Fo' shizzle
At first I was reluctant but now I have decided NFL Redzone changed my life.
Jveezy, every time they cut to your game it was to show offensive and defensive lineman catching the ball. Was it only twice, Staley and the DT? I’m guessing the DT was lined up as a fullback?
Yeah only twice. And yes Sopoaga was lined up as a fullback and Staley was an eligible tight end (I believe he played TE in high school or something). We got about 17 yards and a first down out of each play.
Both times while watching the plays unfold I could tell the Browns left somebody open and that Smith could see him but I lost my shit the first time when I realized it was Staley and lost my shit the second time when I realized they had the balls to do it again with Sopoaga. I was a little disappointed Sopoaga stepped out of bounds instead of barreling into the nearest defender though.