Russell Westbrook gets too much flack.
Playoff defenses do not want Durant shooting the ball, period. I've seen 5 years of KD being hounded by the likes of Kawhi Leonard and Tony Allen (the latter in 3 series alone). The iso heavy tendency of their offense means that if KD isn't open, Russ is forced to either over-facilitate (which is useless if Kanter, Morrow et al can't get open/make shots), or try and make things happen on his own. When the defense collapses on Russ every time he drives to the basket, the only option left is for him to shoot the ball and force the issue. Trying to over facilitate is just begging for turnovers into the hands of Green and Leonard.
The difference in this game is that Faye and Morrow started making shots, keeping the Spurs defense honest, and allowing space for Russell to drive, removing the need to jack up from three. And more importantly, KD just went off in the fourth, despite being covered excellently by Kawhi. He's that kind of player where you can do everything right against him and he still makes the shot.