The lack of respect he seems to have from people in the game is incredible.
I'm sure they respect him as a manager, but just not as a man. Mourinho is a great manager but also a real cnut with no respect for the game or it's officials. they are merely a means by which he can manipulate a siege mentality within the club to serve his own agenda.
He has previous for this type of behaviour. He accused Liverpool and the ref of conspiring against him when Liverpool knocked Chelsea out, Rikjaard and Anders Frisk when Barca knocked him out, and now Barca, UEFA, and Unicef are all to blame for his latest failure. Abramovich was to blame when he refused to stump up even more money, and was impudent enough to demand Mourinho made do with what he had which was 2 teams in effect.
Cloughie was a bighead, but he also had huge respect for the game. Mourinho is only interested in winning and cementing his own reputation. All of his teams have shared one thing in common imo, self belief. He instills that in them, but unfortunately it is belief borne from arrogance and that attitude is very evident in their respective antics under his management. When your manager conducts himself in such a disrespectful fashion, that attitude quickly manifests in that clubs players and some of the fans.
Hitzfeld was correct in his condemnation of Mourinho imo. Never before have i witnessed a club the size of Madrid, play so negatively at home in a game of that magnitude. Considering the size of his squad and the quality of the players at his disposal, is that approach really the best we can expect from someone of his repuation?
Like Barca or not, they have world class players and a coach who uses those players to play fantastic football and still win. Mourinho has world class players too, maybe even more than Barca, yet despite having a £373m squad the best he can manage is to set his team up like Craig Levein. Levein was widely castigated for such a negative attitude, yet for Mourinho such a tactic would be somehow considered a master stroke.
Many have pointed to Madrid getting players sent off against Barca, but essentially when your game plan is to physically overwhelm and unsettle your opponents and to berate referees, it surely should not be that surprising when players are booked or sent off.
His latest outburst is typical Mourinho, another ruse played out in the media to deflect attention from his own failings, by putting an element of doubt about the integrity of officials and opponents alike, before implying some sort of collusion.
Quite pathetic really, if there were such a conspiracy favouring Barca, then why would Bojan's goal last season against Inter be disallowed? Surely that was the perfect opportunity for an official with an agenda to put Mourinho and Inter out, yet Inter went through and Barca were denied by an extremely contentious decision.
For the record i don't want him at OT, not at all. I'd rather see Giggs or Solksjaer given a chance, no we may not win as much, if anything, but at least we would still keep our footballing philosophies and our dignity.