Next Draft - Ideas and Discussions

with total football i think we should focus on ideology rather then the pure formation, like enigma said i would buy different version of formation(but not to different then the original) if everything else is spot on. High line, high press, players capable of playing out of position etc.
You should stop being a dodgy cnut. Sound advice that applies to RFB as well.

It's just because you dont know me at all, automatic assumption is dodgy!

Maybe after seeing some of the mastery i'm going to produce in this draft youll get a better idea
1) Sjor Bepo
2) Tuppet
3) DavidG
4) NoPace?
5) P-Nut0712
For example total football is an ideology rather than a system on its own. Yes, it resembles 4-3-3, but it's very fluid system with interchanging roles.

Indeed and that was the beauty of the system. We've always stressed upon replicating the ideology and the core tenets of the tactical set-up as opposed to just replicating the formation. Needless to say it was basically a 4-3-3, at the starting phase at the very least, but the interchanging and other tactical aspects of the set-up can be expanded upon in the write-up, preferably with gifs/diagrams etc.

It's very difficult to replicate in modern time as you have to have a team of 10 versatile players(like 10 Alaba's and 1 Messi in the false nine)

Yeah, no doubt. Certain set-ups are going to be relatively harder to execute but like I've stated earlier in post 1474,

Certain tactics are easier to execute (4-4-2) but perhaps harder to strike perfection with. So yeah, keep an open mind and also, whilst it might be harder to execute certain tactics, the pay-off would also be significantly higher.

very hard to do so given that most of the 75 and after born will not give you the same versatility as for example players like Neeskens, Zebec, Cruyff, etc.

That is true to a certain extent but once again we aren't asking the likes of Luis Enrique, Hanappi, Wimmer, Zebec etc but rather players who would fit as best as possible within the given framework of the tactical set-up. Can certainly think of quite a few excellent options for the Neeskens role for example. However, we do agree that Cruyff's role could potentially be a problem and are thus the Total Football set-up is currently under review by the Draft Committee.
However, we do agree that Cruyff's role could potentially be a problem and are thus the Total Football set-up is currently under review by the Draft Committee.


Seriously, Total Football is a must for this. The most brilliant thing is history of football, dont take it away from us :(
If nobody wants to replicate, give it to me :D

Seriously, Total Football is a must for this. The most brilliant thing is history of football, dont take it away from us :(
If nobody wants to replicate, give it to me :D

Not so fast. I have two players in mind who it's easy to make a case for playing this role

Edit: The cruyff role
That's a major issue and one which has to be ironed out somewhat more.

However, each manager will be given a blueprint of one kind or another - so it will be more definite/specific than simply "total football".
Indeed, for some of the system you really have to be precise, but also have a room for creativity. Especially some of older tactics on the list.
All the tactics/teams we choose will be unique in a way and interesting to replicate. And yes, if you draw a total football team, you need to find versatile players to pull it off. But there are more than enough in the playerpool. Cruyff is a bit of a problem, but finding similar players to Neeskens or Zebec isn't a big problem (in terms of style, of course in terms of quality they're rare but that's not the main focus of this draft). I could think of various players from the playerpool who could play Neeskens' role in a total football theme. Again not as well as Neeskens did, but none of the teams will be as great as the original sides we're trying to rebuild anyway.

Yeah you can replicate some of the positions(although with Krol, Neeskens, Cruyff) IMO you'll have an issue to bring it even close to quality, especially if you remove the conductor in that team in Cruyff. All that can probably have the same impact will be either blocked(Messi) or outside age range.

The other issue will be determining a winner in the ties. In other words will it be depending on how the players fit in the roles or the matchup. From what I've read so far is the players that are picked to play in the same roles/style as the designated formation. However that this mean that when we have a manager that has a better fit for his system, but inferior players, he should win the game, compared to a manager that drafted a better team/squad but having 1-2 players not exactly the best fit in the formation he has put? For me that are the two gray areas which has to be ironed out.
No thanks, not after the shambles of a draft the last one was. I know the voters were voting against Aldo and not me but still. #inaldoshonor
I received an alert some time ago that Muffled Funk started following me, it felt like a warning
@Joga Bonito put me in the reserves. Not a fan of modern draft but I quite like the idea (and the voting system). If there would be more motivated managers I'd be happy to give my place up
The other issue will be determining a winner in the ties. In other words will it be depending on how the players fit in the roles or the matchup. From what I've read so far is the players that are picked to play in the same roles/style as the designated formation. However that this mean that when we have a manager that has a better fit for his system, but inferior players, he should win the game, compared to a manager that drafted a better team/squad but having 1-2 players not exactly the best fit in the formation he has put? For me that are the two gray areas which has to be ironed out.
Yeah, you're 100% correct on that one. The vote will definitely be about who did a better job creating a side similar to the tactics/team he was given. It can't be just a normal 'who'd win if they faced each other' match, because the old formations would be at a significant disadvantage. I personally hope that the question of individual quality won't be too big a problem, because you still need to draft players of a high level to convince the voters they could actually play the role given to them. I'd welcome a few lesser known modern players or at least lesser rated modern players who fit the tactical roles perfectly though.
Indeed and that was the beauty of the system. We've always stressed upon replicating the ideology and the core tenets of the tactical set-up as opposed to just replicating the formation. Needless to say it was basically a 4-3-3, at the starting phase at the very least, but the interchanging and other tactical aspects of the set-up can be expanded upon in the write-up, preferably with gifs/diagrams etc.

Yeah, no doubt. Certain set-ups are going to be relatively harder to execute but like I've stated earlier in post 1474,

That is true to a certain extent but once again we aren't asking the likes of Luis Enrique, Hanappi, Wimmer, Zebec etc but rather players who would fit as best as possible within the given framework of the tactical set-up. Can certainly think of quite a few excellent options for the Neeskens role for example. However, we do agree that Cruyff's role could potentially be a problem and are thus the Total Football set-up is currently under review by the Draft Committee.

For some of the system you'd need a more complex blueprint is what I'm thinking.

As for replicating the roles - yes you can have options for Neeskens and Van Hanegem, but for Cruyff and Krol I think would be a big issue.

Same goes for Mighty Magyars and the Austrian Wunderteam, you can create instructions but keeping certain roles and allowing more fluidity to the actual system would be better IMO.
I received an alert some time ago that Muffled Funk started following me, it felt like a warning


1) Sjor Bepo
2) Tuppet
3) DavidG
4) NoPace?
5) P-Nut0712
6) harms (pending confirmation)
7) MJJ (pending confirmation)
I think that the question of individual quality should only come up when both managers did "the same" job at recreating teams
Love it! There are few things i'm better at in my life than justifying why my players are better than someone elses players
Not down to the players quality now though. I always use strange formations in drafts hopefully it should lend itself well to this game

I haven't relaly voiced it on here too much and probably wont much beyond this, but ever since Rooneys debut against fenerbahce ive felt hes overrated and is one of my least favourite players we've ever had. You wont catch me saying anything good about him let alone shove him in my draft team. I'd rather pick john terry to play the cruyff role.

p.s. the overhead kick v man city was a fluke, it came off his shin.

p.p.s. the players I actually have in mind aren't all that well known outwith the players who take part in these drafts
The first one is obvious. I think if we also count Magyars and Wunderteam he will be crucial first pick which will limit the other two teams massively.
But I also have a few substitutions for this positions that would fit into the false-9 role better than Rooney, imo.
Yeah, you're 100% correct on that one. The vote will definitely be about who did a better job creating a side similar to the tactics/team he was given. It can't be just a normal 'who'd win if they faced each other' match, because the old formations would be at a significant disadvantage. I personally hope that the question of individual quality won't be too big a problem, because you still need to draft players of a high level to convince the voters they could actually play the role given to them. I'd welcome a few lesser known modern players or at least lesser rated modern players who fit the tactical roles perfectly though.

On that note I agree with the DOB cut out, otherwise we have less known players who were greats at the time but not much information. For example you can easily draft both Andrade's and fit them in 2-3 positions and make a claim to work well. I'm not sure the voters will have enough evidence that they won't work well there as there is no footage and we would rely heavily on different opinions on older journos for their qualities and whether(or not they will fit).

With this format tho it begs the questions if there is a need for matchups in the h2h format as certain formations will have IMO advantage over others. If both managers did their job well then the edge should be for the one whose formation is better fit in the match up I suppose?

For example you have total football vs Catenaccio. The latter relies too much on matchups over the pitch(marking your man), in similar quality teams I'd always favor the former one being the better fit.
Would like to work with someone in team.
With this format tho it begs the questions if there is a need for matchups in the h2h format as certain formations will have IMO advantage over others. If both managers did their job well then the edge should be for the one whose formation is better fit in the match up I suppose?
Well, we still need to pick a winner, don't we? The alternative would be that every manager presents his team and we vote for who did the best job out of all of them. But that would be a bit boring and we'd miss out on a lot of interesting discussion. The h2h format wouldn't be a fantasy match between the two teams in this draft, but simply a comparison between the job the two managers did recreating the side they were given. We vote for the one who did a better job and he gets a chance to further improve his side and present it again in the next round.

Hope that makes sense?
well then the edge should be for the one whose formation is better fit in the match up I suppose?
Nah, it should be the quality of the players as managers have no control over the tactical set-up
Well, we still need to pick a winner, don't we? The alternative would be that every manager presents his team and we vote for who did the best job out of all of them. But that would be a bit boring and we'd miss out on a lot of interesting discussion. The h2h format wouldn't be a fantasy match between the two teams in this draft, but simply a comparison between the job the two managers did recreating the side they were given. We vote for the one who did a better job and he gets a chance to further improve his side and present it again in the next round.

Hope that makes sense?
Yeah I was thinking of something along the lines - after the drafting we vote for how everyone has done with compiling his team. Like rating the managers from 1 to 16, but generally would mean no reinforcements and shorter draft.
Nah, it should be the quality of the players as managers have no control over the tactical set-up
Yeah but you'll still have one being outnumbered on the flank or having the 2 vs 3 in midfield never ending debate :)
Yeah I was thinking of something along the lines - after the drafting we vote for how everyone has done with compiling his team. Like rating the managers from 1 to 16, but generally would mean no reinforcements and shorter draft.
We could still do that if the h2h matches don't work. Or make two groups of 8, vote the top 2 in both groups and make a group of the final 4 where everyone gets 2 more picks to improve the teams before we vote who wins out of those 4. But I'd try the h2h matches first, plenty of interesting discussion to be had about all the teams.
We could still do that if the h2h matches don't work. Or make two groups of 8, vote the top 2 in both groups and make a group of the final 4 where everyone gets 2 more picks to improve the teams before we vote who wins out of those 4. But I'd try the h2h matches first, plenty of interesting discussion to be had about all the teams.
I agree. It'll be interesting one. Pity there's no room for the 70's Gladbach side. It was one of the sides I would love to see the first time Chester mentioned this type of draft.
Sign Up List for the Remake Draft

1) Sjor Bepo
2) Tuppet
3) DavidG
4) NoPace?
5) P-Nut0712
6) harms (pending confirmation)
7) MJJ (pending confirmation)
8) Brwned
I can be on a team with someone if they do all the research, write-ups and debating. I'll pick the team. No prob.
Sign Up List for the Remake Draft - TO BE UPDATED

1) Sjor Bepo
2) Tuppet
3) DavidG
4) NoPace?
5) P-Nut0712
6) harms (pending confirmation)
7) MJJ (pending confirmation)
8) Brwned
9) Downcast
Re: Deciding winners/the voting

The spirit of this draft is all about showcasing some great/significant/classic formations, and getting a better understanding of them through attempting to fill old (in some cases ancient) roles with modern players – so that should be the main focus.

Much of the usual point scoring/bickering/focus on individuals and “battles” simply won't be possible to engage in here – which I personally think is very refreshing.

I think the best way to look at this concept, for the managers, is that it's a bit of an experiment – a different twist: Take it as such and let the “who wins” part be a secondary concern.

As for the voters, they'll be instructed to consider which team is the best re-creation, and not which team would win a fantasy match - but whether they actually honour this premise or not is entirely up to them (as per usual).
Oh and btw, Balu, me, Chesterlestreet, Annahnomoss and Gio make up the draft committee for this one.
Re: Deciding winners/the voting

The spirit of this draft is all about showcasing some great/significant/classic formations, and getting a better understanding of them through attempting to fill old (in some cases ancient) roles with modern players – so that should be the main focus.

Much of the usual point scoring/bickering/focus on individuals and “battles” simply won't be possible to engage in here – which I personally think is very refreshing.

I think the best way to look at this concept, for the managers, is that it's a bit of an experiment – a different twist: Take it as such and let the “who wins” part be a secondary concern.

As for the voters, they'll be instructed to consider which team is the best re-creation, and not which team would win a fantasy match - but whether they actually honour this premise or not is entirely up to them (as per usual).

Sounds very good as premise. I like that.