for some of those, and some details on Contra. Still have some already released games to pick up though since I've been trying to take it easy with money lately.
I'm definitely looking forward to Paper Mario, but for some reason I've just given up hope of it being released this year. Hopefully it will come this year though, The Thousand Year Door is one of my all-time favourite games and I'm glad to see Paper Mario return to turn-based play.

I never played Luigi's Mansion, but I do want the 3DS version. I'm just not sure if I should hunt down a copy of the Gamecube version to play first, I might not finish it anyway. I only played the first two Layton games... I would have picked up the other two but like a lot of first party Nintendo games they take forever to drop in price. I only played the first two because my ex girlfriend had them, but I did enjoy them.

NSMB2 is an obvious release buy. However, the timing of it makes me think that NSMBMii will not be a Wii U release title.. Since they'd be released two of what are basically the same game within about three months or each other (potentially).
I wouldn't be surprised if NSMBMii has some similar features to the NSMB2 as they will both have two screens available, but I'm sure they'll both be different games, like NSMB Wii was different to the original on DS.

I'd recommend getting Luigi's Mansion on Gamecube if you can find it for a good price. It's a fun game, but it's not too long/hard so you shouldn't have any problems finishing it before the second comes out.

I was thinking that Paper Mario would be out in the Summer, but after a quick look I think that might just be in Japan :( Hoefully we wont have to wait too long after it's released there.

Mirror of Fate features polygon-based graphics, but it plays primarily in 2D and 2.5D, with the occasional shift into a fully 3D environment. Whereas Lords of Shadow had an emphasis on combat and action, Mirror of Fate encourages nonlinear exploration and discovery.
The story for Mirror of Fate picks up 25 years after the end of the events that played out in Lords of Shadow. Dracula is gearing up to give humanity hell, and a young vampire hunter named Trevor Belmont steps up to stop him before things get too hairy.

The name “Trevor Belmont” should ring a very familiar bell for Castlevania fans, but again, Mirror of Fate takes place within Lords of Shadows’ continuity reboot, so this is not the same Trevor you know and (presumably) love. You should still recognize some of the threads connecting the characters, though: the gameplay in Mirror of Fate stretches across time, and players will eventually be able to control Trevor’s descendent, Simon Belmont. Two other unnamed characters are in the game as well. As Mirror of Fate progresses, you’re able to switch between the four characters at predetermined points and work through Dracula’s castle during different time periods. Each warrior boasts different abilities, and even though they’re exploring the same castle, there are marked differences between their experiences. Some paths may be closed off to characters that can’t double-jump, for example.
Even though Mercury Steam primarily wants Mirror of Fate to be about exploration, combat still plays a big role in the game. Simon wields the fabled Vampire Killer whip, while Trevor utilizes the Combat Cross that made its debut in Lords of Shadow. Trevor can attack enemies directly with the X button, or execute a weaker, wide-reaching assault with the Y button, which is ideal when he’s surrounded by enemies. Trevor also has access to defensive blocks and dodges, can use light and shadow magic, and can wield secondary weapons like a glaive and an electric bomb.

Simon Belmont doesn’t have his ancestor’s talent for magic, but he has some familiar secondary weapons at his beck and call, such as throwing axes and burning oil that works well against crowds of baddies. He can also summon mystical guardians to fight for him, or protect him from harm.
I think I'm going to sell my Vita, there's nothing to do with this system. FIFA is cool but that's about it. I have completed Uncharted long time ago and won't have a second go. Wipeout got boring, Mortal Kombat just doesn't excite me and Resistance is supposed to be awful. There'll be LBP sometime next month and that's about it for the Summer. I might wait for it but if it's bad then I'm selling it next month.

3DS is just much better. Next month there'll be Heroes of Ruin which will definitely engage me for a long time, then Kingdom Hearts come out the following month with Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion scheduled later this year. Happy times.
Vita seems to be failing quite badly. I considered one before it was released but thankfully did not get it.

Sony should stay away from the handheld market
Heroes of Ruin has been made available in the eShop and it looks pretty awesome. It's limited to only six plays but is quite extensive for a demo and is really engaging. I've had high hopes for this particular title and it looks like it's going to live up to the expectations.
Sounds good, I'll try it out later :)

The 3DS conference last night was a bit disappointing since there were no new games announced, but the new videos and information of NSMB2, Power of Illusion, Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion were good. Really looking forward to all of them.