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Tom Brady's phone right now

Some very distasteful 'jokes' about this on twatterA bigger punishment than Ray Rice ... hmm
Ahh, don't know how I got that.One from '16 and one from' 17.
Well obviously not, but Brady's actions have actually had an impact on the game.Moral of the story: Allegedly deflating footballs is worse than beating your wife.
Pats fans on Twitter at the moment are remarkably reminiscent of Scousers when Suarez got banned. I've even seen 'Free Brady' t-shirt.
I'm not equating their sins, I'm just saying the fans reactions are funny, nice try though.There is a big difference between defending a player found guilty of racism and a defending a player who "probably" knew about a football being deflated a tiny amount (when other players such as Rodgers are openly boasting about getting overinflated balls past referees)
I don't really get that bit
Free Brady? Looks like he's got four weeks free as is....Pats fans on Twitter at the moment are remarkably reminiscent of Scousers when Suarez got banned. I've even seen 'Free Brady' t-shirt.
I find the Pats subreddit interesting at the moment. Plenty of venting there too but there is also a bunch of rival fans flooding in to share a hatred of Roger Goodell which makes for some interesting reading.
Moral of the story: The NFL punishes things to do with the NFL. The justice system punishes things that are criminal.
Yeah I do not need the NFL being moral arbiters. I much rather them rule on stuff like this that actually effect the game. Let the criminal justice system handle crimes off the field.
It's based off flimsy evidence, that's the annoying part.
Wowza, didnt expect them to lose draft picks for this. Interesting to see if the punishment gets reduced on appeal.
How does this punishment compare to bounty gate?I don't think much can be done regarding the fine and picks as Goodell holds the power regarding that kind of stuff and can just tell the Pats to feck off...however Brady will have a bit more power with the NFLPA and the ability to seek independent arbitration on it. Could be wrong on that one though, I'm not 100% sure. Largest team fine in the history of the NFL as it stands anyway.
How does this punishment compare to bounty gate?
@iSparky Technically by warming the balls, you expend the gas in the balls and therefore you inflate the balls, which is against regulation.
Sorry I should clarify, when I say 'it has the same effect' I meant that it has the basic effect of breaking the rules and tampering with the balls. You are right it expands and inflates, I just meant that it in effect has the same effect of rule breaking.
I totally agree with you, apparently only the Panthers heated the balls.
Now the patriots know just how the Browns feel every year startng without a quarterback